View Full Version : Google+

Greg Johnston
27-10-2011, 8:55pm
I'm new to photography and ways to store/display photos on the web. I came across Google+ the other day and am wondering if others members use it and what they think of it. Thanks.

27-10-2011, 9:10pm
Google + is basically googles answer to facebook

For storing/displaying photos, have a look at photobucket and/or flickr. Both of these also integrate well with AP, in that you can easily link the photos displayed there, directly into AP threads: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:How_Do_I

Having said that, I like Google+ cause at this stage it isn't filled with the games and apps that facebook has, and not having all that makes it cleaner, with less distractions. However in future, I guess google will use it as a marketing tool, like FB does and we will be bombarded.

27-10-2011, 9:11pm
I do use google+, but I don't think it's really designed to store photos, display via the circles there but not sure you can link URL to here for example

Picassa night be a better bet

Store photos on hard drives, just make sure you always have at least two copies and preferably one offsite

27-10-2011, 11:15pm
Google + is awesome for interacting with many big name photographers and sometimes even talk to them live in hangouts. They do have a good system of sharing images but not so much for storing.

28-10-2011, 7:54am
I tried Google+, but because I was so used to the way Facebook works it confused me. I spend enough time on Facebook, also having Google+ is going to leech the remaining time lol!

28-10-2011, 10:03am
Google + is awesome for interacting with many big name photographers and sometimes even talk to them live in hangouts. They do have a good system of sharing images but not so much for storing.

this is a plus, however I am finding it merely a avenue for some photographers to self promote rather than interact, there is also the whole 'add me to your circle' to enter this competition etc, which is mildly annoying.

Old Skool
16-08-2013, 10:12pm
I looked at Google+ a few years ago but couldn't get my head around it compared with Facebook. But I have just started using it now and reckon its great for viewing & posting photos. Search Communities (a bit like Forums) for your interests, ie camera makes, travel, motorsport, your city, photowalks etc and follow and post pics in there. You get great instant feedback and can follow some wonderful photographers. Photos view way better on Google+ than with Facebook IMO.

16-08-2013, 10:22pm
I am using Google+ and have no problem linking to photos from AP posts. Storing photo's is not its primary function but it serves its purpose for now.

I never got into FB and from what I have seen I really don't like it. Google+ is easier to separate groups of friends into circles and manage who you share stuff with, not that I use that side of it a lot.

20-08-2013, 1:32pm
I have tried most at some point, including FB, Google+, Flickr, 500px, photobucket

I'm most comfortable with FB and flickr, rarely use Google+ or 500px although they probably have the best quality or image display (I prefer the interaction on Flickr and FB)

Oh, and I only use for sharing images, not storage (I only upload low res).
For storage I use external Hard drives and Crashplan for cloud storage