View Full Version : Best flash for someone new!

14-10-2011, 11:10pm
Hi guys, I'm looking for a flash for my 7D. I've always been an outdoors shooter, but i'm wanting to get a flash for the times i'm photographing at night, or just low light situations. I know NOTHING about flash, i've never tried to really learn about it, but i'm about to get into it, and i'm looking for opinions! I've heard good things about the Nissin Di866, that it's very similar to the 580EX II - but would that be too full on for someone new to it all? the 580EXII is too exxy for my price range at this point in time, so if the nissin is too hardcore, would I be best off going for the 430 EX II? Sorry if this has been posted about a million times ;p. TIA!

14-10-2011, 11:35pm
the Yongnuo YN565EX seem well priced, not sure what they're like though

15-10-2011, 12:44am
The nissins are excellent flashes and the 866 can easily replace the 580EXII. IMO there is no such thing as too full on gear for a newbie cause after a while, you'll learn how to use it!

If you wish to get a good breakdown of the flashes availble, http://speedlights.net/ is a good place.

Once you have your flash http://strobist.blogspot.com has lots of tutorials and articles!

15-10-2011, 9:01am
I have a smaller Nissin, and it works very well.
On full auto, it does the job nicely.

I reckon the 866 is the one to get, and in fact, I'm thnking of buying one myself to augment the 2 other flashes I have.

I also have a 580EXII, and it's excellent and does everything well, including wireless, but you're right, it is a bit too expensve in comparison to brands like Nissin etc.
The Nissin also can be used as an optical slave, so that you don't have to worry about wireless etc., it just goes off when it senses another flash go off.

15-10-2011, 10:19am
Thanks Guys! I'm going to get the Nissin, Keefy, I'm immersing myself in strobist.com to get the lowdown on it all :) I prefer to throw myself into the deep end any way and learn as I go, much more fun that way! ;p. Thanks all!

18-10-2011, 2:45pm
love my 430 EX II - the right combination of size, features, and 100% Canon compatibility

18-10-2011, 3:02pm
love my 430 EX II - the right combination of size, features, and 100% Canon compatibility

430 EXII is a great flash as well... untill you do some high ceiling indoor stuff where when you want to bounce off the ceiling, the flash comes a little short due to the lower GN. I've not heard of any compatibility issues with the Nissin when i was considering buying one.

I have both the 430 II and the 580 II and the o/p or GN of the 580 is significantly more imo.

JM Tran
18-10-2011, 3:28pm
For the price of a Canon 430EXII, I'd just spend that on the Nissin 866 and get more features and more power, and faster recycling time!

the Nissin is a better bang for your buck than the Canon 580EXII, that is if you dont need the weather sealing features it has like some people shooting outdoors do.

there is also the Metz 58 (could be a newer model now) flash, priced between the Nissin and Canon. I cannot comment on the new Yongnuo YN565 as I havent owned one yet.