View Full Version : 'Carding up'=advice sought

fairy bombs
15-09-2011, 7:04am
I heard another member of another photography forum,use the term 'carding up' his images to sell on his travels.

I am wondering where to buy to plastic bags and card used for this type of venture,The bags,I imagine a like those
clip seal bags for sandwiches-but bigger,where do you buy those bags?and how much? and what sizes do the come in?

What card do you use?,do you buy bigger sizes and cut to size? I was possibly thinking 5 by 7 the next size,and the biggest
8 by 10.

My son gets 4 by 6 sizes done,and sells them to people,that come in groups to visit our property for lunch,so was thinking
of may be having a go with larger sizes.But I do not want to do the frame ones,as cost too much,and they would not buy.

Any thoughts on how to do this 'carding up' would be great,But I am not sure if its going to be worth the effort.My son gets
100's of bird images etc printed at Big W for .15 cents each and sells for $1.50 each-no bag.Not sure if people will pay up to $10
for a bird print 'carded up'.

Thanks for any advice or links.

15-09-2011, 7:28am
I would also like to know this as well - hopefully we will get some feedback.

15-09-2011, 9:36am
You can get those clear bags/envelopes in either the 'zip lock' type or cellophane type on ebay in bulk lots :) or scrapbooking type stores sell them in different sizes for card making etc like this : http://www.flutterbuys.com.au/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=237&zenid=bab78697e4be9aad66aa541c7390cc44

15-09-2011, 10:37am
Try here for bulk matt boards-
and here for a better price on your printing-

fairy bombs
15-09-2011, 1:04pm
Thanks for help and links.

What price do others sell their mid size 'carded up' images for,Not looking for personal details.
But just trying to some sort of idea,if this type of venture might work.

All in all,the whole idea of making money from photography seems rather very difficult,regardless
of which venture one looks at,Although I see others here earning a few thousand from the odd
wedding and few potrait shots a year.

I certainly would'nt have the skills for those ,ever.But would not mind trying to earn a few hundred
profit a year from carded up images of some of my wildlife.Any more ideas and pointers for carding
up most welcome.

I see those markets and some photographers with their lovely framed sea scape images,not cheap.
I always wonder if they ever sell any at all.

thanks for links.

25-09-2011, 7:00pm
I have not heard the term 'carding up' ... and couldn't get much sense from Google.
Does it mean mounting the card to matt board ... and if so, is that without cutting a matt window so that the photo is simply stuck to the card?

30-09-2011, 7:45pm
i don't get it. If you're selling pics at 10x markup already, what purpose would a plastic bag serve?

and also, 'sell on his travels' - how would you find a place to sell photos while on a trip?

the guys at the market may sell a couple pics at $40 each, but they stand there all day, I wonder if it's worth the effort. or maybe they do sell a lot.