View Full Version : Safe Work Week - 23rd to 29th October 2011 -- Safe Photography

22-10-2011, 1:32pm

This next week being Safe Work week it is a good time to think about safety when you are out taking photos...

Here are some things to think about...

Watch out when stepping backwards - look first
Be careful with electrical pwoer and lighting
When out on remote location make sure someone knows where you are and when you are due back
Take care on cliffs etc. when shooting landscapes etc.
Watchout when walking on wet / mossy rocks

What other safety tips can you contribute?


23-10-2011, 6:12am
Good reminder Kym.


23-10-2011, 8:01am
When out birding keep one eye on the ground for snakes and tripping hazards.

23-10-2011, 8:26am
Dawn seascape photography is one of my main photographic interests, so here is a heavily condensed version of my safety tips from my article on Tips for Safe Seascape Photography (http://xenedis.wordpress.com/2010/06/20/tips-for-safe-seascape-photography/):

Tell someone where you're going.
Make sure your mobile phone has sufficient charge.
Never under-estimate the power of the ocean.
Watch your step.
Be visible, and be able to see in the dark.
Protect your gear.
Go with someone.
Dress for the occasion.

24-10-2011, 10:13am
Don't walk around while looking through the viewfinder.
Almost as bad as texting while walking.

Make sure things like your phone etc are well secured and not likely to fall off when going over rocks and other terrain.

24-10-2011, 7:34pm
Its getting onto summer......wear long sleeved shirts, pants and good boots....and a decent hat......not a baseball cap, that doesn't protect your ears :( Sunblock every 2 hours or so ( more often if you get wet/ sweaty) PLEASE put sunblock on your ears.........this is what can happen.......not fun let me assure you! I am waiting on the surgeon and the dermatologist :(Bahaha it is also a phone photo! Taken by the old boy!
And that is my driving ear.....it will match my driving shoulder that has a scar..........so wear your hat in the car as well :)


26-10-2011, 3:49pm
Sandbags, Sandbags and more sandbags!

No matter how stable your light stand and how much wind there is, always drop a sandbag or two on every stand to make sure its secure. This is a huge health and safety issue on film sets.