View Full Version : Point and Shoot waterproof camera

13-09-2011, 2:35pm
My significant other is off on a holiday in a few months time to Antarctica. Lucky girl! She's not big on photography, so not keen on taking my DSLR.
I'm keen to get her a good waterproof camera, which appears to be an oxymoron picture-quality wise.
Can anyone recommend a good point-and-shoot waterproof camera?

13-09-2011, 5:56pm
Have a look at some of the Olympus range. They are good at bringing out waterproof P&S cameras, that often are 'ruggedised' and can handle being dropped etc as well

13-09-2011, 9:02pm
I haven't looked into it for a while, but when I last did my research the Panasonic series were the best all-rounders, while the Canon series were a little better under water, but not quite so good above (not so easy to fit in your pocket either). I'd definitely pick from one of the three brands listed above though and there are plenty of reviews online to give you assistance.


14-09-2011, 7:40am
There was a long thread on here a few months ago about this, I am sure. But Panasonic (incl Lumix (http://panasonic.com.au/Products/Lumix/Tough/Product+listing)) are excellent cameras, and really, any of the good brands such as Canon or Nikon, Fuji finepix (http://www.cnet.com.au/fujifilm-finepix-z33wp-339295056.htm) etc should be Ok. Ease of use would be a factor as I imagine she would be e=wearing gloves most of the time. The Pentax Optio WG-1 GPS (https://www.crkennedy.com.au/pentax/index.php?q=node/269) has a GPS capability - could be useful.There is a review of some of the offerings here (http://forums.cnet.com/7723-7593_102-403898/best-waterproof-point-and-shoot-as-of-summer-10/) (CNet)

Lucky girl - I'd love to go there!

14-09-2011, 7:58am
We've used Olympus miu cameras for years (on to our second) & been very happy, but the reviews will be more up to date & comprehensive than my limited experience.

One important thing though will be the ability to be able to keep them inside your partners parka where they can stay warm as Antartic temperatures will affect the operations of the camera.

14-09-2011, 8:26am
Thanks everyone. I too would be going if I didn't suffer from severe seasickness!
I will check out the cameras you have all mentioned.

28-09-2011, 11:57am
Hi cfm,
How did you go with your research? I am also looking into some waterproof cameras at the moment, as I am planning a trip to NZ next year and we are going to be doing some activities where I will not want to take my DSLR... i.e. Kayaking on Milford Sound. But I really want something quite good quality, I'm not planning on taking it underwater, more just for 'in case' it gets dropped into water, gets wet etc.
Would love to hear what you ended up going with....

28-09-2011, 12:27pm
I bought Mark an Olympus Tough TG-310 for his birthday earlier this year for his upcoming mountaineering trip to NZ. It's really quite rugged, and I bought the bright orange one so that he can easily spot in it the snow if he drops it. It takes quite good pictures too :)