View Full Version : D800 possibly delayed

23-10-2011, 9:06pm

I really feel for you guys. :/

23-10-2011, 9:15pm
I really feel for you guys. :/


For the Thai's??

I can't really remember there being a very large Thai community on AP .. but, whatever.

My heart goes out to them too, as well as the Japanese, the Queenslanders and the Northern Victorians earlier this year ..
Oh! and everyone else affected by natural disasters all 'round the globe.

23-10-2011, 9:56pm
I have some gear from Thailand, supposedly big manufacturing place, cheap I guess....?

31-10-2011, 12:15am
Sad news for Nikon fans.


31-10-2011, 12:47am
the only thing sad about it is the lives that have been shattered by the floods.

as for Nikon..its done the users a favour..in that we get to keep hold of our outdated {in our mind} cameras a bit longer .. will a 2 stop advantage make me take better pictures..or a better DR..for me I doubt it very much

the only thing for me that its holding up is the purchase of a moderately priced D700 on the used up-graders market :)

31-10-2011, 9:22am
Sad news for Nikon fans.


I think that the sadness for Nikon fans pales into insignificance compared to the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in the country affected.

I'm one of those persons eagerly waiting for the D700 replacement, as I eagerly want a D700 with video capability too, but as someone that is so far removed from this disaster, but in a way still directly affected by the delay itself, my thoughts are far from the delay of a stupid camera!!

A million people are now homeless displaced, have lost loved ones, lively hood and belongings and you're worried about the delay of a camera!! :confused013

Are you really serious?

Most of us Nikon folks seem to have more patience, and while there are the odd man or two out there saddened by the delay, I'm sure that I can reply on behalf of the majority and announce that this is not sad news, and never really is.

You see we simply wait for whatever is coming, and then usually go about our business and ignore it for a generation or two, because Nikon (in general) usually get it right and don't need to offer a new camera every month or two so as to make up for the deficiencies in the previously released models.
They barely make available firmware updates for their camera models, let alone introduce new models just because another manufacturer did.
That the D700 is now three years old is more of a tribute to how good the camera still is compared to some of it's opposition.
My only reservation is that it has no video, and where many people scoff at video in a still camera, I welcome it, and have been looking forward to it for a while now.
It's not an imperative feature tho, as it is simply for my amateur use, and those (Nikon)pros that require video capability have other camera options available to them anyhow.
But my hunch is that the new D700 replacement will be very similar to the current D700 with a few new features and capabilities and one of them is video(which I want).. and then I'm done!

I'm not a compulsive updater, and on the whole, I reckon that most Nikon users aren't. We want specific features or abilities and once we got them, we're happy with that .. and that's that.

Other brand loyal photographers may eagerly await their manufacturer's new offerings because they themselves may want the latest and greatest and must have this latest and greatest at the earliest possible time frame, and hence this may be the reasoning behind the "Sad new.." comment .. but it really has to be put into perspective.

A great many people are tragically affected by this natural disaster and you're worrying about a slight delay in a non essential consumer item!

FWIW, the Sony sensor manufacturing factory has also been affected by the floods, is under water up to it's first floor.
As Sony makes sensors for many other manufacturers(Nikon included), this 'delay' may not only affect the D700 replacement, but the production of many brands of cameras.