View Full Version : Canon S100 P&S

01-11-2011, 4:46pm
I want to get this new pocket camera before I go O/S at the end of the month.
Will members let me know when it hits the shops, please.
Hasn't found its way to Perth yet.

01-11-2011, 5:04pm
Before we answer this one, how about going back to some of your past threads and at least saying thanks to those that gave you answers:


Seems you only ever post when YOU want something, and its all about us giving you the answers, but you never give anything back

01-11-2011, 5:59pm
I'm obviously ignorant of the protocol.
A bit blunt - but point taken.
I do appreciate the feedback I get from members, & the info on the site in general [otherwise I wouldn't still be following the site].
I will do the right thing & show that appreciation in future.

01-11-2011, 6:12pm
Protocol here is no different in the real world is it ? Ask a question, thank people for their answers ?

01-11-2011, 6:56pm
The S100 is slated for release in Australia 'In November', so unless anything has happened to defer that, it should be available shorty.

A quick shopbot search : www.shopbot.com.au shows that some stores possibly have it already.

10-11-2011, 10:39pm
Thanks for the link Ricktas.
Although 1 shop has it on their website, they haven't received stock yet.
I spoke with Canon - unlikely to be seen in Aust. until the new year.