View Full Version : What type of photography are you into and why?

17-10-2011, 12:18pm
Hi Guys

Not sure if something like this has been covered or not.

Just wondering what type of photography you are into and why?

I myself mainly do the Landscape and Outdoor scenary shots as I enjoy the outdoors.

I was going to do a poll but thought there was to many types to mention and I may have missed something.


17-10-2011, 3:35pm
I'm into what ever is going.
Macro, flowers, pets, product shots, cars - you name it, and I've photographed it, and enjoyed doing it.

I think that photography is such a wide-ranging hobby so why just limit yourself to one or 2 types.

Just do them all!

17-10-2011, 3:40pm
Have to agree, Reckon I've dabbled in just about everything except Studio work , Because I dont have a studio :D

17-10-2011, 4:02pm
Predominantly landscape/architectural work. Just because I love going out and seeing new places. Soon I think I'll be getting more into cars and the like, but we'll see what happens!

18-10-2011, 8:20pm
Landscape / Macro : because I work such a busy 9-5, dealing with people in varying moods and from various backgrounds, I like the landscape to escape to. It is my zen. When it's myself and my camera in the field, we don't have to talk to anyone, we don't have to direect them or take into account their feelings or emotions. Escapism...

20-10-2011, 11:11am
People photography atm. Cos the human element often adds a new dimension to just capturing. I find the interaction sometimes challenging and always interesting.

20-10-2011, 12:45pm
Only new to photography but ATM Birds/Wildlife but trying to get into flowers/plants and macro

20-10-2011, 1:30pm
ROE is through Surf Photography.

Landscape (pre-dominately seascape) is my "artistic" "enjoyment" of photography with no hassles.

21-10-2011, 6:03am
All and sundry really. That's what makes it hard when discussing lens and people reply "what are you using it for?" Specifically 25 years ago, it was family and pets. Now it is horse racing, cars/trucks, landscape, birds, rock formations (developed a real interest for some strange reason) and scenery/weather but lastly and least of all - humans.

21-10-2011, 7:21am
everything. Like getting out of my comfort zone and trying something new. But primarily it would be landscapes, cause I live in the state with the most amazing scenery, and capturing its uniqueness is worth doing. I love exploring and finding locations that are not the touristy haunts of Tasmania.

21-10-2011, 9:12am
Mainly birds, it takes me into the wild but I do not mind a nice landscape when I see one.:)

Mary Anne
21-10-2011, 2:20pm
Macro Insects and all kinds of Critters really including Birds, and then there are the flowers.

21-10-2011, 2:35pm
B-b-b-b-b-birds! And occasionally other wildlife. :th3: