View Full Version : Join me for Scott Kelby Photowalk at Fingal Heads

20-09-2011, 7:59am
I have set up my photowalk - it would have been much sooner but somehow my first try 2 weeks ago didn't work and I only realised just in time to re-register!

Details and sign up here (http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/fingal-head-nsw-australia-meet-at-end-of-lighthouse-parade/
See my map from Google earth (below) with all the points marked (just as a guide)


and then check the area on Google maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=-28.199061,153.547068&spn=0.067928,0.142565&t=h&z=14&vpsrc=6).

For more details on what is available photographically, please see A Photographer's Guide to Fingal Head (http://knol.google.com/k/a-photographer-s-guide-to-fingal-head#). Meet up is 4.45 AM and we will start out for the lighthouse at 5am on the dot, sunrise is 5.38am and it is a stiff walk and you need time to get set up beforehand. There is also the option to go down to the beach and catch the early light on the rock formations and surfers as the morning goes on.

If any participants would like to meet at the end of Fingal Spit, to catch the sun coming up with the sand pumping jetty in the foreground, this will be marked on the map. After sunup, at approx 7am, those who wish to can drive to the end of the spit for shots of the sand pumping jetty, possibly trawlers coming in over the bar (although they may not be out on a Sunday) and surfers. Those who don’t wish to go the extra distance will have plenty of opportunities with surfers, scenery and birds to enjoy around the lighthouse area.

Bring your breakfast, we will meet at the picnic area at 9-9.15am, this site has BBQs and there is a lagoon adjacent lagoon with waterbirds incl. white faced herons (see http://www.redbubble.com/people/analog6/art/7440722-white-faced-heron-fingal-1). You can also see many other birds incl rosellas in the trees round the picnic area. If anyone wants to buy breakfast there is a cafe when you come down from Lighthouse Parade, the Sheoak Shack, which I understand opens for breakfast.

Look forward to meeting some new faces and touching base with some old friends.

20-09-2011, 10:39am
I'm interested in this Odille, But the "Hear" Link for details and Sign up is'nt working ?

20-09-2011, 10:47am
I'm interested in this Odille, But the "Hear" Link for details and Sign up is'nt working ?

Don't know why, I searched for it and copied it that way. I'll put a new link (http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/fingal-head-nsw-australia-meet-at-end-of-lighthouse-parade/) again (seems to be working Ok now), but if it still doesn't work, go to the main Find a Walk (http://worldwidephotowalk.com/locations/) page and type Fingal Head into the search bar and it comes up first go.

20-09-2011, 10:55am
:th3: Working now Odille, Will try and drum up a couple of others , I see it says room for 50 :eek: That'l be good at the causeway down off the side :lol2: Thanks for that , Been meaning to get there again anyway :)

20-09-2011, 11:41am
:th3: Working now Odille, Will try and drum up a couple of others , I see it says room for 50 :eek: That'l be good at the causeway down off the side :lol2: Thanks for that , Been meaning to get there again anyway :)

LOL! I had 24 sign up last year and about 18 attended, from memory, so it should be manageable.

23-09-2011, 1:03pm
I am definately interested to Odile, I was just looking for an excuse to get back that way again...but :( I have to wait for the husbands roster to come out before I can commit so I will let you know shortly but it does sound like fun....:D

26-09-2011, 11:59am
Signed up and ready, lets pray for good weather.

26-09-2011, 12:13pm
I have signed up. Looking forward to this & meeting some other AP members.

26-09-2011, 12:30pm
I have signed up. Looking forward to this & meeting some other AP members.

Great Barbara - look forward to seeing you there

27-09-2011, 7:03am
I have signed up, can you just check that I am there because I had a bit of a computer glitch and it did not actually confirm anything...:(
Looking forward to chatting with you again Odille..:D

28-09-2011, 9:18am
Daylight Saving comes in Sunday morning. So are these times taking that into consideration or are they still normal time?

28-09-2011, 10:07am
Daylight Saving comes in Sunday morning. So are these times taking that into consideration or are they still normal time?

I'd stick with Qld time , The Sun does'nt know about Daylight Saving times :D Cheers Bill

28-09-2011, 12:22pm
I'm hoping still have the energy after a few days of guests:efelant: but it sounds like an opportunity to learn more about my new camera and opefully get better sots of Cook island with my telephoto than I did last time. I look forward to seeing you all.

28-09-2011, 12:23pm
:oops:shots! Hate those typos!!!!

28-09-2011, 12:35pm
Ok, I joined :)

28-09-2011, 1:59pm
Daylight Saving comes in Sunday morning. So are these times taking that into consideration or are they still normal time?

I am assuming it is not taking DST into consideration, because I noted this morning it was quite light at 0530 and the sun was fully up by about 0545. So just come by the normal time (or Qld time). Can anyo9ne wh hasn't done it go and put their names down on the site, pretty please

28-09-2011, 2:51pm
Just looked up this site & states that first light is 6am & Sun rise 6.23am. This is an hour different to the day before so am assuming that is Daylight Saving time. So Qld/normal time would be 5am & 5.23am. It appears that the original time stated as 4.45am meetup time is ordinary/Qld time :)

30-09-2011, 5:27am
Just looked up this site & states that first light is 6am & Sun rise 6.23am. This is an hour different to the day before so am assuming that is Daylight Saving time. So Qld/normal time would be 5am & 5.23am. It appears that the original time stated as 4.45am meetup time is ordinary/Qld time :)

Yes, because when I looked it up on the site I normally use it said 5.38am. I did say in the previous post that it appeared to be not taking DST into consideration. I have put a note to this effect on the Walk Page

30-09-2011, 5:36am

I've tried a couple of times to sign up, with no luck. This mornings effort ended up with a blank page after registering. Anyway, I'll be there regardless :)

30-09-2011, 12:27pm
Hi Odille, I am dreadfully sorry but a family drama has come up and I wont be able to attend on Sunday mores the pity I was really looking forward to it. Next time! :(

30-09-2011, 5:00pm
I would really have loved to come along to this. The photo walk in July last year was my 1st meet up and introduction to so many great people here on AP!

Unfortunately the rugby league team I support, Manly, have made the grand final and I just have to be there to support them!

I hope everyone has a great time.


30-09-2011, 6:41pm
Sorry Odille , Due to family comitments I cant make it as well :( Hope you guys have a great time and get some good shots of the Causeway :)

01-10-2011, 2:43pm
My car has died on me – the alternator is gone (why do they always do this on a long weekend when you have something on?). I am trying to arrange for a friend (Gail, gabby on here) to give me a lift but hard at 4.15 am! I would love it if you will all still go so we can have an entry in the prize for the best shot, and someone has to win the best shot for our group. We are having thunderstorms here but I will stay online as much as possible and will keep this official walk site (http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/fingal-head-nsw-australia-meet-at-end-of-lighthouse-parade/) updated.

01-10-2011, 4:36pm
Gail, incredibly generously has LENT me her car for the morning. So all back to normal. See you all there.

01-10-2011, 5:06pm
A big :th3: to Gail

01-10-2011, 8:47pm
I would really have loved to come along to this. The photo walk in July last year was my 1st meet up and introduction to so many great people here on AP!

Unfortunately the rugby league team I support, Manly, have made the grand final and I just have to be there to support them!

I hope everyone has a great time.



06-10-2011, 6:45pm
Thanks Kath, still recovering! :)