View Full Version : HOAX camera private sales

29-09-2011, 5:15am
Hi all

I've been encountering more of these hoaxes lately.

I've been looking around for a d700 for a while and came across an ad in gumtree. It was selling for $870. I was just looking around cameramarket and theres 2 listed on the same day both for $700ish.

I did check it out and they wanted me to go through a company called Ukash. It supposedly lets you only release money to the seller after you've receieved the item. Sounds safe doesn't it? but after googling I've read things where they call you directly and act as if they're from the postal service - saying your item has been received. So you release the cash to them... but of course they never send you anything!

Just thought I'd send out a warning and was wondering if there are any other people who have encountered this. I did want to see the camera first to check it out but I never got to that stage.

29-09-2011, 5:21am
let Kim at cameramarket know and he will quickly get onto them.

29-09-2011, 5:24am
Ukash seem to be based in London, this is their Address (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&sugexp=pfwc&cp=24&gs_id=3&xhr=t&q=5-7+Tanner+Street+London&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1350&bih=577&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x48760344eab35c7f:0xbf7989ee08118c5,5-7+Tanner+St,+London+SE1+3LE,+UK&gl=au&ei=K4KDTpPiDaSpiAeLoImFDw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBsQ8gEwAA). Looks just like a legitimate business premises...NOT! No signage, nothing

29-09-2011, 9:47am
There are a lot of scammers from UK making their rounds on gumtree. If it has anything to do with overseas purchase more likely than not it's going to be a scam.

02-10-2011, 6:47am
it wasn't actually an overseas purchase. they say they live in Australia smoewhere.

anyhow. Kim on cameramarket notified and a few posts taken off.

02-10-2011, 12:24pm

I did check it out and they wanted me to go through a company called Ukash. It supposedly lets you only release money to the seller after you've receieved the item. Sounds safe doesn't it? but after googling I've read things where they call you directly and act as if they're from the postal service - saying your item has been received. So you release the cash to them... but of course they never send you anything!


Even better, ask the caller at which postal office address this is held at, the address of the office/warehouse and tell them that's you'll be there in five minutes to pick it up and pay the money in cash directly to the postal office :D

If the postal office has received it then it should be fine for collection and a direct money transfer .. right? :D

02-10-2011, 1:45pm
I have been playing with this same person now for a few weeks. They advertised a lens and a camera in separate ads on Gumtree. In the first ad the phone number was bogus, and in the second the guy I rang knew nothing about the ad.

In both cases I sent off an email and got back exactly the same reply. In both cases (but a few weeks apart) I offered to meet up with the person and pay cash. The reply in both cases (once again weeks apart) was they were going to Darwin for work purposes and would send the equipment from Darwin once I paid with Ukash.

In the first case I offered to meet them in Darwin as I would be traveling there on a work related matter - hence never recieved a reply.

In the second case I told them I was in a rush as I was going on holidays and needed to seal the deal that week. They sent me all the Ukash information but over a few emails I acted really stupid and insisted I pay direct money to their bank account. I thought if they were silly enough to give me bank account details I could hand it on to the police, but once again they stopped corrosponding with me.

Ukash is not popular in Australia so I wonder if someone does actually fall for this hoax.

The email is always signed off by "Anita"

02-10-2011, 3:30pm
Oxygen thieves