View Full Version : Adobe to solve your blurry problems.....

12-10-2011, 8:51am

Adobe - makers of Photoshop - unveiled a prototype 'filter' that calculates the speed at which an inept snapper's hands were wobbling, then digitally 'removes' the shake from a photograph, restoring it to pristine sharpness.

Whilst I can't imagine it will ever replace sharply shot images, this is a little bit scary.

12-10-2011, 9:31am
Amazing stuff :)

I was sceptical of the content aware removal tool but having practised with it a little it is absolutely stunning what can be achieved and I am sure this will be equally as brilliant. Still, I have thousands and thousands of really sharp images that are still crap so the feature is not going to make me a better photographer by making my blurry ones sharp :D

12-10-2011, 10:28am
Ah I saw this! How awesome, I wonder how powerful it is.

As in, if I were to take a slow shutter out the side of a moving vehicle, could it unblur it hehehe


12-10-2011, 7:55pm
I'm not convinced(that the news report are understanding what they were showing as well as reporting.
The image they posted of the flowers don't really add up with what the blur removal tool is 'supposed to do'.
The flowers blur is a lack of focus, either forward or back(or alternatively in this case a dose of gaussian blur) and then there is the sharp 'after' image of the flowers to prove a point.

Handholding induced blur or shake looks completely different. The reconstruction of a movement induced blur could be reconstructed with some clever algorithm, and I thought this was already achieved by another software company anyhow! :confused013 I suppose it can only work up to a degree(of movement) as once there is no detail for it to recontstruct, it's simply guessing at what should be there.

ie. it may as well be a completely different image.

eg. in the flower image(s) the green blur that turns out to be a pod of peas, could just as well be a wedge of lime, a green tea bag, or my current snippet of coz lettuce that I'm having for dinner tonight.

What's scary now tho(if this turns out to be a reality in the immediate future), is that the notion of professional photographers just took another major knocking on the head.

You don't even need to focus frame and hold the camera steady now to capture a photo, and with all the ability currently available in CS already, you don't even need to be at the job to take the photos on the day.
Collect some snaps of the subjects beforehand, and dump them into a SC's addon/plugin/action inventory .. most likely to be called 'wedding action' .... and any bad image of a defocused flower in a pot on a table next to a pea, could be made to look like the next chapter in the couple's 'story book wedding'! :p

13-10-2011, 4:15pm


13-10-2011, 5:44pm
Heres the footage of the demo.



I @ M
18-10-2011, 7:08am
New video released that shows in greater detail how the function works.

Image de blurring. (http://tv.adobe.com/watch/max-2011-sneak-peeks/max-2011-sneak-peek-image-deblurring/)

Looks like black magic to me. :eek:

18-10-2011, 7:25am
Haha, well done Keefy and there lies my thoughts too, there is an element of fiction :-) but will be a seller if it lives to it's claims. But I ask myself, how many images would have saved for and I think hardly any as I shoot mostly landscape.