View Full Version : Drivers Project

14-09-2011, 8:32am
I got this idea a few weeks ago, to capture an image of a driver and their machine.

Be it they drive a car, motorbike, boat, scooter, plane or fly a helicopter.

Whether the vehicle is new, old, standard, modified, rare or common.

I want to capture the person as the main focus, and the vehicle second. It's about the driver, bringing them out in the photograph and showing off their pride and joy (Or their means of getting from A to B).

So far I've done 5 shoots, I have 47 interested people in a private Facebook event of just my friends alone, plus there are people at work who are interested, and friends of friends who are interested (word spread around!).

Some of these extra interested parties are driving Porsches, GTRs, AMGs, etc. So I'm excited to get around to those too!

So far:

Russell - My father, with his Triumph Street Triple
Upon discovering a new "style", I thought my dad looked pretty intimidating. He wants to keep that hairstyle, because so many people around him hate it. I think it makes him suit his bike more than the usual clean cut look he has haha.. So I wanted to focus more on this, while showing a bit of his bike :)

Mark with his Scooter he imported from Japan
Mark lived in Japan for a number of years, being half Japanese and all. He imported this bike over when he moved to Sydney and it is such an unusual sight on the road. The big oversized scooter, modified in cool ways. An exhaust that sticks upwards on one side, LED lights, a stereo, etc. I wanted to show this off, while showing off how tall Mark is (he is damn tall). This kind of just worked out nicely!

Henri with his Scooter
Henri is a rather humble person, suave with the ladies, a goof with us boys. But definitely very stylish. He is French, so naturally, one would assume he'd have a lot of style. That's definitely correct. This was one of the first photos I got in the shoot. It seemed he just naturally went for a pose, which was then followed by lots of sillyness!

Conrad and his bright red Celica
Ah Conrad, he is just a personality within himself. He wasn't really sure how to go about this photoshoot, and neither did I. I tend to picture what it is I want to take building up to a photoshoot, so I have an idea on how I'd like to go about it. I pictured the bright white carpark making the red of the car stand out more, but I'm still getting used to how to get people to pose. I try to get them to do what they feel is comfortable, but having a camera pointed in your face and being told to "act comfortable and natural" brings out all kinds of different emotions! I got some good shots of him, and this one stood out amongst the others. There is some kind of balance there.

Matthew with his Honda Integra
I hadn't met Matthew before, and he had no idea what this project was about. So on the way there after meeting them, our original location was too busy, so I jumped in his car and we headed elsewhere. It worked out quite well I say! I explained to him what it was all about, and told him to just do what he wanted to do. It worked really well, from the very little I know about him, it seemed to represent the right kind of image that I myself wanted to portray.

14-09-2011, 8:53am
Love the idea and really great work! Good job! :th3:

14-09-2011, 10:01am
Good to see a refreshed look on the usual car shots Tommy. I enjoyed the narrative on the owners which takes away the need (or want) to critique the actual photos. I actually found myself reading the narrative before looking at the photo which is something I don't do on this site. Well done & I'm looking forward to reading more.:th3:

14-09-2011, 11:58am
Thanks for your comments :)

These were my preferred pick out of each series!

For the rest of the photos from each person, click here:

I'll be building a prettier website around it, but that's where they are for now :)

old dog
14-09-2011, 12:57pm
nice work Thommo...I like these.

14-09-2011, 4:23pm
Nice idea and some really nice shots. This is not a critisism at all (the photos are fantastic), but I was wondering why you chose to have the camera focussed on the vehicles rather than the drivers/riders as described in the mission statement? I'm mostly talking about #2 and #3.

I want to capture the person as the main focus, and the vehicle second. It's about the driver, bringing them out in the photograph and showing off their pride and joy (Or their means of getting from A to B).

I really like the varied background settings for each of the vehicles. In every one of those photos the background perfectly compliments the vehicle and the subject. Nice narrative too!

14-09-2011, 4:53pm
Nice idea and some really nice shots. This is not a critisism at all (the photos are fantastic), but I was wondering why you chose to have the camera focussed on the vehicles rather than the drivers/riders as described in the mission statement? I'm mostly talking about #2 and #3.

I don't know, I just go with how I feel at the time of shooting :)

I haven't created a "stick to" formula yet, and I want to try to make each shoot as different from another as I can! It's all just an idea I'm building from as I go ;)

Since it's only me doing the shooting and I have so many willing subjects, there will be lots of overlap in styles, arrangements and all over composition. But yeah, at the end of the day I just go with how I feel :)

But hey, thank you for your comments :)

14-09-2011, 7:32pm
What a top idea, love it!

15-09-2011, 7:21am
Cheers Cattle! Got some photos of a mate with a Type R and another mate with a 2009 STI last night :)

Those pics may or may not come up tonight, depending on when I get home :)

17-09-2011, 8:57am
Moe with his DC2 Integra Type R
I've known Moe only on Facebook up until now, I forget how we ended up on each others friends list, but we have a number of mutual friends. Including my sister and randoms from my year at school. Anyway, he responded to a message I sent out and here we are! Some photos were taken of the bright yellow DC2 Type R he rolls in covered in Carbon Fibre Goodies.


Michael and his STI WRX
Known this guy for a while, we met on a car cruise a few years ago and he helped me work on my old Galant VR4. Nice guy, bit of a joker, and loves to talk. To get him to stay serious faced was quite the effort on his part, as all he wanted to do was break it! However, he intended on making this happen out of his own choice. Good on ya dude!
I had an original location set among some warehouses but the light was very poor and trucks kept driving through. Security rocked up and suggested a different location with heaps of lighting, so they showed us to this big open carpark which is where we got this shot :)

22-09-2011, 10:28pm
I always like these kind of series and this is a very good one. Well done! There is just one issue: these people all obviously are proud of their vehicles but the car-owners all fall into a certain type of scene. I would be good to have a little more variation: some women maybe, some older, some younger. And of course a lot more cars that stand out from these toys.

23-09-2011, 6:34pm
Thanks for your comments, however, did you see in my original post though? I have over 47 people interested. Lots of different characters in that, I'm only early in to my project so give me a chance and you'll be seeing more things like that.

Sortec and his Golf
Sortec is my manager at work, he quite liked the idea of this project and came up with the random and funny idea to try fishing off of the back of his car! So we found a spot and made it happen. There were builders near by loving how random this was, and a group of people laughing and watching us take these photos! It was quite funny!


23-09-2011, 6:52pm
I read your brief, and think, great idea, I look at the images and on the whole, I think, well done.
Then I try and apply the brief to the images, if your brief is as you describe

I want to capture the person as the main focus, and the vehicle second. It's about the driver, bringing them out in the photograph and showing off their pride and joy (Or their means of getting from A to B).

Then I am left a little disappointed that the driver is not the sharpest part of each and every image.
To make this about the driver, then the driver needs to be sharp.

Just my 2 cents, a great idea, and a project that seems to be going to keep you busy for a good while

24-09-2011, 9:50am
I know, I've frayed away from that because as I go along, I'm changing things and working things differently. It's easier said than done, as I create a new plan for each shoot and try to give a different feel to each one. Mix it up a bit. And if that means having the driver smaller than the car while holding a fishing rod in the air (because that's also what they wanted), then so be it, I'll drop the brief for something interesting like that!

I'm not deterring too far from my original brief, I'm more going for a mixture now. As you see in some of them, there is a mix, some are more towards showing off their vehicle, and some have them both in the focus.

And I've realised some people aren't so comfortable posing and being in photos like this, but are still happy to do it for my sake. So that can be hard getting them to look and be comfortable IN the photo =/

24-09-2011, 8:14pm
Two Brothers
Simon and Jason, they're Mikis (below) old neighbours who had a thing for cars much like us boys. Every time Jamie and I would rock up at Mikis place, they'd take notice of our cars in the car park. After sparking up conversation with them a few times, we grew to know them and discovered how much of a passion they have for them.

Jason with his 350z
Still on his P-plates, he can only drive this car during work hours for work purposes, so he hasn't had a chance to take it for a proper drive yet! Each time we'd go anywhere for a drive, his brother Simon would take it out. At the moment it is bone stock, but he has big plans for it!

Simon and his R34 Skyline GTR V-Spec II
Simon only recently picked this beauty up from another older enthusiast. A Japanese bloke who is one of the guys running Skylines Australia, one of the biggest Nissan Skyline forums in Australia. The car is immaculate, running beautifully and punching 300kw atw. I haven't seen it go yet, but my god it sounds amazing just revving on the spot and idling!

Miki and his Liberty running a Twin Turbo motor
Miki is a long time friend of mine, never done me wrong since year 8 in high school. He picked up this conversion off a Subaru warlock friend of ours (Scott, Jamies brother) which was originally a second project of his (used to be running a STI motor Scott fitted, then parted and fitted this instead).
Miki isn't one for photos at the best of times, so getting him to do this was tricky within itself! He may look like a tough one, but he is a softy. Believe me =P

Jamie and his Liberty running a V7 STI motor
Much like the original conversion Scott did on Mikis blue Liberty above, Jamie purchased an imported motor and his brother and him teamed up to fit it and get it running in their backyard. After little hiccups here and there, they got it done, perfected and engineered. Originally being an automatic luxury spec Liberty, it now still has all the comfort parts, only now with a quick turbo motor.

04-10-2011, 11:59am
Jason with his beast of an Mercedes Benz AMG C63
I've been wanting to take photos of this car ever since he picked it up, I've watched him slowly modify it and I've been falling more and more in love with it. The sound, the look, the stance, it's just pure BOSS. I finally booked a time with him, did a photoshoot and followed it by a Drivers Project photo! He was reluctant about standing there for a photo, but lucky for me he let me.

Michael and Sheri with their Skylines
These two are such a sweet couple, they both share a strong passion for cars, have as much passion for each other and they're both great friends of mine. Always good company, and were both very happy to be involved with the photos!

Michael with his R32 GTR
Still in the process of modifying it more and more (last time I spoke to him about his car, it was pushing 300kw atw). It's been detuned for now, while he gets more parts and tries to push massive power! I've known Michael for a while now, he's a great bloke. Don't let the beard deter you, this guy is quite funny and well natured. Loves his cars, and knows what he is doing behind the wheel and under the bonnet.

Sheri sitting by her R32 Skyline GTST
Savvy with cars, sweet personality and very pretty. Michael has managed to catch him a top one here. And yes, she did arrive with those heels on! "I had to push the seat back a bit to be able to drive properly in them". :)

04-10-2011, 12:55pm
What a cool project, I like them all and the storys too! I have to agree with the others though that the people in some of them are a bit of an afterthought. I think you need to work a bit more on your people management and get them to feel a bit more at ease.

But a great project and I look forward to seeing more! :th3:

05-10-2011, 12:08am
Thanks, glad you like it!

This project was started as a "productive learning experience". I'm getting there with the people management thing :)

06-10-2011, 9:41am
I think the concept is excellent, but IMO you need to 1. Decide whether the vehicles or the people are the main point of focus
2. Start using off camera lighting effectively, this will bring your project to a whole new level and help you develop and hone some great new skills. There are some very good articles on this forum and also have a look at www.strobist.com, this site is truely informative.
Great work so far, love to see some different modes of transport. :th3:

06-10-2011, 4:31pm
I have an off camera flash now, will see how that works with it all :) And will be slowly building up other forms of lighting equipment!

I'm not going to decide on the vehicle or person as the main point for the whole project, it is a partnership thing. Both the driver AND the car, so it will be constantly changing depending on the shoot itself. Ie: the location, the person, and the vehicle.

I know it keeps changing from the original brief I wrote up when I first got the idea, but that doesn't really matter hmm. And I can't edit the post to change that either hahaha :D

I've seen Strobist, pretty damn good!

But thanks for your comments and such :)

I have a boat, a helicopter and an aircraft lined up. Just a matter of booking those in for a shoot :)

07-10-2011, 7:15am
amazing photo's!!! These are the shots I could keep coming back to for inspiration!!

07-10-2011, 10:39am
Aw thanks, that's awesome :) :)

17-10-2011, 11:19pm
Gino styling along side his Golf GTI
Gino is another one of the designers at work who sits next to me. We've been on and off busy for the last couple of weeks, and have finally had time to continue with this project with people at work. He was pretty happy to do it, and knew straight away how he wanted to be with the car!


Adrian on a mission with Gramps the Corona
Adrian has been a close friend of mine for a long while. He shares a passion for cars, especially with old school Toyotas. The amount of cars he owns is in the double digits, however the amount that are not in pieces is rather limited. This is one of his clean and working cars. A Toyota Corona 2000 running an 18RG motor. It sounds beefy, and is actually a quick car for it's time!


24-10-2011, 8:33am
Joe after battling the twisties in his WRX
Joseph has always been a great friend of mine. His girlfriend Sarah and him have always been there for me, I had this idea for a photo for a long time, and thought it'd be a great opportunity for him! After we all burned through here (and got stuck behind a driver doing 40 half the way), I jumped in to Joe's car and directed him to a spot to pull over. I wanted to get the trees, a sign and a corner in the shot. There was only a couple of spots available to do this, and one was taken up by some day trippers in 4WDs. So we were lucky!
I feel as though this shot captures Joe along with his car. A proud guy, paid for with saved up cash, modified with money definitely earned. Joe was awarded Australian Subaru Apprentice of the Year last year! I entrust work done on my car by him and would rather my money go to him than any other general mechanic.
He is a humble guy, he doesn't talk himself up, he loves those around him, and he goes out of his way (literally, by far standards) to help someone out in need. He isn't putting on an act, he is merely standing there happily along with his car, happy and humble.


Chris with shoes that match his WRX
Chris is one hell of a character! Acts hardcore, knows most modern dance styles, talks a lot of crap, but definitely knows how to enjoy life. He hasn't had his car long, but has lots of plans for it. He is proud to drive it, he really does love his car. While he was posing all gangster and I was taking this photo, Sarah and Joe were teasing him and giving him a bit like they all usually do to each other. We were all laughing, and so I kept snapping away. Hoping I'll get something of him laughing and enjoying the moment, instead of standing there all straight faced and 'hardcore'. It was something I much preferred, and thought it was more of a "Chris" moment. Instead of trying to appear emotionless and intimidating.


Leon by his Impreza
I met this guy for the first time on Saturday when out going through the Royal National Park. He works with Joe at Subaru in Narellan and came along with us for the drive. Good friendly kid, still on his P's and eventually wanting a WRX. I don't know much about the guy, but I can tell he has a good side to him. He talks his car down in front of us, but I know he loves it to pieces!


24-10-2011, 9:57am
:th3: Really interesting thanks.....loving the series! :D

24-10-2011, 10:04am
Thanks heaps :D :D

High 5 to you! =]

Aussie Battler
27-10-2011, 9:23am
Like your idea. Interesting to see how your style is developing as you progress. Keep going.

'Gramps the Corona' a bit of fave at this stage. A good combination of the car and the driver's personality (and no arm folding!).

Let's see something really different now. Go crazy with it.

27-10-2011, 12:38pm
I don't know why, but arm folding seems to be the preferred thing haha..

For a couple of my friends, I have ideas that we've come up with. It's just a matter of finding the perfect location for one of them, and having the time for the other one (as we need to set up some things).

Thanks for your feedback :) :)

28-03-2012, 9:52am
Wow it's been a while since I've done anything on this project. I have some more photos to add, but first up the most recent (I'll add the others tonight)

Tristan and his MR2 doing some Urban Exploration
Tristan and I became friends through cars first, but our friendship developed more when we discovered that we both are in to photography as well. He has a love for "urban exploration" and loves to try and discover what he can, and what we other folk often miss in our own suburbs. We had always wanted to bring a vehicle in to this particular spot, and one evening we managed to as there were no longer any obstacles around to stop this.


29-03-2012, 12:03am
Linda (mum!) and her BMW F800R
Mum has gone through two bikes now, and has settled on a bright orange BMW F800R. Due to both of my parents being in to bikes, it let's me get away with spending on fast cars! Hooray! Mum has always supported me through absolutely everything, just like my father, they both support me through all the smart and very stupid decisions I make. And because of that, I can only respect them for letting me make the mistakes I have, and still be there for me. Mum discovered this passion for riding along with my dad, and together they have so much fun and go on many adventures! Helping to drive my sense of adventure too :)