View Full Version : waterproof camera VS compact Nikon AW100 VS Canon S95

06-10-2011, 8:29pm
Hi everyone,

I am going to New Zealand for a month early next year and will be doing some adventurous activities where my DSLR will not be suitable (i.e Kayaking on Milford Sound etc) but still definitely plan to take DSLR.

So I thought I would like a good quality waterproof camera to use while Kayaking, on the water, and around the farm etc. I don't know that I will necessarily use it underwater, but I more like the idea of it being rugged and can handle being dropped, getting dusty and potentially dropped in water. BUT I still want good quality images (but I expect that they will be no where near my SLR) so for this reason was looking at the Nikon AW100 and Panasonic FT3.

Today I went to Michaels in the city to have a feel of both and ask for opinions, etc. The guy I was talking to suggested that since I don't want to use it underwater and still wanting a decent level of quality, that I shouldn't go down the waterproof route, but suggested Canon S95 or Nikon P300. For image quality and can get a hard casing to protect it.

Am I going to be hugely disappointed with image quality in the waterproof ones??

He is also suggested the Olympus Pen EPL-1 as it is around the same price at the moment, and image quality is going to be even better - he thinks at least on par with my pentax. If this was the case, I would sell my pentax gear as I really don't shoot all that much anymore and if the Olympus is going to produce what the pentax does, then I may as well go with the smaller camera.

Basically, after all that, I think that if the quality of images in the waterproof ones is passable, then I will do that. I am not expecting huge things out of these but do expect that I will be happy with the images.

Would love some peoples thoughts - especially on quality of image in waterproof cameras.
Thanks in advance!!

07-10-2011, 8:09am
Pentax Optio W90??

I think as far as compacts go, they're all basically the same ol same ol

10-10-2011, 8:45am
I have some experience with the waterproof camera's, having used an Olympus Tough waterproof camera on a 3 month Kayak trip down the Murray River in 2008. Some photo's here:

I have recently also bought a new Olympus Tough to replace the old one.
Firstly, the small lens size on all the waterproof cameras won't match a DSLR or quality pocket compact for picture quality, especially in low light. However, they are bombproof, will handle the spray and knocks you might give them on an adventurous outing. I am generally happy with the quality of the waterproof camera's.

I have also kayaked Milford Sound etc, and if you're in a sea kayak and it's calm, you can risk a pocket compact in a waterproof carry case, and just grab it out when you need it. As long as it's not raining/windy/splashy.

A better pocket compact or 4/3rds with waterproof casing will add a fair bit of bulk and cost, but would probably give you better pictures. If you're not diving with it, a waterproof soft case might work. Had no experience with these.

10-10-2011, 12:57pm
I have recently bought Panasonic Lumix FT3, after reading endlessly about waterproof cameras.
I am Polishand found probably the best comprehensive test of wproof cameras on one of Polish sites (its all in Polish, and am not sure if it can be translated, probably yes..).
Here is the link:


They tested Panasonic, Olympus, Pentax Fuji and Sony wproof cameras and after all Panasonic FT3 received the best notes overall.

Here is another link I found (english version this time)


Hopefully it helps
Good Luck

11-10-2011, 7:25pm
Thanks guys for your responses...
CFM thanks for the link to your photos! Looks like a great trip and the olympus did alright!!
I have since played with the Nikon and Panasonic again, and am thinking of going with the Panasonic. There are great reviews everywhere for the panasonic, whereas with the nikon still being so new, no-one can really tell me much about it. The panasonic feels a bit more sturdier, and from just taking photos in JB the panasonic definitely seemed sharper than the nikon, the nikon seemed soft. (this is just zooming in camera though..)

11-10-2011, 7:40pm
I have one of the panasonics, an older ver but did quite well
I agree with arthurking83, it's a compact, don't expect great photos in any trying situation regardless how much you spend.
but I do remember that any compact with a superzoom (>7x optical) was quite poor vs others.