View Full Version : Where do you want to go with your photography

11-09-2011, 6:01pm
We have had poll's on how much you make from photography and more. So this one is asking something different.

Where do you see your photography, in your life?

11-09-2011, 6:10pm
In the short term (next 3 years) I'd like to build it up to steady part time photography business, when when my kids go to school try and ramp it up to full-time. I figure 3 years is a realistic time frame to build up a decent clientele while also learning as much as I can about the biz and photography, then reassess to see where I want to be. My problem is that my area is VERY over-saturated with both photographers & fauxtographers so its not going to be easy in the portrait field.

11-09-2011, 6:41pm
Photography is a hobby for me. Unfortunately, work sometimes interferes in my photography time (but only for around 40 hours a week). I am quite happy to explore and try and improve my photography, I have a lot to learn. I am interested in art photography but need to get on top more fundamental stuff first. In the meantime, I share my photos with friends and on forums.

11-09-2011, 7:00pm
Photography for me is strictly a hobby.

It's something about which I am passionate, and I don't want to turn it into a job or career. While I have sold images and done paid gigs, during the past year or so I've decided that those paths don't appeal to me.

Being able to shoot on my own terms and in my own time (in balance with other aspects of life) in pursuit of the kinds of images I want, suits me very well.

Photography is something that I always have with me. Sometimes I am quite active, and other times I drop off the grid for a while. The good thing is that when time and motivation align, I can pick up from where I left off.

Photography for me is a fluid journey; my interests within it come and go, and I encounter new people, new ideas, new images, new places, new knowledge and new experiences as part of a journey that ultimately doesn't have -- or need -- a destination.

JM Tran
11-09-2011, 7:06pm
Cant vote in this Poll, as there is no option for wanting to be God:)

11-09-2011, 7:30pm
Xenedis's reply basically echoes mine to a tee.

Work usually interferes for approximately 47.5-52.5 hours a week, and in reality more than that, as by the time I get home , or at home on the weekends, I'm so tired(of work) my preference is for lazing about and doing nothing.
With my old job, work actively encouraged a higher photography participation rate.

I need to get back into my old job(courier) again!

11-09-2011, 7:36pm
As my partner said to me "if you're gonna do it all the time your might as well start getting paid for it" and while I agree and want to get paid for it there are several factors that have to be in place first.
1- I have to be good enough, just cause I want to earn from it doesn't mean someone's going to pay me for it.
2- you have to be able to deliver what the client wants. It's ok to have your unique style and you don't want to be "jack of all trades master of none" but at the same time you have to be able to meet your market.
3- I refuse, repeat refuse to damage the industry. If I'm not good enough to charge appropriately I'll do it pro Bono.
4- I want to run a legitimate business. I want to be able to provide a wage, work cover and superfor myself and any staff i might have. It's only fair.
And I'm not in fairy land, I grew up in a large family business, have been in business myself and am well aware that it's more hard work than accolades.

Mark L
11-09-2011, 7:41pm
I like to share etc (that's how I voted), wouldn't mind making a few $$ in the future, but that's not a goal.

12-09-2011, 5:25am
While I voted on being a full time photographer - its also my hobby, and my passion.

And yes I enjoy sharing too - mainly my experiences - as opposed to needing a vehicle for my imagery.

Seems a few think that if you're a professional that you are only motivated by money. FWIW when I want to, and when the cause is worth it, my work becomes my hobby and I will quite happily support something by giving it away without a cost.

Duane Pipe
12-09-2011, 8:14am
Until last week it was only a hobby, but after having a taste of the big time I am now not to sure.
I was backup tog for a relatives wedding and was paid a slab of beer:D :lol:they have also offered to buy me a Nifty Fifty or a Speed light:)
I didn't want anything for doing it, only the experience.
I voted for "I like sharing my photos" and that's the way it will always be, but a slab every now and then would be good:th3:

12-09-2011, 9:16am
Generally, I take photos for myself and to share with others. I sell a few prints, and also enjoy doing weddings and other odd jobs...if I didn't really enjoy the photographic challenge presented I probably wouldn't bother though. It makes me some money, but as its not my primary employment I am perhaps as not seeking as those who do it for a career. I wouldn't do a job I didn't have the capability to do to my utmost however, as I believe flagging standards are one of the greatest blights on the photographic industry.

12-09-2011, 7:34pm
A soccer world cup final.

12-09-2011, 8:05pm
Friends and acquaintances call me a photographer and at times I get paid for my work, but I am not actively pursuing that part - but it is nice to be paid, so I won't say no.

I just love ticking along doing what I please with my photography and learning. Birding will always have priority I believe, its just so darn interesting.

12-09-2011, 8:06pm
Working towards part time. At the moment, wedding get my tick.

12-09-2011, 8:21pm
I took up photography in retirement purely as a hobby, and my photos were just for my own pleasure. After 2 years of working alone and sharing my shots with only my wife and family I started to wonder about how my photography was progressing. I joined a photography club and this forum, and discovered that I was better than I thought I was. It gives me great pleasure to have people admire my photographs and even greater pleasure to win in a club competition. I have also sold the occasional shot on a stock photography site. But overall, my photography is still just a hobby which I like to share occasionally with friends, family and forums.

13-09-2011, 12:54am
It is a hobby, but I would like to make some money from it to recover money spent on gear and also money for new gear :D

14-09-2011, 9:09am
Wouldn't it be nice to be paid to do what you love? :rolleyes: (that's supposed to be a wistful sigh kind of smiley, not an eye rolling one! :o )

My goal is to return from a trip out shooting, confidant that what is on my camera is exactly what I was aiming for, exactly how I saw the scene in my mind and with my eyes.

One day... onnnnnne day :efelant:

14-09-2011, 5:21pm
I took up photography purely as a hobby that would get me out of the chair and out of the house and then I learned that there is also a thing called PP .....

14-09-2011, 6:02pm
I took up photography purely as a hobby that would get me out of the chair and out of the house and then I learned that there is also a thing called PP .....

That gets you back in the house and in the chair... :lol2:

14-09-2011, 7:23pm
Xenedis's reply basically echoes mine to a tee.

Work usually interferes for approximately 47.5-52.5 hours a week,

Only 47.5 - 52.5 hours per week????

I wish!!!

15-09-2011, 8:28pm
A bit of fun with an equal mix of frustration.
Somewhere in between working, looking after three young kids, selling and buying and renovating a house, recovering from a back injury, trying to get back on the bike to fend off my middle age, paying the bills, a limited social life, gardening, commuting to work, returning from work, domestic chores, feeding the family, school drop off and pick ups, ballet class, swimming classes, fixing things in the man cave, music, yoga, reading and sleeping I occasionally manage to pick up a camera and document some of the life above before it is all gone.
Just occassionally making someone say , "wow great photo, you must have a good camera" is often enough.

16-09-2011, 11:15pm
I just like taking photos as a hobby, for me

and sharing it with friends and family.

18-09-2011, 7:37pm
cant vote, maybe im to late?

anyway.,.. currently its just a hobby i dont divulge in enough. getting better, used to be a very lazy person so starting to get out and about a lot more. got my dslr into a band gig on friday, i had a ball!

i think id like, down the track, to be able to turn it into a job (whether FT or PT) but atm, not good enough, and to many unexplored avenues!

20-09-2011, 3:29pm
I do a lot of product shots for my company, but I also love taking photos for relaxation.
Problem is getting the time to actually go somewhere to take great shots, so I just do a bit here and there and hope for the best.

It's funny that shooting for work and shooting for pleasure are so different, although I've picked up a lot of skills in product photography which relates really well into my hobby and I also get to buy some gear and have the company pay for it. :)

20-09-2011, 5:48pm
cant vote, maybe im to late?

anyway.,.. currently its just a hobby i dont divulge in enough. getting better, used to be a very lazy person so starting to get out and about a lot more. got my dslr into a band gig on friday, i had a ball!

i think id like, down the track, to be able to turn it into a job (whether FT or PT) but atm, not good enough, and to many unexplored avenues!

You could not vote at the time cause your account was inactive (at the time of your post in this thread), now you have started participating again, your voting privileges have been restored

20-09-2011, 5:55pm
I voted part timer :) but where was the voting thingo for " I wanna be rich and famous! "..........or didnt anyone want to vote for that?

20-09-2011, 9:22pm
You could not vote at the time cause your account was inactive (at the time of your post in this thread), now you have started participating again, your voting privileges have been restored

thanks, thought that might have been it.


21-09-2011, 11:45am
i admire those who are professional photographers and still say that it's still a hobby as far as they are concerned! :th3:

how i wish i could be in the same level too. :o

21-09-2011, 8:07pm
Where would i like to go with my Photgraphy??..just a hobby for this little vegymite but would like to take it to where i and others think that i take a damn good Photo!!!:D..Still trying in that department though :)..
Will get there if i hang around long enough...
I also am passionate about my fishing and would hate to have taken that to a professional status as i wouldnt like to do the same with photgraphy..leave that to the pros who have put the time , effort and money into it.
landscape ,taking pics of familly members and the odd wildlife / Flower shot..

22-09-2011, 3:35pm
At the moment Photography is just my hobby and another creative mode in addition to studying Architecture at uni, however I love challenging what I have learnt and pushing that more and more :) I one day wish to bring these two passions of mine together and specialize in Architectural Photography :D

22-09-2011, 6:59pm
I would like to learn how to take amazing landscape photos.

I @ M
22-09-2011, 7:01pm
I would like to learn how to take amazing landscape photos.

Simple answer to that is to hone your skills, be prepared to get up very early in the morning and to be where the amazing landscapes are waiting to be photographed.

22-09-2011, 7:53pm
I only do it for a hobby. I share with family, friends and the many new friends I have met on this forum.
I love to experiment, and my post those images on here for comment and CC. I like how since starting my new hobby, how I see things a lot clearer now. I see life in a different way. I've seen things that may have been around me all my life, but only now seeing them for the first time.

I would like to learn how to take amazing landscape photos.
Look at some of the landscape images on here. Post some of your own. Ask "How do I" and most of all, go through the learning plan.

23-09-2011, 4:01pm
I'd like to make a little money to subsidise my hobby while I'm building my skills then see where things take me in the future. Had my first paid gig a couple weeks back. Money from that didn't cover the backup and upgraded equipment I purchased but it will pay off for future gigs.

Dylan & Marianne
26-09-2011, 6:09pm
Currently doing it for a hobby and making some money on the side but I'm hoping to keep the current day job until all debts are paid off (if all goes well, maybe 15 years!), then work part time until retirement and who knows, possibly run the photography aspect as the main job - hopefully keep fit in the meantime so I can still access areas of the wilderness that I currently do.

28-09-2011, 11:52am
My day job is boring as batpoo, so I love the challenge of selecting a location/subject, time of day, tides, any filters etc and getting out & having a crack at some decent shots. The satisfaction when you nail it & get a great shot makes it all worthwhile.
Given my wife very much thinks of my newfound hobby as an expensive and time consuming inconvenience that needs no further money spent on it, my goal is to maybe one day be good enough to sell a few images here & there - enough to subsidize the purchase of quality lenses & a good camera body at least would make me happy... :D

28-09-2011, 12:07pm
Matt. Your wife would get on well with my wife. :lol:

28-09-2011, 1:49pm
Ultimately I'd love to have someone buy one of my photographs however currently it is a very enjoyable, but sometimes frustrating, hobby!
Another goal is to take some suitable to hang on our walls.
Knowing the ins & outs of my camera is a challenge & a must for me, to be able to look at a scene & say yep these are the settings I need to set to get the correct exposure to capture the mood & lighting in front of me:) Working on that one going to a workshop with Nick Rains in nov.
Although I have taken photos (snap shots) over the years I have not paid any attention to the camera as a tool ... these new digital cameras have so much built into them & are a steep learning curve for me:)
To pack our camper & head north west & south for as long as we can to see & capture as much of our amazing country is where I want to be ... out there doing it:)
We can all dream !!!
Cheers, Annette:)

Paul G
28-09-2011, 4:14pm
I'm resigned to the realistion that in my lifetime photography is never going to play the role I wanted it to. The simple fact that it is expensive is one reason. Others are lack of time and my inability to improve my skills with Photoshop, Lightroom etc.

Since we lost our computer and other electrical gear in the floods at the start of the year, and me having yet another hard drive failure losing most of my pictures, I'm almost at the point of thinking why even bother trying.

Outside of trying to run my own part-time gardening business, with family commitments and health problems, I find very little time or energy for anything else. I don't know how other people and families do all that they do...

If I was 20 years younger and had it all in front of me again there's a lot I'd do differently.

28-09-2011, 7:39pm
I learnt a long time ago not to turn my hobby's into my work. I almost lost cycling due to working in the industry (funnily enough a big break and a job back in the industry and my love for it is greater than ever)

In saying that my sis in law is a jewellery maker, and has floated the idea of having a stall at a couple of local markets with some framed prints of mine to make up some empty space... I'm heavily against the idea as I'm my own worst critic and can't see myself for paying for my shots.

29-09-2011, 6:21am
My main goal, is when I go somewhere, and take a photo while there, that it be a photo worth showing people, a photo that does the place justice, and that doesn't make me cringe as I look back through them later.
My secondary goal is to get a bit "creative" with pictures, trying new and interesting things, but still primarily around my first goal - i.e. creative stuff I can do with photography while I'm out and about camping/travelling/etc.
Within both of those, I'd like to be relatively "multiskilled" - that is I'd like to know how to do a reasonable job of a wide variety of photos - take a good macro, take a good portrait shot, take good scenery shots, know how to take low light shots around a campfire or sunrise/sunset, know how to get the pictures needed for an HDR shot, take or stitch a reasonable pano, etc etc.
That's probably asking a lot for an amateur, and requires far more hours with a camera in my hand than work and life will probably ever allow me, but hopefully I have a lot of life left in which to do it.

08-10-2011, 12:55pm
Cant vote in this Poll, as there is no option for wanting to be God:)
You wouldn't like it mate, the hours are too long and the employee are a dodgy lot :lol:

13-10-2011, 2:45pm
I have similar goals as Ezookiel up there.

Learning my camera so I can take it with me wherever I go and produce great photos of a certain creativity standard to show people. Help keep memories, help share the memories. Show people the place/subject in the way I saw it/them.

If I could become a resident photographer for a company like ADV1wheels.com, that would be a dream. Photographing high quality beautiful cars in great locations to be produced and shown to the masses, that'd be great :)

Amongst the people I know, I'm the go-to guy for photo stuff. I don't see myself as a beginner anymore, but maybe under "Intermediate" level. I know my way around my camera, it's just trying to improve myself in a range of types of photos. I have an interest mostly in Portraits and Vehicles, as well as just the world around me. Trying to show it off in a different way to the norm, but as well as embracing what people usually see. Just with a bit of a "Tommy Style Twist" to it (if you will) :)

My photo a day project has helped me learn so much!

14-10-2011, 5:50am
At the moment photography will be a hobby for me and as others have said with working 48 - 50 hours a week doesn't leave a lot of time. Still try and get out when the opportunity arises and try to master the camera and hopefully one day get that perfect bird shot :)

14-10-2011, 10:27pm
I'd get out more to practice if I could stop being so damned lazy. Dead still morning, and gorgeous lake down the road with a town centre on the other side of it, and a great chance to play around with night reflections, and even though the dog asked to go out for a pee at 4:50am, instead of getting up and grabbing the camera and tripod to head down there and experiment, instead I kicked the dog out the back and went back to bed. With dedication like that, I'll be lucky to ever progress past newbie ;) - LOL.

cam bicknell
16-10-2011, 7:13am
It's a hobby for me and always will be. I like my normal job and making a living as a photographer sounds quite difficult.
I like to pick what I shoot and feel similarly to others that have posted above that turning a hobby into your job can kill the enjoyment.

One of the biggest pluses of photography for me is that it makes me pay attention a lot more.