View Full Version : Is this "WEIRD"? Displaying my commercial photos at home

mal from cessnock
30-09-2011, 9:52pm
Hi board members - just a quick question if I may.

I've been photographing Annual Soccer Teams for the last few years and am pretty pleased with some of my images.

Two of my adult daughters are visiting at the moment - I normally live alone - and I happened to mention I might hang a couple of my soccer images either in the living room or in a hallway.

I mentioned this to each at different times and not in each other's company. They both exclaimed "you can't do that dad, that's weird!"

Are they right?


My photographic forte (atm) is taking images of these lovely young, some not so young boys and girls. Ranging in age from 5 to 35 years.

The sample I'm including in this post is of five cute five year olds after finishing their first year playing soccer.

30-09-2011, 10:05pm
I guess some people could see it as 'weird', but at the same time, photos to most people are about the specific subject and less about the image itself.

If it's your work and you are proud of it, I see no reason why it would be bizarre to show it off. Obviously to some it may not be their preferred type of image to have around the home, but photography is alot of things to alot of different people. And this is more about what it is to you than others.

Ms Monny
30-09-2011, 10:08pm
I love the image. Just look at their adorable faces! :th3:

I am not too sure about hanging images of other people's kids up in the loungeroom, even if it was shot by yourself. Maybe in a 'studio' or in a work environment, as it shows your work but in a personal area, not.

mal from cessnock
30-09-2011, 10:16pm
I love the image. Just look at their adorable faces! :th3:

I am not too sure about hanging images of other people's kids up in the loungeroom, even if it was shot by yourself. Maybe in a 'studio' or in a work environment, as it shows your work but in a personal area, not.

Thank you Ms Monny - but what if my personal space is my office and studio. This is where I entertain the very occasional guest, family member, client - but usually it's just me who'd be admiring these images. Not trying to get a thumbs up from you, just putting you in the picture

mal from cessnock
30-09-2011, 10:17pm
crf529 - thanks for your thumbs up on this one. Much appreciated. I hope I get a few opinions here - I hate for others to see me as weird.

30-09-2011, 10:27pm
'Weird' is a very broad term that I think reflects more a lack of understanding of others, than it does to someones actions or behaviour being specifically 'wrong' or grossly outside the norm (provided those actions are not illegal, dishonest, offensive, yadda yadda yadda).

Everyone will have something that they do or enjoy in their lives, which will be viewed by someone else as 'weird'. It doesn't mean they should stop and change. More so that people should be less judgemental and understand there is no one way in which life should be enjoyed or experienced.

For example, I also love car detailing, the proper over the top stuff. After washing the car I use filtered water to rinse it off and a cordless leaf blower to dry the car. My friends all think I'm a freak. But I enjoy it, and more importantly the results make me happy, am I actually weird? Or is it just someone's perception of something they don't fully understand?

30-09-2011, 10:43pm
It is a gorgeous picture, adorable kids but I couldn't put up a picture of other peoples kids on my wall. That's just a personal thing though. I think if the wall space it was going on was quite obvious to be a work space then it would be a different story. At home the computer room is my work space/storage but I wouldn't hang it in the lounge. By the way - love the lighting on this image - can you tell me how it was lit (I know it's not really related to your thread but no harm asking hey!)

mal from cessnock
30-09-2011, 11:51pm
By the way - love the lighting on this image - can you tell me how it was lit (I know it's not really related to your thread but no harm asking hey!)

I used a couple of strobes with umbrellas at about 45 degrees left and right - simple stuff. Exposed for the lights, underexposing ambient. No post processing other than using high pass sharpening. Ah! also used a polar filter on the 24-70 lens.

01-10-2011, 5:15am
I can't see anything wrong with hanging a piece of your work you are proud of on your wall. It's no different to me hanging one of my landscape shots. On the 'other people's kids' front, if it bothers you, hang them near your computer which is obviously your office space in the house.

01-10-2011, 5:52am
Put them up Mal :th3:

Two of my gransons played for that club about 12 years ago.

Loved going and watching :th3::th3:


Ms Monny
01-10-2011, 6:57am
I don't think that you are 'weird' at all. If your workspace blends with your personal space, then I would do what Analog6 says and put it near the computer. Maybe with a few other work images to make a 'portfolio' on the wall.

01-10-2011, 7:00am
No, you're definitely not. It's a finished work of art, even it it was commercial done. Even the Old Masters weren't above hanging work for which they'd been paid. The kids' expressions lift it far above the rank and file.

01-10-2011, 8:22am
What about starting a " work " wall ........you could then put up all the ones you need to show clients:)
BTW gawd they are cute!

01-10-2011, 9:19am
I think the issue here is the fact the photo's are of kid's, and in this day and age with the media souring peoples perceptions of having photo's of kids that aren't in you family immediately puts you in the 'sicko' category. I bet if the photo was of any other subject then people would have no hesitations of hanging it in their public space.

As long as you hang it in a section of the house where it can be viewed as 'work you are proud of' rather than a 'family portrait' so visitors view it as such (possibly a portfolio style wall) most would not have an issue at all. And the people that aren't open minded enough to be able to separate a shot you are proud of from a shot your keeping because your a pervert possibly aren't worth being associated with anyway.

01-10-2011, 10:25am
We have become to self obsessed about what other people think. Personally I absolutely adore kids that age. I wish my 4 were that age again. Their inocents and beauty is something to behold. However if I was to go to the park and take pictures of kids I think I would be lynched. In your case it is different. If you were to hang several of these type of works together I think it would perhaps be viewed as more acceptable. As an aside I once threatened to become a guide leader and was begged not to as it was going to cause to much angst. I had been involved with cubs for several years and our Akele was a female. And to finish off the fact that both daughters thought it was not quite right really is a reflection of todays society. PS Brilliant photo...cheers PPS No you are not wierd but obviously very sensitive to post your query here...

01-10-2011, 10:32am
I take maybe 50,000 photos of kids playing sport, at sport etc and don't display any but of my own children and wouldn't apart from in a portfolio of work, even then only rarely, then again I post lots here too.

It isn't weird but it's not something I'd do as some may not think it appropriate. Eg, if one of the parents happened to visit what would they think ?

mal from cessnock
01-10-2011, 11:24am
Thank you board members, one and all for your help. I'll set up a "folio wall" - got just the spot!

On a different note...

Now you never really know how genuine someone's comments about the merit of your photos are - I guess the best way it "do they buy them"? But the place where I get my soccer photos printed told me he has three favourite photographers who bring him their annual photographs for printing and that I'm one of the three - I asked him why and he followed with an indepth critique ranging including many elements which go to make the final image.

He says there's so much bad stuff out there and encouraged me to send other clubs samples in view of obtaining more clubs for 2012. I was so chuffed; bought more copies and am preparing a mail out in February 2012.

The sceptic in me says, he got more money from me due to his compliments - I wonder?

Lance B
01-10-2011, 11:36am
Great soccer photo. I do not think it wierd that you would like to hang them in your hallway as it is an excellent example of your work and as they say, pays to advertise.

01-10-2011, 1:49pm
if your sample image is represntative of your work hang some on your walls. you have shown that you can capture that youthful qualiy of kids.
an alternative would be to have an album or two onn the coffee table which visitors can browse through if they choose

Ms Monny
01-10-2011, 1:56pm
Well, I dont' think he was just making this up for the sale - if your image here is like most of your work, I think he really does think your work is great. Maybe take up his advice??

JM Tran
01-10-2011, 3:15pm
It would only be weird if this photo was hung up in your bedroom lol

but what I did find a bit weird was why u did not clone out the little figure in red jacket in the top right hand corner, it is very distracting to what otherwise is a good, well lit photo

01-10-2011, 3:59pm
What about starting a " work " wall ........you could then put up all the ones you need to show clients:)
BTW gawd they are cute!
I agree, if it gives you concern incorporate them in a work images display, this way it shows all those that visit your scope of work and takes the focus off the kids.
Great lighting by the way.