View Full Version : Business acumen

Tony B
22-10-2011, 6:09pm
Call me old fashioned or whatever you may but I cannot believe the number of wannabes setting up a business without doing basic market research such as pricing structures. If you don't know what to charge see someone with the professional qualifications to advise you or do your OWN research. In all my years as a photographer, accountant, printing company director, tennis coach to name but a few of my ventures I have never had to publicly ask what to charge. These are business basics & if you do not have any idea what this entails find another vocation. Sorry to sound so harsh but I expect payment for my professional advice just as many photographers will not give away their work.

22-10-2011, 6:25pm
I agree 100% Tony. I would have thought it was just common sense...but that's just me.

22-10-2011, 6:39pm
Call me old fashioned or whatever you may but I cannot believe the number of wannabes setting up a business without doing basic market research such as pricing structures. If you don't know what to charge see someone with the professional qualifications to advise you or do your OWN research. In all my years as a photographer, accountant, printing company director, tennis coach to name but a few of my ventures I have never had to publicly ask what to charge. These are business basics & if you do not have any idea what this entails find another vocation. Sorry to sound so harsh but I expect payment for my professional advice just as many photographers will not give away their work.

Oh thank you - thank you for some sensible advice. I couldnt agree with you more.

22-10-2011, 6:49pm
Photography in particular is an industry that I think many perceive is an easy way to make money in the digital age and with cost of entry being low for basic gear that many think will do the job they want, with skills aside.

What annoys me as much as these basic questions, is that it has been done to death here, and people are too lazy to search and read the advice (often very good advice I will add) before asking the time old questions again.
Perhaps make a sticky and link a few of these types of discussions and place it in the New to photography section??

22-10-2011, 6:59pm
Again Agree completely.

What gets my goat regarding business acumen, is when there is a huge response to a question where someone is seeking advice and the majority of responses (which one assume is advice), are based on zero knowledge, wishful thinking, total lack of experience, etc; and its exactly this type of internet behaviour that encourages delusional business approaches that the photography profession now suffers more than anything else I can think of.

22-10-2011, 7:54pm
I don't believe this is purely a photography isolated issue. To many people, in general, go into business with nothing more than a hobby and interest in a particular field/endeavour and have no business skills what so ever. Which is why we see small business go out of business so often.

I believe in Australia, that starting and registering a business is to easy. We probably need a series of workshops/courses that people have to attend, on business, marketing, taxation, financial reporting, staff, insurance, etc and once they have completed these courses then they can go with certificate in hand and apply to register a business.

In Germany for instance, to start a food business, you have to undertake a 6 week, full-time course ,and get certified before you can trade in food services. No setting up a corner fish n chip shop, without the 6 week course completed. Wonder how many would baulk at this kind of requisite, here in Australia?

Whilst I sympathise with the intention of the thread starter, I think AP members do a fairly good job of making sure someone who joins up and posts "I am going to start a wedding photography business" is left with a lot to think about after reading the replies in their thread. If we (as a group) can ensure that we make these people consider more than just 'have camera, can be a pro', then we have succeeded.

I have yet to see someone reply to one of these threads with $800.00 for a wedding/$250.00 for a portrait session etc. All the threads I have seen have given good advice back to the member. Sadly, the result is that often the member goes away, never to return, cause rather than accept the advice given, they move on, looking for somewhere that will give them what they want and tell them how they are going to make lots of money etc.

I don't believe AP or any site can tell someone what to charge, without being given a full business plan, to work with first. All we can do is continue to provide valuable information and hope that at least some of these members take it on board, sit down and create a sound business plan, and that they do succeed.