View Full Version : PS3 Stitching and saving queary ?

18-10-2011, 5:46pm
Howdy !

Being basically self taught with PS and not knowing much, I have come accross an issue that often comes up when trying to save Panoramics after stitching them with the automate feature , , I open two or more JPG images - let PS put them together ect and it produces a PSD file - Then when I want to Save as a JPG again, I am finding that with the larger files eg, above 15MB and around 20 - 30 or more thousand pixels, on the long side, it throws up a window saying it can Not save the file as there is insufficient RAM ? My Acer desk top has 1 Terabyte of space which is only 1/6 full, running with Vista and has 4Gig of DDR3 Ram = 2Gig on the motherboard ? ? not sure if that helps ?

Is this normal, Am I doing something wrong or maybe there is an adjustment in PS where I need to let it access more Ram ? I truly dont know, some of you may be laughing , and thats coool, , a laugh you get is one you dont catch up on, eh !

Any insight is much appreciated

18-10-2011, 6:31pm
The issue is RAM = Ie your 4GB of RAM, not your hard disk space. Very large pano's take up a LOT of memory. My guess is it is way to big for your PC to deal with. Photoshop is a memory hog and as the versions evolved it became more so.

I have worked with a Pano that was 6GB in size, according to PS. Yet when saved only took up 45MB of HDD space.

18-10-2011, 7:41pm
Oh Ok Thanks Rick, , Would you assume that another 4Gig of Ram would completely solve the issue, I'm finding that if I reduce, say a 30 thou pixle long stitch to 15 tho pixle it will save it, any bigger than it wont, so I'm guessing/wondering if Doubling the Ram will be enough to work/process an image two times the length of what it can do with only 4 gig ? ? if you know what I mean, , Twice the Ram, but an image twice the pixles on the long side is 4 x the area ?

18-10-2011, 8:16pm
Doubling the RAM would assist, BUT what version of Vista - 64 bit? cause if not a 64 bit system, my understanding is that the OS cannot make use of RAM above 4gb anyway.

18-10-2011, 8:18pm
32 bit windows can only see and utilise up to 3 gig of RAM

18-10-2011, 8:31pm
Thanks Again, It is 32bit ! mmm ! I appreciated your information on this , , Not an easy fix by the sounds unless do an upgrade but that wouldnt be for a few yrs ? I;ll have to live with it I Guess ? I do Appreciate greatly Ricktas as now I know and understand further the issue and may need to look into some more further down the track ?


Edit : Thanks also for the confirmation Mark Chap :th3:

18-10-2011, 8:46pm
I wonder if the 32 bit system would be able to manage the same task But instead of stitching JPGs, because it is compressed data , , What would happen if I stitched, say Tiff files after converting them from Raws ? ? I know the files would be larger, But maybe tiffs are easier for the PS to process, considering it is Not compressed ? ?
Any further help is most appreciated !

19-10-2011, 8:48am
The issue is RAM = Ie your 4GB of RAM, not your hard disk space. Very large pano's take up a LOT of memory. My guess is it is way to big for your PC to deal with. Photoshop is a memory hog and as the versions evolved it became more so.

I have worked with a Pano that was 6GB in size, according to PS. Yet when saved only took up 45MB of HDD space.

6Gb's wooh, I'm getting images of you in a light aircraft hanging out the window firing 'continious' down the coast line for a hundred Klms, Lol

Anyway, at a meeting of soughts, where some basics of PS was being discussed, I asked this same question to the speaker, unfortunately, he didnt take my question seriousely and just laughed and said that using JPGs was my 1st mistake, looking at the audiance with a big Grin on his face ? ? So feeling a little beside myself, resisting a Not so kind response, I knew he must have a point of some sought, but I just left it at that ! Hence why I'm suggested that using Jpgs may be causing some diss-advantage ? Still not sure ?

Thank again !
