View Full Version : Facebook doomed ... Muaaaa ha ha ha!

26-09-2011, 2:37pm
Facebook doomed ... Muaaaa ha ha ha!!


Is anyone else getting the feeling in the back of their mind that Facebook has peaked? Time for a doom prediction.

Facebook has been the social network of choice for millions of people for some time now and has recently been fending off attacks from smaller social networks like Twitter and Google+. You may have heard of them.

So far it's done a bang-up job of ensuring it's the number one destination for people to congregate online and share pictures of cats, but countless awful site redesigns and many different privacy snafus have cheapened the once sacred social network.

Take the most recent site redesign, for example, overhauling the news feed again, plastering a live feed to the right-hand side of a screen complete with an obnoxious chat box. And don't get me started on the recent integration of messages into a chat-style interface.

I know I'm complaining about a service that's free to use, but with the latest overhaul it's taken away the reason I use Facebook. Personal space.

I use Facebook to keep in touch with a core group of friends. A handful or so. The rest of the people I have on Facebook, I keep there so I can maintain acquaintance-style contact with them. Sorry if you're reading this.

It seems that if I want peace now from the banalities of my acquaintances, I have to go to Google+ for some alone time.

Mark Zuckerberg has not only taken privacy off of the users on his social network, he's now taken away personal space, too.

Long live great forums! :D

26-09-2011, 2:40pm
:lol: GOOD !! :th3:

26-09-2011, 3:26pm
"I know I'm complaining about a service that's free to use" - yes you are, and I can't give much credibility to anyone writing on ZDNet complaining about the latest FB change (there's been many of them over the years, and every time people complain & whine for 2 or 3 weeks, then get over it) and who clearly hasn't worked out how to tweak the new settings to suit their FB use. It took me about 10 minutes to reconfigure my page to the way I like it. FB currently has something in excess of 700 million users. I'm on Google+ at the moment and have 3 friends there. I wouldn't go writing off FB just yet. ;)

26-09-2011, 3:29pm
It will keep on dominating I think.

The thing about social networks is market leadership, that clear leader is facebook, nobody wants to have to triple post to twitter, facebook and G+ updates etc

I do laugh at the ridiculous and contant cut and pasted updates (mostly wrong) about changes, security, chraging for facebook etc

Now, if AP added chat to here - now you're talking

26-09-2011, 3:52pm
I've tried "chat" on my website/forum. But it didn't really work.
I have noticed now that you don't hear "Send me a Tweat" much anymore. So could it be the demise of Tweater instead of FB.
I think Google+ is busting it's guts to get into the social network frenzy. But it is still trying to re-invent the wheel that FB has still has connected to the Ferrari.
I don't post images on FB unless it of family or friends that I have on there. And I do use the chat just to keep in contact. I might post a comment one a week if that, and only on a friends initial post.
Facebook is here to stay I think.

26-09-2011, 3:57pm
the newest thing about facebook is that they track your web browsing even when you are not logged in, the only way not to be tracked is to have a seperate browser for surfing the net.

26-09-2011, 3:58pm
what's facebook?:scrtch::scrtch:

JM Tran
26-09-2011, 4:05pm
"I know I'm complaining about a service that's free to use" - yes you are, and I can't give much credibility to anyone writing on ZDNet complaining about the latest FB change (there's been many of them over the years, and every time people complain & whine for 2 or 3 weeks, then get over it) and who clearly hasn't worked out how to tweak the new settings to suit their FB use. It took me about 10 minutes to reconfigure my page to the way I like it. FB currently has something in excess of 700 million users. I'm on Google+ at the moment and have 3 friends there. I wouldn't go writing off FB just yet. ;)

Im with you on that one!

Facebook and Mr Zuckerberg already stated at the recent F8 conference for developers - that FB needs to continually innovate and expand with fresh ideas, otherwise it will fall into stagnation like Myspace did and be overtaken by FB, with Google+ looming in the near distance - it was a right step for FB for its long term survival.

Besides, its a free service I use, Im not paying a monthly or yearly subscription, its a win win for me:)

26-09-2011, 4:24pm
:umm: Hmmm ! Seems like you, like it and use it , Or it's a social evil , All I know is my 15yr old son is on it till 2.30am lately with a new Girlfriend chatting away , Then he's cranky all day :angry0:, The truth is , No way could I be on Facebook and AP at the same time , I'm not fast enough anymore :D

Mark L
26-09-2011, 7:20pm
Long live great forums! :D

As far as chatting with family and friends goes, we use e-mail and the telephone. :confused013

26-09-2011, 7:52pm
I dont see it as social networking but rather a viral marketing site. Ever noticed how everything you look at or post changes the ads you see on thee right of your FB page?

Do I use it, yep, but lately I am using it less and less. I think the decrease (not demise) of social networking is round the corner, when people get sick of interacting online with people the often don't see. ( I recently decreased my friends list from over 250 down to under 150).

So will it see a demise, probably not, will it see a decrease in usage, probably!

Art Vandelay
26-09-2011, 7:57pm
Crikey, the guy is whinging he wants 'personal space' and 'alone time',,,........................ why doesn't he just turn them all off ?? :D

26-09-2011, 8:01pm
I think the growth of numbers joining FB has declined, so, what they now need to do is maximise the penetration and usage and cross promotion and advertising of the massive consumer database that they have

will be interesting

27-09-2011, 7:04am
As far as chatting with family and friends goes, we use e-mail and the telephone. :confused013

There are a lot of things people do in their lives, that aren't worth making a phone call or sending an email, but that Grandparents etc might like to know to feel "in touch" with their grandkids from a distance.
My Mum loves hearing what the girls are up to, and can do that through status updates, and photos they post, that are just everyday things, and often a mobile pic you'd never bother to send to someone specifically, so it has great use for distant family that want to feel like they're there with you in your everyday life, instead of feeling distant, and waiting for the weekly (if you're lucky) phone call or email. Ideally it would be good to do both - email and telephone them regularly - but also keep up with the everyday happenings in their life through FB.

I sure as hell don't see it dying off. I do however dislike the latest change where people I'm not friends with, and I have my security locked down against, can now see any status I put up if one of their friends comments on it. You have to ask your friends to go to your page, choose subscription, and UN-tick "Comments and likes" otherwise all their friends get to see anything you've posted if they comment or "like" it.

27-09-2011, 7:24am
Facebook may die now
I thought as above until this morning. I was just watching Sunrise, and there was a segment on facebook.
Facebook now leaves cookies on your hard drive. These cookies once you have visited facebook, now keep a record of you internet surfing after you have visited the site.
So after visiting facebook, they know I came to Ausphotography, Checked the weather radar, went to my online bank account, added photo's to my flickr account, checked my own forum, had a quick squiz on ebay. And so on, and so on ect. Do we want facebook to know our surfing history. I do not think so.

Also on Sunrise they said that once you post an image on it, the copyright belongs to them. They can use your images for anything, they can alter your images without your permission. I am now closing my account. Looks like its back to emails and phone calls. :confused013

27-09-2011, 8:01am
Doomed, lol


27-09-2011, 8:14am
Facebook now leaves cookies on your hard drive. These cookies once you have visited facebook, now keep a record of you internet surfing after you have visited the site.

That is a furphy. Cookies cannot be used to do that.

27-09-2011, 8:28am
Doomed, lol

Remember MySpace?

In July 2005, News Corporation acquired Myspace and its parent company Intermix Media for $580 million.
From 2005 until early 2008, Myspace was the most visited social networking site in the world,
and in June 2006 surpassed Google as the most visited website in the United States.
In April 2008, Myspace was overtaken by Facebook in the number of unique worldwide visitors,
and was surpassed in the number of unique U.S. visitors in May 2009.
Since then, the number of Myspace users has declined steadily in spite of several redesigns.
As of September 2011, Myspace was ranked 91st by total web traffic.

In June 2009, Myspace employed approximately 1,600 workers.
Since then the company has undergone several rounds of layoffs and by June 2011, Myspace had reduced its staff to around 200.

On June 29, 2011, Myspace was sold to Specific Media and Justin Timberlake for approximately $35 million.

27-09-2011, 8:38am
I remember myspace - they failed to evolve

Re FB re photos

"For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy (http://www.facebook.com/privacy/) and application settings (http://www.facebook.com/editapps.php): you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it."

They dont own the copyright, You still do, but they can do what they want with the photos. Its a risk you take every time you post a photo. That's why I would recommend low res files to start with and watermark them if you think they have commercial value

27-09-2011, 8:57am
Hey... I'm only going on what was on national TV this morning. http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/factsheets/article/-/10347526/how-facebook-tracks-your-online-travels/
He also said that facebook owns copyright to the photos that you add to the site. And they can manipulate them or use them for advertising.
I'm only stating what was on TV, broadcasted all over Australia for all to see.
Also found this:
A relevant quote from the Facebook Terms of Use:

By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sub licenses of the foregoing.

27-09-2011, 10:52am
The FB content license is similar to any public service. Google has similar.

Even AP has a content license... See AusPhotography Forum Rules (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=vsarules) (end of the page)

License of your provided content to Ausphotography

[30] You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services provided by Ausphotography. By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Ausphotography a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling Ausphotography to display, distribute and promote the Services and may be revoked for certain Services as defined in site rules.

[31] You agree that this license includes a right for Ausphotography to make such Content available to other companies, organisations or individuals with whom Ausphotography has relationships for the provision of syndicated services, and to use such Content in connection with the provision of those services. Eg. Ausphotography makes content available via tapatalk and other such applications.

[32] You understand that Ausphotography, in performing the required technical steps to provide the Services to our users, may (a) transmit or distribute your Content over various public networks and in various media; and (b) make such changes to your Content as are necessary to conform and adapt that Content to the technical requirements of connecting networks, devices, services or media. You agree that this license shall permit Ausphotography to take these actions. Eg. Content maybe re-factored for various browsers or mobile devices.

[33] You confirm and warrant to Ausphotography that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the above license.

What the license does is allow us (AP) to publish the content you posted on the 'net.
In AP's case it is a legal protection for Rick more than anything else.

27-09-2011, 4:12pm
I used to use MySpace just out of high school, it was a central location for me and my friends. Full of ads, full of spam, full of hacks. But enjoyed it!

Then facebook started to get more popular, and I was all 'what is this silly facebook thing?'. It took months before I even looked at it, and right away it was off myspace and on to facebook! My myspace disappeared in the distance..

I liked how it was uniform, no annoying music or ugly page designs done by people who should NOT have access to any design tools at all!

It's changed a lot since I joined, and I'm still going to keep using it as much as I do. Unless if the ads really start getting intrusive. I'm fine with them the way they are now, they don't bother me at all.

I signed up to Google+, tried it out, I got confused and haven't bothered since! However, running two profiles with status update stuff, I'd just be duplicating everything I say =/

The only thing I completely disagree on with ALL of these social networking things, is integration in to CARS.

I've heard of new cars being designed along with social media in mind, twitter and facebook as you drive? wut? .. We have a problem already with people on their phones while driving, why make it easier?

27-09-2011, 6:35pm
Thanks Kym.
I like the wording.
* You retain copyright
* You agree
* You understand that Ausphotography
* You confirm

I also liked how Rick asked permission (Or better asked whether we minded. Very politely) If he could use some of our images for the newsletter.
I don't think FB would do that.

old dog
27-09-2011, 6:44pm
I`m with the mud dweller.....Whats Facebook :umm:

Mark L
27-09-2011, 7:36pm
I`m with the mud dweller.....Whats Facebook :umm:

Like :)

27-09-2011, 8:49pm
I started up myspace because my daughters needed friends for a game they played there. I put off FB for ages, but never did anything much with Myspace either.
The same game started up on FB, and I opened up an account there but I'm not really sure why at the time, but Myspace was gone in no time after that. FB just seemed so much more comfortable.

As for the chart above, it is true that the FB line is quite steep and prominent, but look closely at the Google line. It is rapidly rising to meet the FB line, and their Google+ has only just gone live to the public. This could end up being an interesting battle.

29-09-2011, 2:58pm
I like facebook. I've used it for a number of years. I'm well set up, including a nice Page for my Photography, and I'm a member of a few good active groups.

I don't like all the new changes much at all, and the idea of the timeline doesn't appeal to me either. But I'm invested in facebook.

I'll definately be looking at Google+, not as a replacement, but as another avenue.

29-09-2011, 3:14pm
have you heard the news .....

Facebook and Twitter are merging, the new service will be called Twitface and subscribers will fondly refer to themselves as Twits :) :D

I cant take credit for that....

29-09-2011, 3:28pm

Paul G
29-09-2011, 5:25pm
:umm: Hmmm ! Seems like you, like it and use it , Or it's a social evil , All I know is my 15yr old son is on it till 2.30am lately with a new Girlfriend chatting away , Then he's cranky all day :angry0:, The truth is , No way could I be on Facebook and AP at the same time , I'm not fast enough anymore :D

He's doing it all wrong William!

Tell him it's much nicer to talk to the girl in person.

Oh hang on... It's not 1930, 1950, 1970, 1990 anymore is it....

29-09-2011, 6:38pm
Thanks Kym.
I like the wording.
* You retain copyright
* You agree
* You understand that Ausphotography
* You confirm

I also liked how Rick asked permission (Or better asked whether we minded. Very politely) If he could use some of our images for the newsletter.
I don't think FB would do that.

Thanks Geoff. I would never use members photos without their permission. The Site rules relate mostly to displaying AP. The wording is such that it allows the site to display your photos to other web users. Otherwise I could be seen to be breaching your copyright simply by way of the site displaying your photo to another user, or guest. The site rules in relation to usage, merely allow AP to run as a photography forum. If AP didn't have permission to display members photos, the site would be rather boring..except for the occasional spat or joke thread.

30-09-2011, 9:24am
There's always rumours going around re Facebook going down or they'll start charging for use... One day they'll be overtaken by the next craze. The trap is letting it take over your life. Privacy is my big concern over it, I don't want deviates looking at photos of my family so I only make friends with people I actually know or are related to. Simple. As a tool for catching up with old school mates or long lost friends, it's fantastic. Where it becomes dangerous is if all and sundry can see your personal details, including addresses, phone numbers, photos of you, the kids - makes it easy for a theif to see your address if you let him, as well as a "status" saying you're off to work. Perfect time to rob the place.

The trap is making friends with random people because they look hot in their profile pic, or are playing the same game as you...

30-09-2011, 4:46pm
For most games you can add a person, add them to the game, and then delete the person and they stay in the game.
You can also set up a "restricted" group that you put the game people into, and they see as little as you want them to for the time it takes you to add them to the game and the unfriend them.
The critical thing is to go into your privacy settings and set things up so that they are only visible to you, or to friends, or to a specific group you've created, and then set things so that only people in that group can see them. There are way more than enough tools to protect yourself if you take the time to go into the settings.
I always use one postcode on all internet stuff, that is not my correct one, but near enough that the IP doesn't give me away. This way you can always remember which postcode it was if you need it as a security question, but anyone who has access to it will be several suburbs away when they start looking for you.
Agree that you never say "I'm off on holidays" or any other comment that will reveal that your house is empty.
Chainsaws and axes are great tools, but you have to be careful when you use them. Facebook is exactly the same - it's a great tool for keeping in touch, having distant family involved as if they are much closer, promoting your business, etc etc, but you have to be careful with it, or it can do a heap of damage.

03-10-2011, 9:58am
I`m with the mud dweller.....Whats Facebook :umm:

Short answer: it's a virus that most folks simply allow into their lives.

There is also a long answer, but most people don't want to know about it.

Virus is probably the most accurate summary of it's capabilities! :D

The quicker it's put to death the better, BUT!! what usually happens is that some other site/service comes along to replace it.

Are peoples lives so trivial and trite that they live by this kind of thing?

One bloke at work really annoys me with his incessant use of it(and his iPhone games). Instead of doing the job, he spends so much time brainwashed with this meaningless garbage, every time I step in to take over his job for the night, barely anything is ever done!

last week he's on hols, and I replaced his posi(full time) for the week, and doing more work has never been so easy at the end of the night!

Sad really, one of my main reasons for deciding not to stay in the current job is because of this type of lazy attitude of 'fellow workers'.

Oh well, courier work is much more fun anyhow.. just have to figure out a way to make money from it, if I get back into it.

I wonder how many other workplaces are affected by this type of situation .. where workers spend far too much time ' virtually socialising ' instead of working??

03-10-2011, 5:07pm
Good video :-)

05-10-2011, 5:02pm
I just think that, if you don't want your information out there, don't use it.

If you don't want somebody knowing details about you, don't share them.

If you're unhappy with their privacy stuff, don't register!

I don't put up information on my facebook profile, that anybody couldn't find out from having a conversation with me in person.

Where do you work, who are you dating, do you know so-and-so, what do you drive, what are your hobbies, do you have pets?

14-10-2011, 10:24pm
I have seen other threads on here before bagging the hell out of facebook, it really is a easy solution if you don't like it don't use it.
I personally don't have any problems with it, if l upload an image then I know it may be taken and used.