View Full Version : What a whopper

08-10-2011, 4:01pm
"Being in the wedding videography industry for several years"..........

I noted a new competitor to the arena use this phrase on their website and was stunned. Several years ? I must have missed them ! but a quick check on the names register assured me that they had being trading for 15 months. Now whilst I know they could have been trading under a different name I know that this is not the case. Continuing on they talk themselves up to be one of the best in their field.
Caveat emptor :umm:

So what is the biggest whopper you have seen online in the photographic or video industry?

I @ M
08-10-2011, 4:09pm
Funny you should bring that one up. :D

It was only today that I was looking at a site that stated "only professional photographers with professional gear used" and the statement comes from someone that only ever spends time debating the worth fullness of 10x zoom lenses and upper end consumer bodies whilst at the same time never actually managing to post any worthwhile photos on here or to even have anything vaguely resembling better than mediocre on their own website.

08-10-2011, 4:27pm
Not so much in photography, but I have seen some really interesting resume's over the years. Where people have given themselves promotions from being a member of a team to the team leader etc. The best one would have had to be someone who said they were 'instrumental in effectively working to reduce an overall budget by $1.5 million, thus ensuring the ongoing viability and profitability of the company'. When the company in question had gone out of business, with large debts and the person who had that in their resume was the receptionist. A quick google found all this out, but the person had listed their position as Account and Office Manager, on their resume.

I find it amazing when people feel the need to 'flourish' their resume or experience, cause with the internet it is fairly easy to find out the truth.

Recently, I had to deal with some people who could only operate under registration from a government body. The first 2 people talked a lot, but something did not seem quite right. I asked both about their experience in the position, without getting a straight answer. Third person seemed to know more, but the funny thing was the fourth person. I mentioned to them that they were the fourth person I had been in touch with, and that the other three seemed less skilled. Person number 4 showed me his business card and his registration number. He pointed out that the first 4 digits reflected the date of initial registration, his being 0402 (April 2002). So I get out all the other business cards and the dates were all 2011. Yet none of the previous three people were willing to directly answer my question on experience. Needless to say, I went with person number four. Person 2 and 3 were charging nearly $3000.00 for their services, number 4 charges $800 - $1500 depending on complexity. Ah the joys of having to work out who would make the best contractor.

08-10-2011, 4:39pm
In my field graduates claiming all sorts of software development experience - meh!

This is an all time classic... Judge Joe Brown knows his photography and the so called wedding photographer does not even know what a fast lens is ...


08-10-2011, 5:18pm
yep this is a classic but in this case there is payback :banana:

08-10-2011, 6:21pm
Ouch! Talk about being pwned!
She's very lucky the Judge knew more about photography than the "photographer" that she was suing.

17-10-2011, 2:05pm
Perhaps they were an assistant before starting their own business?

19-10-2011, 4:48pm
"Being in the wedding videography industry"
I think just means having taken videos at weddings other than their own.