View Full Version : Sydney ap meet photo rally idea

20-09-2011, 3:50pm
It's been awhile since I have posted anything on the Sydney AP Calendar but it's time to get back to our regular meets.
One idea I have and would like some feedback on is a "Photography Car Rally". There are a couple of ways we could run it but not sure which option would be best and this is where I want your feedback.

Option 1: We designate a location for members to meet at, but on the way they have to take photos of items listed on a prepared document which will be downloadable from AP. Once everybody has reached the location and has had their items checked off we can have a lunch/dinner and possibly a sunset shoot together depending on the time of the day.

Option 2: Alternately, a couple of members does some scouting prior to the meet and takes close up photos of items at the meeting point. I could get these printed off at school to hand out to members. Everyone then has to go and find the items, take photos of the items and then have them checked off on completion of the task. Again, we could finish off with lunch/dinner/together shoot.

I think this could be a lot of fun and a great social event as well as doing what we all love to do - take some pics.

If this goes ahead we should schedule this event in October/November before it becomes too hot.

Please let me know your thoughts on the idea or if you have any other ideas for options to run the event. :)

20-09-2011, 5:56pm
I would probably prefer option 2 but that would mean someone misses out on the fun on the day (i.e. it would be cheating if they also took part).

As for dates, I am pretty open but have been trying to organise a model for an AP studio meet on behalf of Paul (Raccoon) for Saturday 29 October so that weekend should best be avoided.

Mentioning November in your post makes it seem the year has passed us by - is almost getting to the stage were we need to be thinking of an AP Christmas meet.

20-09-2011, 6:41pm
I think either the 8th or 15th October would be good dates. Sculptures by the Sea is coming up in November if we want to do a Sunrise/Sculptures shoot. I don't care which option - I would be happy to miss out if the location is close enough to home for me to get the pre rally pics.

20-09-2011, 10:29pm
I am away from 28 Sept to 10 October so the second of those dates is the better.

Sculptures - yeah - I would think a sunrise is better for that for two reasons. The evening there are too many people around and parking is difficult. Also, the year before last, it was so hot that I expired by the time I got to the other end.

Sculptures is from Thursday 3 November to Sunday 20 November and I always favour the beginning of the period in case of bad weather.

21-09-2011, 5:21am
With the car rally either idea is good, but preference to idea one, so that everone is involved on the day
The first date in october suits me better.

I agree with Peter on Sculptures times

21-09-2011, 12:35pm
For a near term Sydney meet, Sydney Laneways is on again as part of the Art and About festival...

Sydney Laneways (http://www.artandabout.com.au/projects/laneways)

22-09-2011, 3:40pm
Any further thoughts on this meet?

25-09-2011, 6:21pm
Over 70 views to this thread and only a couple of people have shown any interest in this meet.


25-09-2011, 8:50pm
Hi Guys
I haven't been on a meet yet as I'm a relatively new member. I'm interested particularly in option 1 but all are good. I'd like to meet some other Apers!

25-09-2011, 9:49pm
We would love to meet you as well Ktoopi. Lets hope this meet gets a little more interest so we can do just that. Keep checking back - I will keep plugging for participation..

25-09-2011, 10:43pm
I'd love to as well! Will be out of the country from 26th Oct for about a month for holidays. So anything before that will be awesome! :)

25-09-2011, 10:58pm
i too am interested(but very very shy) the second date is best for me as the V8 races are on the weekend before(got a new lens coming for that weekend!! 70-300mm) but if thats a better weekend for everyone else that cool i will just catch the next meet if i dont chicken out from shyness LOL

25-09-2011, 11:00pm
Might sit this one out!
What a shame that the studio session will be on he same day as my sons birthday :/

30-09-2011, 7:05pm
Not enough interest for this meet at the moment so we might defer it and incorporate it in our Christmas meet unlees of course there is a sudden rush of "yes I can attend". :D

04-10-2011, 9:30am
Thats a shame. I look forward to the Christmas meet! :)

05-10-2011, 6:32pm
We will probably have the "Sculptures by the Sea" meet in November Ktoopi - it's usually a dawn meet at Bondi. Hopefully you can join us on that one.