View Full Version : Visiting Hobart 25 Oct - 7 Nov

06-10-2011, 3:07pm
I am coming down to house/fish/Mum sit on the above dates so my sister & BIL can have a break – they are taking a driving holiday in Vic/ACT. Hopefully I can get together with some of you for some photography.

06-10-2011, 8:00pm
Hello Odille Where are you going down to? You may have said on the Photo Walk but I can't remember :)

07-10-2011, 5:19am
Tasmania Wanda, that's why I put it in the Tasmanian meet up area, I should have put Hobart in the title. I'll PM a mod.

07-10-2011, 5:51am
Tasmania Wanda, that's why I put it in the Tasmanian meet up area, I should have put Hobart in the title. I'll PM a mod.
Done. :D

07-10-2011, 5:57am
I am getting a week off starting 2nd November, so would be great to catch up again Odille

07-10-2011, 7:31am
I am getting a week off starting 2nd November, so would be great to catch up again Odille

Maybe we could do a weekend early morning again, perhaps down the coast a bit if you know somewhere nice?

old dog
07-10-2011, 7:43am
will be down there around that time too Odille, Rick...and would be great to meet up for a shoot. Only thing is Julie has planed the whole trip and we are all over the place for about 18 days. Looking forward to it too.

07-10-2011, 9:45am
I'll be around :D Haven't got too many hours at work this month, so am keen for a meet-up :)

07-10-2011, 10:28pm
I would be keen too. Willing to get out of bed early :D

08-10-2011, 5:17am
Weekend wise there is the 29/30 October - best for me as sis & BIL away so I have unrestricted use of their car (whooppee!) and 5/6 Nov - not quite as good as they will be back from 4 so then sharing the car. And the days from 26 Oct to 3 Nov I'll be out early most mornings shooting and maybe some sunsets too. Cloudy / rainy days will also be shooting days.

Anyone know anywhere I might see platy p u s s i es (why does it think this is a rude word - can't programmers teach their programs to check for sense!?) in Tassie not too far from Hobart? I'd love to get a platypus shot, and I know dawn is usually a good time.

I also noticed in David's thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?92767-Sunrise-landscapes-in-hobart) on sunrise places philliph mentioned Hartz national Park. This sounds great, I think I'll definitely get up really early one morning and go down there - I may do a daytime recce beforehand, have to see how I go. I'd like to try for Wineglass Bay too nut I know it involves quite a walk so may not be possible for me. See how I go.

08-10-2011, 6:39am
Wineglass Bay is about a 2 - 2.5 hour drive from Hobart. The Nut is about 5-6 hours away..about 500-600kms.
Platypus are hard to get, they tend to dive and hide when they hear people. But there are some at Mt Field National Park, (Russell Falls), it is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, and getting shot.

There are also platypus in the streams on Mt Wellington, though I have not seen one there at all.

If you want a beach with rocky outcrops etc, for foreground interest, Taroona Beach is always a good option for sunrise



For sunsets around Hobart, you can go to the top of Mt Wellington, Lindisfarne (near the Tasman Bridge) or Bellerive (looking across at Hobart city), or you can go further afield.

From Lindisfarne
From Bellerive

10-10-2011, 9:55pm
Oh wow thanks for those tips Rick. We (David & I) will arrive in Tassie on 31st Oct - fly into Launceston & then fly out Hobart 5th Nov (midday), so would love to catch up with you & others if we can manage it. I know Kane & Matt will be around Hobart by the 5th as well before they fly out that night, although they have a tight itinerary of what they are wanting to achieve.
Would love a chance for a meet up hopefully

11-10-2011, 5:39am
That's a quick trip Kerri! What's your itinerary? I could meet up on Tues/Wed/Thurs (1/2/3 Nov) and probably the morning of the 4th but I have to pick my sister and BIL up that day and will not be so mobile after that.

11-10-2011, 8:52am
I saw a Platypus on Sunday evening, swimming around in the river outside Narcissus Hut at Lake St. Clair. But it's a bit of a trip to get there... 2-3 hour drive, $40 each way for the ferry up the lake to Narcissus Hut, unless you feel like doing the 17km walk from the visitors centre to the Hut :P

11-10-2011, 9:40am
I saw a Platypus on Sunday evening, swimming around in the river outside Narcissus Hut at Lake St. Clair. But it's a bit of a trip to get there... 2-3 hour drive, $40 each way for the ferry up the lake to Narcissus Hut, unless you feel like doing the 17km walk from the visitors centre to the Hut :P

Thnaks Amy, I'll keep it in mind but it may have to wait until I am more cashed up on another visit. $40 each way is a bit of a slug!

12-10-2011, 9:06am
Thnaks Amy, I'll keep it in mind but it may have to wait until I am more cashed up on another visit. $40 each way is a bit of a slug!

Yeah, and they have a minimum booking for the ferry too, so they have to get $225 for each trip to make it worthwhile, so if you're the only one on there, you get slugged the $225 each way. The ferry is run privately to the National Park, so they can pretty much charge what they want.

12-10-2011, 11:42am
Yeah, and they have a minimum booking for the ferry too, so they have to get $225 for each trip to make it worthwhile, so if you're the only one on there, you get slugged the $225 each way. The ferry is run privately to the National Park, so they can pretty much charge what they want.

Awful isn't it - and I could never manage to walk 15 kms - and I assume 15 kms back too! Maybe I could bring an inflatable kayak . . . .

13-10-2011, 5:50pm
Awful isn't it - and I could never manage to walk 15 kms - and I assume 15 kms back too! Maybe I could bring an inflatable kayak . . . .

Yeah you can definitely kayak up the lake :) Mark & I were going to, but we don't have roof racks to fit my car yet.

14-10-2011, 9:20am
Places I want to get to while I am down, I'll have full use of the car for 9 days from 26 Oct - 3 Nov. I'd love suggestions on good secret photogenic spots at any of these places. Please bear in mind I cannot walk great distances. And if anyone wants to tag along for a day trip please poke your lens up, I'd love to have company. Suggestions for other places within a day's drive of Hobart welcomed

Waddamana (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=+Waddamana+TAS&hl=en&ll=-42.126413,146.74947&spn=0.014546,0.035813&sll=-41.957958,146.847811&sspn=0.058338,0.11055&vpsrc=6&hnear=Waddamana+Tasmania&t=k&z=16) in just about the centre of the state. The whole village, set up as a field study centre, has been for sale (http://www.realestate.com.au/property-acreage+semi+rural-tas-waddamana-107106270) for about a year - I buy Lotto tickets in hope. Imagine the photo tours you could run from here!

Taroona - and other spots on that stretch of coast - for sunrise

I'm thinking of doing a day trip - very early start - out to the Gordon River Rd.

Dover/Ida Bay - I'd like to get down here too, if possible.

Bruny Island, with car, for the day, but not a weekend as it is more expensive for the ferry at weekends.

Maybe a day trip to Port Arthur too.

14-10-2011, 12:06pm
I can't make it :(, hubby and I are in Adelaide til late on 30th. So I will only be able to make it on the 5th-6th Nov. Would love to catch with everyone :)

17-10-2011, 5:32am
While perusing Google Earth looking at the road from Hobart to Waddamana I noticed a very strange looking formation a little way off the road. I have made 2 screendumps and the lat/long ref is: 42' 19' 52.87S / 146' 56' 05.76E Anyone have any idea at all what this is? Or if it is real at all and not just a Google artifact?



17-10-2011, 5:54am
Those strange things are Dams Odille!

I would also recommend some time going to Lauderdale, South Arm, O'Possum Bay. There is some great scenery to be had down that way, including sunsets over the Derwent, looking back up the river to Hobart.

17-10-2011, 6:33am
Those strange things are Dams Odille!

I would also recommend some time going to Lauderdale, South Arm, O'Possum Bay. There is some great scenery to be had down that way, including sunsets over the Derwent, looking back up the river to Hobart.

I do plan trips south, I haven't been down that area, I will make point of including it. Thanks!

17-10-2011, 8:22am
I don't think Rick means dams in the sense that the water has been dammed up to stop moving [like Gordon Dam etc] but just the waterholes on rural properties that are called dams. If that makes any sense :P

17-10-2011, 8:42am
Actually, upon further inspection, I'm mistaken and it is a dam, in the traditional sense of the word. See image below :)

20-10-2011, 7:46am
Actually, upon further inspection, I'm mistaken and it is a dam, in the traditional sense of the word. See image below :)

Yes, I took another look and realised it was, and went back and tried to delete my second post about it, but although the delete choice came up and it was in the time frame it just wouldn't let me!

Maybe I need new glasses!

26-10-2011, 2:15pm
Well, I arrived OK last night and woke up this morning with the snuffles and a sore throat, but happily seem to have thrown it off. Have seen the rellies off on their jaunts, and thought I might drive over to Bellerive tonight for the sunset.

I investigated Google maps and thought somewhere along Victoria Esplanade where I see there are little jetties out into the water might be nice. If anyone wants to join me the mobile is 0414 952 604, please SMS your name and number to me and I'll pop you on my memory, so I know who is calling when you ring. I'll go over about 1815 - time and date says sunset is 1948 so that will give me time for a bit of an explore and to work out what the sun is doing and where it will set.

26-10-2011, 2:22pm
Hi Odille, Welcome back to Tassie. I cannot join you this evening, unfortunately. I will be free from next Tuesday evening (I am only working monday and tuesday next week), so from the morning of 2nd November I will be up for a meet.

26-10-2011, 3:14pm
Hi Odille, I can't make it tonight, I have taken your phone number and may be able to catch up for one of your other trips. :) I'm away on the weekend so unless there is somewhere close tomorrow it will be after the weekend when I can tag along.

26-10-2011, 6:59pm
*pokes head out window* doesn't look like the sunset is overly fantastic out there!

[I live in Bellerive, and would have come down, but have only just seen this :)]

27-10-2011, 7:25am
*pokes head out window* doesn't look like the sunset is overly fantastic out there!

[I live in Bellerive, and would have come down, but have only just seen this :)]

It wasn't terrific Amy but I got some nice rays amongst the clods pre sunset. Not processed yet as I am downloading PS5.5 to Tony's IMac. When it is done I'll have a play.

27-10-2011, 8:53am
I won't be doing a lot of editing while I am here! Tony's iMac is so slow compared to mine, I have 4Gb RAM but he has never upgraded his and utonly has 2Gb. PS5.5 runs like a one legged duck! I will have to try to master lightroom. How do you save a version you have edited from Lightroom, anyone?

28-10-2011, 12:12am
Some shots from Bellerive yesterday afternoon, linked from My RedBubble (http://www.redbubble.com/people/analog6)




This morning I am planning a drive to Taroona for a hopefully nice sunrise. I will be at the end of Melinga Place off Flinders Esplanade where there are some boathouses. The car is a silver Citroen C4, my mobile # is 0414 952 604 if anyone wants to join me. Then I plan to drive south for an explore.

Sorry for the late notice but last night I crashed at 7.30pm and have now woken up of course, in the middle of the night, wide awake. Irritating internal clock!

28-10-2011, 5:45am
Saving in Lightroom is called 'exporting' it is under the FILE menu.

28-10-2011, 3:17pm
Saving in Lightroom is called 'exporting' it is under the FILE menu.

Thanks Rick. A stunning sunrise this morning, the most beautiful pinks and cloud formations, but I am having trouble editing. Tony's monitor is not calibrated, of course, and I didn't think to bring my Spider, silly me. Also, it keeps hanging in PS. I'll have a go with Lightroom.

28-10-2011, 5:17pm
I have lent my spyder to a friend at present, otherwise you could have borrowed it Odille. Looks possible for a thunderstorm tonight. Might be some lightning shots to be had a bit later in the evening.

05-11-2011, 7:54am
Anyone up for a sunset/evening shoot tonight?

05-11-2011, 5:36pm
Just seen this but it will be a bit late for me now as I would have a 30 minute drive at least and hubby has the car. :(

05-11-2011, 7:15pm
Couldnt make it along but snapped a shot out towards the East from my house. Not the best photo but one none-the-less.


06-11-2011, 7:14am
Damn, I didn't see this either! I've been doing lots of research on oast houses at the State Library as I am going to attempt a book about them. There are lots of technical ones but I want to do one from a tourism type aspect.

tassam380 - can't see your attachment - can you redo it?

06-11-2011, 7:28am
Sorry, we missed it Odille. Though the sunset wasn't as good as it looked like being, the high cloud just didn't give us any amazing colours.

06-11-2011, 8:19am
This Working?


06-11-2011, 4:15pm
This Working?


Much better! It was a glorious band of Venus that night, I did notice it.

Well, I an off home tomorrow, at 5pm. I've had a wonderful time and discovered something entrancingly new (for me, anyway) being the oasthouses. I have done quite a lot of research at the library and am going to try to get together the draft of a book on the oasthouses of the Derwent Valley, with a good map of where they are and so on, for those who'd like to see them.

I hope to come back in late May or June as I have been more or less promised access to the inside of a working oasthouse - but only in 'off' season - that's why it has to be in winter.

I thought I would publish electronically on the web via Blurb or one of the other book publishing online sites, then refine if necessary and try to interest a publisher. I will want a lot more photos but I have several queries in progress on getting access for more photos of other examples.