View Full Version : 7d problem

08-10-2011, 2:05pm
I'm wondering if anyone has come across this problem,

1. The files seem to be corrupted, I know it's not the card, as all three do this, and it also shows the same thing on the LCD when shooting without a card.
When looking through the view finder everything still seem ok, metering and auto focus works.

2. But when I switch live view on the screen goes black, it doesn't matter what ISO, aperture or shutter speed, it's as if the camera thinks the lens cap is still on.
I've also tried all my lenses and the same thing happens

Luckily it's still under warranty and it'll be going to the hospital on Monday.

This is what's coming out when shooting through the view finder, live view is just black.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6060/6221610977_15b5df1073_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dulvariprestige/6221610977/)
019 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dulvariprestige/6221610977/) by dulvariprestige (http://www.flickr.com/people/dulvariprestige/), on Flickr

08-10-2011, 2:16pm
Your explanation doesn't sound promising that it's a quick DIY fix. If you have tried different memory cards and it's showing up on your camera when you take photos without a card then I'd say that it's a fault in the camera. Have you tried taking the battery out (not the main battery) the little one that keeps time data etc) Just a random thought, likely won't help but it's worth a shot. Have you tried somebody else's memory card? Just thinking on the off chance that all your cards could have been corrupted by interference? Thankfully it's still under warranty, I would send it in if there is no resolve.

08-10-2011, 7:10pm
Sounds like the electronics in there is fried. :( Tough luck mate. At least you still have warranty! :)

08-10-2011, 7:41pm
Not a lot to be found on the net, but the couple I did see had to have the camera repaired.

One positive, because I got the body through flexi-rent, they send me a loan body to use until mine comes back.

09-10-2011, 6:00am
I bet you got that horrible sinking feeling when you saw THAT, Jayde. Glad for your sake it is still under warranty. How long have you had it?

09-10-2011, 9:16am
You could try " clear all camera settings" under menu section if you haven't already.

09-10-2011, 5:04pm
Clearing the settings and removing the full time battery was onw of the first things to try, but no luck

09-10-2011, 8:19pm
Looks like a data transfer issue in the camera and they will likely replace one of the internal boards within or perhaps replace the camera. Either way you will be without if for a few weeks or more.

Fortunately it is under warranty and will be fixed.

09-10-2011, 8:25pm
I'd be happy with a new camera:D

10-10-2011, 3:43pm
Well everything has been sorted, and hopefully I should have a loan body by the weeks end, most probably a 400 or 450d I've been told, I was hoping for a MKIV:lol2:, but hey, at least it's better than no camera, and I can have it for up to 60 days.

The phone call I'd like to get is, sorry but your camera is beyond repair so we're sending you a new one:D

11-10-2011, 6:30am
is this a known problem or a one of thing.

11-10-2011, 9:11pm
is this a known problem or a one of thing.
I could only find a couple of things online about this problem, so hopefully not a big concern for other 7d users.

Ok, off to a good start with the loan body turning up today, 1000d, that even come with a kit lens, so at least I can still get out shooting, plus it'll make me appreciate the 7d when I get it back, this thing is sooo small:D

02-11-2011, 4:47pm
I'd be interested to know the outcome here... Also any advice canon may give you regarding common trends they have found with this camera, in reference to problematic issues to the consumer!! Considering it has been around for a considerable time now, one would think they would have collected some of that data, weather they are willing to share it though is another story....

Good luck!!

02-11-2011, 7:36pm
You've got good timing Daniel, just got home, and sitting on my desk was my camera.
First up, as the camera was out of factory warranty, it was sent to Digital Camera in SA, they've had it for just over 2 weeks and camera has performed perfectly since it arrived there, they did contact me within the first week and asked what problems I was having, as like I said, it was performing perfectly for them, yesterday they called me and said that the camera is still working properly, so they're sending it back to me.
So I'm after all that, there's still no explanation to what was going wrong, but it's working fine now, so fingers crossed.