View Full Version : Sydney (Hillsdale) Portrait night Saturday, October 29 - studio and location options in one site.

14-10-2011, 9:57pm
Greetings all

Paul (Raccoon) has set up a fabulous studio :th3: and it is about time we christened it. :beer_mug: As well as a dedicated studio, there are other great spots for portrait shoots including long hallways with lots of doors (looking like a prison corridor), spaces with silvery corrugated iron walls, and industrial looking laneways lined with walls & bright roller doors. From the way I surveyed the venue, we can have 2 studio setups and 2 location setups operating at the same time which gives quite an opportunity for a bit of variety.

The idea for the meet to have an evening shoot, preceded by a sausage sizzle! :party6: There will be a “donation” for this and any profits will be going to charity. Paul has indicated something associated with cancer will be his pick. More details to come.

The date set down for this event is Saturday, 29 October and the do will start around 6pm with shooting to commence around 7pm and probably go to 9:30. Family and friends welcome as we are going to try raise a bit of money for a good cause. :efelant:

The venue is a storage depot in Hillsdale (Eastern Suburbs) and this is a secure site so we won’t have any morons coming up to us and saying something intelligent like “are you a photographer”. :rolleyes:

For subjects, the thinking that if a couple of us can get friends, relatives or complete strangers that would like to be models for the night, we will go with that. I have been trying to get a paid model but as end-of-year exams will follow shortly after that date, it seems unlikely. :confused013 If I do manage to get a model, I will donate any expenses for the model.

If you are one of the people that has indicated to Paul or myself you are coming, please post into here so we can keep track. If this is all news to you and you want to come along, get your name in here too - you will be welcome. :D

Note that if there is overwhelming demand (and there hasn't been for any Sydney meet of late), we may have to limit numbers as there are only so many snags that Paul can cook up. :scrtch:

Hope to see you there.

Cheers, Peter

14-10-2011, 10:00pm
I'm coming! This should be a lot of fun. :D

14-10-2011, 10:03pm
Thanks Nellie, I haven't even got it into the calendar yet. :)

14-10-2011, 10:10pm
If I didn't do it now I may have forgotten to do it at all!

14-10-2011, 10:16pm
i guess i had better be there.
I will post the address closer to the date

17-10-2011, 9:16am
I'm certainly interested in this. It is one of the few dates that have been put forward that I don't have a wedding or family committments. Looking forward to catching up with the real people associated with the avatars.

17-10-2011, 2:12pm
I'm in and Mary will be joining us too.

17-10-2011, 3:03pm
I may have some additional attendees for the night. Will add details closer to the date.

18-10-2011, 6:52am
:sad68: sorry can't make this one either as I'll be away again on business. Enjoy the shoot.

18-10-2011, 4:37pm
I just bought a 16" Beauty Dish to use with my SB800. If you want me to bring it on the day just say so - not sure what equipment you have set up there Paul. :)

18-10-2011, 4:48pm
All equipemt will be welcome narelle.

18-10-2011, 11:16pm
I will have a play with my fog machine on the night. It needs a good christening.

19-10-2011, 4:55am
I forgot about this too!!
Can someone remind me

19-10-2011, 7:03pm
I forgot about this too!!
Can someone remind me

I will see what I can do. I may need a reminder to remind you. ;)

21-10-2011, 5:26pm
Ok Everyone
here is the list so far
Peter +some others
Greg and Mary
Danielle 10
Jo plus 2
Occifer Nick and Natalie
Paul and lyn, i also have about 8 others coming

If i have missed anyone, let me know as i will send a PM soon re details

Have a good weekend all
HOpe fully we have two lovely fitness instructors coming and my daughter and her friend as models (lets see how many we get on the night) peter i believe is still working on some models as well
have a good weekend

21-10-2011, 5:52pm
That's quite a good turn out. I hope that everyone can come along. At the moment, I only have one confirmed guest (non-model). I struck out with the last of my models the other day.

21-10-2011, 6:53pm
Good turn out. Paul, I noticed that Vince (Virgal_tracey) posted that he was very interested. Has he pulled out or did you just not have him on the list?

22-10-2011, 8:25am
I seem to remember that I offered to cook snags. I'll be there

22-10-2011, 8:54am
Sorry Guys and gals Anne M and VInce are included

22-10-2011, 9:06am
Ok people here are the details for Saturday 29th
Time 6.00pm till around 9.00pm
Sausage sizzle is 6-7pm and the photo time 7-9 aprox
Cost of the sausage sizzle/event is $10 for photographers and $5 for partners, to pay for the food and the balance is a donation to camp quality
BYO wine , beer, soft drinks etc
Bring any lighting/studio equipment you have as we will probably split into 2-3 groups
Address is
Storage King Eastgardens
96-98 Denison St
Hillsdale 2036

Park in the car park near the office and walk through the side gate near the drink machine and follow the sausages cooking smell.
At the moment we seem to have enough models (but things change) but dont hesitate to bring anyone who wants to model.. Just let me know if you are bringing anyone so i can cater for them

If you get lost call me on 0418 448 445

:th3: :scrtch:

22-10-2011, 9:28am
Have fun guys - I'll be away on business so won't be able to make it :(

22-10-2011, 11:36am
I still don't know :(

22-10-2011, 11:58pm
I've just finished a week long course and am looking forward to putting into practice what I have learnt. Unless I get another last minute wedding like today.

24-10-2011, 1:29pm
I'll be coming on my own :(
If ya lucky I may even model for you... BAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT!!!!

24-10-2011, 4:31pm
I'll be coming on my own :(
If ya lucky I may even model for you... BAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT!!!!

You could bring one of the pugs. On the other hand I'll model for you if you model for me - lol.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

25-10-2011, 5:58am
Girlfriend and my self would love to come along to this. Will be good to be able to put a few names to faces.

25-10-2011, 6:54pm
You and your girlfriend are more than welcomed fr33lanc3r! Is your girlfriend good looking......maybe we can encourage her to model for us! :D Looking forward to meeting you.

26-10-2011, 8:16am
Is your girlfriend good looking......maybe we can encourage her to model for us!

Shallow some.:D She may be a lovely person (and good looking). We all know some of the best images come from those with "character" in their face. Most people can be encouraged to model with some liquid courage provided. Think about Karaoke and how more people sing as the night goes on.

26-10-2011, 5:57pm
Thanks very much, we might be able to convince her. Lets see on the night. Looking forward to it

28-10-2011, 7:22am
Hi Everyone
see you tomorrow nite
DOnt forget if you want to bring some beer, wine, soft drinks etc you are welcome.
i bought some sparklers from coles so we might try some light painting as well

See everyone then

Paul and Lyn :scrtch:

30-10-2011, 7:38pm
Thank you again Paul and Lyn for a lovely evening last night. It was really fun and there was a great atmosphere. I learned a few things along the way as well. :efelant:


30-10-2011, 8:32pm
Paul and Lynn,
Thank you so much for hosting our portrait shoot last night, I hope you understand just how much Mary and I appreciate your company and how much trouble you went to to make our night enjoyable.

We have had guests at home all day today so I haven't processed my shots yet but I think I got a few keepers.

Danielle, thank you for posing for some shots. I hope I got some that you will like.
Joe, can you please thank Sam for posing for me, I think I got a couple of very nice shots of her and will send you copies as soon as I process them.

Finally, thank you to everyone who attended. I enjoyed chatting with you all and Mary has told our friends what a lovely time she had and how nice and relaxing the evening was. :)

Paul, thanks for that information mate, I will pass it onto Mary.

30-10-2011, 10:22pm
Thanks Paul and Lyn for hosting a great AP meet. I appreciate the effort you guys made in making us feel like we were there for a party - loved the fairy lights and the presentation of that wonderful spread of food.
It was a great venue for photography and certainly one that I would like to revisit in the daytime. Please thank the girls for Paul for offering to model for the night. I'll be posting up some images tomorrow.
Great to catch up with all you guys and I'm looking forward to the next meet. :D

30-10-2011, 11:18pm
Another thanks for Paul and Lyn. It was a great night and Lesley had a great time with then non-photographers.

31-10-2011, 2:20pm
I too would like to express my thanks to Paul and Lynn for their hospitality, organisation of the food and models and generally providing such a great night.

Also more thanks to Paul, Zac and Nellie for providing the lighting setups for the night.

31-10-2011, 4:47pm
I finally got time (golf today) to sit down and process a few shots from our portrait night.

I was very lucky because I had 2 beautiful models whom agreed to pose for me and I believe I have managed to get a couple of keepers.
You can make up your own minds as to whether you agree or not.

My first model was AP's own "Danielle10". I asked her to sit for a lighting test, which she did, and then agreed to continue to pose. I think you will all agree that Danielle is a beautiful subject.

Shot #1 - Danielle in a 3/4 length pose.

Shot #2 - Danielle - what more can I say?

My second lovely model was Sam who is the beautiful daughter of AP member Joe " Silkdiver". Sam is a classic beauty and is a very easy model to direct and photograph. Thank you Sam for being such a lovely model.

Shot #3 - Sam in a 3/4 length pose.

Shot #4 - One of Sam's portrait shots.

During the night i took some candid shots and this shot, I believe, portrays the relaxed atmosphere we enjoyed on the night. This is Peter " PeterB666" enjoying a break. Thank you Peter for assisting Paul "Racoon" in organising the meet-up.

Shot #5 - Peter enjoying a drink.

31-10-2011, 4:57pm
Thanks Greg, you have added 50kg to me in that pose.

31-10-2011, 6:10pm
I hated all my shots at first but grew to like them more after a while.

OK, here is one of Sam...

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6231/6297607095_a1f9b1b688_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/6297607095/)
Sam n50 iso1600-2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/6297607095/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/23034038@N05/), on Flickr

Nikon D90 and Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AF-D

31-10-2011, 6:43pm
i liked the other two you emailed me greg. I showed the girls at work and they said if i was fat id look like the close up one.. LOL

31-10-2011, 7:39pm
Great shots guys!
Greg - I really like the second image of Danielle and the second shot of Sam
Peter - I like the pose and the angle of view.

I have posted my shots in this thread: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?94170-Storage-king-portrait-meet

31-10-2011, 8:06pm
Greg, I really like the second shot of Sam, it is so simple, but really flattering. She is a beautiful girl.

Peter, I also like your one of Sam. It's a great pose and it makes you want to find out what she is looking at.


My images are here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?94176-Hillsdale-Portrait-shoot&p=936597#post936597

31-10-2011, 8:14pm
Peter - I like the pose and the angle of view.

Thanks. It is one of my favourite posed angles as it gives power back to the subject (imho).

Peter, I also like your one of Sam. It's a great pose and it makes you want to find out what she is looking at.

Ta and believe it or not, Sam is looking at Greg around the time of that second shot of his. :lol:

31-10-2011, 9:14pm
I like your shot.
I think we make a good studio shooting team. :th3:

31-10-2011, 9:23pm
Danielle, You don't and never will look fat, you just look yummy. :D I send you all of the shots soon.

Narelle, Thanks for your comments.

Judy, Thanks for your nice comment. I agree Sam is a beautiful girl.

01-11-2011, 2:50pm
Hi Eveyone, "thanks for your thanks"
it was a pleasure to have everyone.
Just for the wrap up.
We took $115 from dontations, i will take $65 for food and donate $50 to camp quality (if everyone is ok with that)
You are always welcome.. Narelle if you want to do a day shoot we will have to arrange a public holiday when we are closed (otherwise the customers will annoy us LOL)

Also a special mention for Judys mexican dip and Narelles Mars bar slice ...yummy both of them..

Paul and Lyn

01-11-2011, 2:59pm
Thanks Greg.

Also, a good result for the little band of attendees to go to Camp Quality.

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01-11-2011, 3:00pm
Extra thanks for Paul and Lyn.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

06-11-2011, 9:22am
Thanks for a great night Paul & Lynn, it was fun as always, great food & great company :th3: (and as usual I am a tad slow in replying.)

It was good to catch up with a few members I haven't seen in a while! Peter & Greg, I love the shots of Sam, she especially likes the photoshop work you did :D

06-11-2011, 7:27pm
Shame I didn't get to photograpgh Sam - would have loved to have worked with her. :(

07-11-2011, 12:16pm
Thanks for a great night Paul & Lynn, it was fun as always, great food & great company :th3: (and as usual I am a tad slow in replying.)

It was good to catch up with a few members I haven't seen in a while! Peter & Greg, I love the shots of Sam, she especially likes the photoshop work you did :D

Oh what about me?? Lol

07-11-2011, 3:35pm
Oh what about me?? Lol

Well you didn't like my photo of you so I used the Photoshop delete option!

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