View Full Version : Did we breed these people ??

12-09-2011, 5:01pm
Having just checked my new online proof from a certain colour advertisng directory known for its size. I was not surprised to see it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Talking to the "team leader" ....well thats because it isn't due to be published yet.... but its a proof thats why i have to see it first... yeh but you won't get to see it until its nearly published....well i just spoke to your junior who assures me she can see it......can she, hang on a minute......ah yeh she can but you can't.....okay well why don't you get her to email it to me so i can see it. ...okay

Small print ad arrives and they have have segregated the wording and taken away punctuation so 2 lines read:

Professional High
Res Multi Camera

rings again:
Is it me because i don't seem to be getting a professional high from this and i doubt if you would find a Res Multi camera on any shelves......
Pulls my hair out at the ineptitude and spelling capabilities of Sales staff !!!! Rant Rant
I'll email you how it should look :jumping11:

Give me strength

12-09-2011, 5:33pm
Good luck, they are useless

Art Vandelay
12-09-2011, 5:46pm
In my regular business, I gave up on yellow pages years ago.
Very expensive, and just doesn't give the results it used to.

14-09-2011, 8:38pm
Yes they got my ad wrong too. Published the one from the previous year instead of the one I sent them. wrong email address which I had changed and closed. Made it worse by NOT responding to my emails or phone calls and then telling me that they DID publish my ad, just the wrong one one :action:

No apology, no discount, no bloody nothing.

Guess what? No bloody repeat business for them.:p

18-09-2011, 8:27am
The thing I found about yellow pages is that the only people who use it to find things are at the bottom end of the market - not where I wanted to be. When I ran my studio pretty much my whole advertising budget went into Google adwords. Since about 90+% of Australians searching online use Google I had an enormous reach and the frequency was up to me depending on how much I wanted to pay for each keyword phrase. Most important of all, I could pitch my ad at the right people, the ones who understood what good photography was and were willing to pay the necessary price for it.

22-09-2011, 4:38pm
Dont want to veer too far of topic but Franko, we dont use yellow pages (or any other printed advertisment) for our studio either. How successful did you find Google adwords? and to help paint the picture for us, what was the core area of your studio's work ie commercial, family portraits, wedding etc??

22-09-2011, 5:31pm
As I'm trying to semi retire I've scaled back our yp ads considerably.

In the past, as this was about the only advertising the Institute of Engineers allowed, we had a substantial investment with them each year.

Originally we would see a salesperson each year who handled the file personally and we got good service.

In more recent years they have scrubbed the personal approach, all you get is phone calls and, if you're lucky, emails.

I seemed to be getting as much business as usual after I cancelled most of our ads, which basically confirmed my opinion that most of the work was coming from word of mouth.

Personally I can't remember the last time I actually used them to find a service I wanted.

22-09-2011, 6:55pm
Last year i only used online YP but this year was offered a small print ad as an incentive to continue with online. however I'm considering google as all of our clients come from online or word of mouth. So if any of you have experiences with the pay per click or otherwise it woulld be good to hear- cheers

22-09-2011, 6:55pm
Actually lets start a new thread.....

24-09-2011, 11:52am
I have to agree with Rick, there absolutly useless, geez there affiliated with Tels*tra that should send alarm bells to startwith lol

24-09-2011, 12:03pm

Does the yellow pages still exist?

Seriously, I haven't even sighted a copy of the yellow / white pages in several years... I thought the yellow pages had just faded away into irrelevance and was no longer even published. I think the last one delivered to my door was about 2006 or their abouts...

If I'm looking for a business, I google.


To give you an idea of its relevance in today's world: I tried the old 'more chins than a Chinese phone book' joke on some y8 students a while back... they had no idea what I was talking about...