View Full Version : Cremorne Beach

14-10-2011, 3:26pm
Directions: (from Hobart) Tasman Highway, South Arm Highway, South Arm Road, Cremorne Avenue, Frederick Henry Parade.

Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=cremorne+tasmania&hl=en&ll=-42.95771,147.529435&spn=0.022205,0.038581&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.822589,79.013672&vpsrc=6&hnear=Cremorne+Tasmania,+Australia&t=h&z=15

Access: 100% bitumen, all vehicles. Carparking is available on Frederick Henry Parade. Park the car and walk to the beach using one of the many entry points along the parade.

Distance and time from Hobart: 30km, 30-40mins

Description: A long, sandy beach aligned north/south with a rocky headland at the northern end and a sandy peninsular at the southern end. The northern end is the better end for photos due to the large, jumbled rocks. The swell at Cremorne Beach can be quite heavy, again making for good photos, but also requiring significant care when traversing the rocks, particularly at high tide.

Depending on the tide, the central section of the beach can present some really interesting shots when the receding water carves significant channels through the sand.

The southern end of the beach looks across to Cremorne Point where surfing can be good depending on the swell.

There is also a path from the beach up to the cliff overlooking Cremorne Beach. Some very good shots are possible from here looking south along the beach towards Cremore Point.

The northern half of the beach receives sunrise light all year round (there is tiny sliver of land on the horizon, caused by the Tasman Peninsula in the distance).

Features: Sunrise, cliffs, waves, sand channels.

Web Cam: None

Security: The nearest police are about 20 kms away, and this has been used to advantage by thieves. Owners return to their vehicles to find windows broken and possessions stolen. Do not leave anything in your car if you park at any of the beaches in the South Arm area. This has been an ongoing issue in the area for years.

14-10-2011, 3:30pm
Looking south towards Cremorne Point...


Looking east from the northern headland...


Feel free to add more info or more photos!