View Full Version : Selling my 17-40 L and buying 24mm 1.4 L .........justified!

14-09-2011, 4:11pm
Hey guys.
I hummed and harded over whether to sell my 17 - 40 for my growing addiction to Prime lenses (except for my 70 - 200 2.8 MKII that they will bury me with!), took the plunge and bought the 24mm on Flea Bay and I'm glad i did, here are a couple of results from my first road test with it. Excuse the lighting as it was midday. PP was slight saturation and small bit of sharpening. Blooms were shot at f5.6 and the other 2 at f8 all at ISO 200.
Cheers and enjoy.

14-09-2011, 6:02pm
Apologies people, I should have previewed theses shots before i put them up as they have lost a fair bit of resolution after compression.

14-09-2011, 11:50pm
any at 1.4? :)

15-09-2011, 12:02pm
pretty nice photos