View Full Version : Canon 7D LCD display problem - or is it me?

20-10-2011, 8:09pm
I am having a problem with the LCD screen on my 7D displaying the number of shots remaining.
When the camera is on any of the JPEG Quality settings, the amount of shots stays at 999 regardless of how many photos I take.
It is only when I incorporate one of the RAW quality settings in conjunction with JPEG that the number of shots remaining alters & continues to change as I take photos.
Have I missed something in my set up that is preventing the correct number of JPEG's to be displayed?



20-10-2011, 10:11pm
999 just means that you have at the bare minimum space for 999 shots. It could be 2000 photos but it'll only display 999.

Art Vandelay
20-10-2011, 10:29pm
Keefy is correct. It's only a 3 digit display. Raws from the 7D are about 23mb, Jpegs are probably 5 to 8 ish ? for example if you have a 16gb card on raw it will show about 520 or so images remaining. On jpeg it would be well over 2000. So unless you're taking over 1000 per use you wouldn't see the counter drop under the 999.

GTP 290
21-10-2011, 1:24pm
go to a sporting event and snap off around 1200-1300 pics and you will see that number come down. I'll assume you have an 8gb card? if so, on my 50D it can hold around 1700-2000 jpegs so unless you keep alot of shots on the card without erasing them you will always see 999.

pretty much as posted above.

21-10-2011, 6:19pm
Thank you all - I did not realise this. Great news to know I have at least 999 high quality JPEG's available.

24-10-2011, 10:47am
Put a small card in the camera eg 2GB and you will see less than 999 jpegs remaining.