View Full Version : How much have you invested in camera gear ?

08-09-2011, 5:43pm
Based on another discussion on $$$ on camera gear - how much have you invested in camera gear ?

08-09-2011, 5:47pm
Got a category for over 30K? No that's depressing....

08-09-2011, 5:52pm
Based on another discussion on $$$ on camera gear - how much have you invested in camera gear ?

$34,964.87, excluding the $8,119.86 worth of gear I sold.

08-09-2011, 5:54pm
Yes, just the current RRP of your existing inventory will suffice

JM Tran
08-09-2011, 5:56pm
not much for me, between 10-15k - since half the time I rent out equipment for work anyway.

08-09-2011, 5:56pm
Yes, just the current RRP of your existing inventory will suffice

It's there.

Now, do you have any recommendations for psychotherapists who specialise in depression?

08-09-2011, 6:08pm
my wife keeps my purchasers down as low as i can get. my gear is just under 10k. (but slowly growing all the time)

old dog
08-09-2011, 6:10pm
a vewwy bad disease.....wens wust....camewa wust.....:D I have them :(

08-09-2011, 6:22pm
All second hand , The most expensive was the 24-105 , Oh and a new 50mm 1.8 , Cokin filters were new also , $ 400 for the 30D 4 yrs ago, Camera bodies under $1000 for sure :(

08-09-2011, 6:46pm
At the moment I have about $9,000 worth but that will increase in the near future to about $15,000. Dose,nt keep she who is in charge to happy:angry0:, but I could have a $50,000 boat in the drive way doing nothing like a friend up the road. :scrtch:

08-09-2011, 8:59pm
These results aren't making me feel so bad

I've got about $25k I suppose

08-09-2011, 9:03pm
Jeez, did a quick tally and have over $10,000 and that is not including the computer gear such extra hard drives, spyderpro, software, books (love my books) that comes to mind.

Big Pix
08-09-2011, 9:50pm
...... did I read a while back that Kiwi was not going to post any more polls......mmmmm......:confused013

in regard to the poll..... not enough as yet

08-09-2011, 9:51pm
I'm married to a Sicilian who will kill me if she finds out what I have spent so:

:o:( I'M A NO GUNNA SAY :p:)

08-09-2011, 9:55pm
We all have our own demons mines just fast glass :lol:


08-09-2011, 10:13pm
I'm married to a Sicilian who will kill me if she finds out what I have spent so:

:o:( I'M A NO GUNNA SAY :p:)

most of us possibly in same boat, voting is anonymous fyi

08-09-2011, 10:13pm
polls, moi ?:lol:

Art Vandelay
08-09-2011, 10:29pm
About 12K. Near all is second hand from ebay or users on an overseas forum I frequent.

08-09-2011, 10:32pm
around 35k I'd say, including lighting and accessories etc... I still need lots more gear though :D

09-09-2011, 8:50am
Too much and not enough.
I rather not think about it too much and stay in the Nile :P

09-09-2011, 9:53am
More than i'd like to admit, less than what i like. :X

I do have to say tho, that apart from the bodies, proper lenses (the high grade ones) don't lose much money over time, some even appreciate over time ie 35 1.4L etc. It's definitely better than say spending 30k on modifying a car only to sell it and lose almost 20k on it. :/

09-09-2011, 9:54am
This is depressing. Although now I know where all the money I thought I would save when I quit smoking has gone.

09-09-2011, 10:34am
the word "invest" assumes a return Kiwi.

Different reason for answering depending on whether one seeks a return, or if one is simply doing it to enjoy photography.

For what its worth, do you want the answer on how much I've personally invested in photographic equipment over the time I've been seeking a return on my investment ?

Or do you want an answer to the question based on what my current valuation of equipment is ?

Either way you would need a great deal higher figure for your highest option. If I was to answer it on that basis, the figure would currently be in the six figure area.

I hate to think how much I've invested over the time I've been taking pictures :)

09-09-2011, 10:43am
I've got a bit over $10K worth of photographic stuff, but I used to spend more on R/C helicopters!

Believe it or not, it's very easy to blow $7-8K on a nice model, + hundreds of hours of work putting it together, balancing everything and painting it etc., only for it to be destroyed in an instant if something goes wrong.
I've also seen $20,000 model jets hit the dirt at over 300km/h and leve nothing behind except for confetti.
Most modellers have a number of models at any one time as well and I've known quite a few guys that have poured $100K into their hobby over the years.

While photography seems like an expensive hobby, compared to many others, it's quite a cheap hobby actually.
Once you have your set-up, the ongoing costs are minimal, but the enjoyment is huge.
Second hand R/C models are worth nothing, whereas used camera equipment can always find a buyer.

Now I hope that makes all of you out there feel better about spending your hard earned on photography.

09-09-2011, 10:44am
Well before this poll I hadn't really added it up but its now just over 15K and that does not include any computer gear, gee now I know why I never have any money :D

09-09-2011, 10:57am
the word "invest" assumes a return Kiwi.

Different reason for answering depending on whether one seeks a return, or if one is simply doing it to enjoy photography.

For what its worth, do you want the answer on how much I've personally invested in photographic equipment over the time I've been seeking a return on my investment ?

Or do you want an answer to the question based on what my current valuation of equipment is ?

Either way you would need a great deal higher figure for your highest option. If I was to answer it on that basis, the figure would currently be in the six figure area.

I hate to think how much I've invested over the time I've been taking pictures :)

yes, agreed, investment is a somewhat hopeful term, maybe the non financial dividend is just enjoyment :)

current approx replacement value of your gear is sufficient

09-09-2011, 11:03am
i need an options for "too much, but still not enough"

09-09-2011, 11:07am
I've got a bit over $10K worth of photographic stuff, but I used to spend more on R/C helicopters!

Believe it or not, it's very easy to blow $7-8K on a nice model, + hundreds of hours of work putting it together, balancing everything and painting it etc., only for it to be destroyed in an instant if something goes wrong.
I've also seen $20,000 model jets hit the dirt at over 300km/h and leve nothing behind except for confetti.
Most modellers have a number of models at any one time as well and I've known quite a few guys that have poured $100K into their hobby over the years.

:rolleyes: Makes sense to me, I used to race Electric 1/10 on road Radio Controled cars, Was good when I was working in the Hobby Shop , Sponsered :D We travelled all over the country racing , When I stopped my two mates were spending $5000 a year each on upgrades and parts , Tyres, Motors , Batteries etc , Sold all my stuff and got back into photography
While photography seems like an expensive hobby, compared to many others, it's quite a cheap hobby actually.
Once you have your set-up, the ongoing costs are minimal, but the enjoyment is huge.
Second hand R/C models are worth nothing, whereas used camera equipment can always find a buyer.

Now I hope that makes all of you out there feel better about spending your hard earned on photography.

09-09-2011, 11:09am
:Doh:Dunno what happened there :confused013

09-09-2011, 11:51am
It is like any hobby though the more involved you get the more you spend. Unfortunately I have another hobby that is my car and that is like throwing money into a fire and enjoying the marshmellows that its melts....great for a second but never ever to be seen again!

The popularity of the amature/professional photograohy business shows how this is a relatively cheap hobby to get into but wow wee.....once you get that glass envy it sure gets expensive quick!

I also have a problem with hording so find it very hard to part with anything I have moved on from! :(

09-09-2011, 12:00pm
Quote Roo : once you get that glass envy it sure gets expensive quick!

:umm: I have a name for that , It's called "Lens Lust" :p

09-09-2011, 1:16pm
I agree with Darren's "invested" as the return is the enjoyment I get from my chosen hobby. It is a LOT cheaper than my previous hobby of Speedway Car Racing.

09-09-2011, 7:04pm
It's there.

Now, do you have any recommendations for psychotherapists who specialise in depression?

Any Canon salesperson will do! :D
(for you that is, I found mine in a Nikon rep! :nlogo:)

09-09-2011, 7:25pm
paid 19k for what is in my sig, all second hand.

have about 1k worth in mf film camera.

Its an investment in good gear to get nice pictures. Buying seoncd hand I know i can sell all of it tomorrow with very little loss, probably make a few $$ on some lenses as I got them at a good price :D Very cheap long term hiring you could call it :p

Mark L
10-09-2011, 7:34pm
My wife would have a heart attack if she so this thread and poll results.
Hang on, I'll just go and get her............:D

Captured frame
11-09-2011, 7:52pm
About $25k,after adding it up - for the first time ,now l think l had better up my insurance.

11-09-2011, 8:03pm
Boy, I feel better now I have seen the result of that poll (result up to this point) ...It's been worth every cent :D

14-09-2011, 8:24pm
75% of respondees have over $5k of gear


14-09-2011, 8:41pm
Abot $16,000 "invested". Funnily enough - the only purchases I've lost value on were the ones bought from Australian businesses. (24 1.4 G $2900, now $2200, Nikon 135DC $1990 - now $1200). Everything else has been a second hand ebay / forum or purchase from HK :D

14-09-2011, 8:43pm
I think im in a very different situation to most here, being a 17 year old student, only working part time.

but from the short time I've been into photography it's been a lot more expensive then previous most expensive hobby (gaming) and the ammount I spend on tennis compared is just a joke.

where do most people here purchase there second hand gear from?

15-09-2011, 5:36am
Camera market
Other forums

occifer nick
15-09-2011, 6:44am
All second hand , The most expensive was the 24-105 , Oh and a new 50mm 1.8 , Cokin filters were new also , $ 400 for the 30D 4 yrs ago, Camera bodies under $1000 for sure :(
Any yet look at all your awards Bill, it's not the size of your lens but how you use it that counts

15-09-2011, 6:54am
about 30 odd k

15-09-2011, 7:17am
No surprise in these results for this poll for this community.
Most of us have been at it for many years, and the investment is spread over that time.
A better measure would be a per annum spend.

Investment ... yes! Because the return is the simple joy of it (which has great value) or the $$ if you are a 'pro' (and hopefully still have fun as well).

I tell Nel it's cheaper than a) a boat or b) golf ;)
In fact Nel suggested I buy more camera gear for Fathers day - wonderful Lady she is! :flash:

15-09-2011, 9:26am
I would think the $$ would be proportional to length of time involved. It would also be expenentially related in that the amount spend grows expenentially with time.....maybe.....:umm:

16-09-2011, 10:13am
Heh...well...I have yet to see a return on my investment :P. But I don't really care...photography is one of the things that has helped me get through the toughest year in my life and it makes me happy...so the money I save on the psychologists has been turned into assets and something useful ;).

Conservative valuation puts me somewhere like 15k. Only pretty much 3 more things I want though before I would say I'm done spending for a while: 70-200+1.4, a 105 and a decent tripod so i don't have anymore lens destroying accidents which consume funds. Other than that I could happily shoot without spending other than servicing my gear.

Oh and for Fun, Equipment I've broken total: 2.4k. (24-70 (tripod failure resulting in ground impact), 55-200 (snapped barrel at camera), 2x18-55 (unknown reasons))

16-09-2011, 11:35am
In 6 years, I'm on my second body (Pentax *istd, now a K7), and only just started getting some prime/speciality lenses. So maybe $5K all up for me. I'm pretty frugal with my spending too.

I agree that there is an exponential growth to the spend. You start with a body and a kit lens, then all this other lens stuff starts becoming relevant as you figure out what you like taking photos of. Then you need a tripod, an external flash, filters, a bag to carry it in...

Mary Anne
16-09-2011, 12:43pm
Macro is very expensive :D I added my gear up one day and was shocked to find I could have bought a brand new car
But then I don't drive anymore so what good is a car to me .. This way I am keeping a little fitter
Walking around our garden for hours of a morning looking for Insects and Bugs gives me much pleasure.
Hubby says you are a long time dead and you cant take it with you so enjoy it while you can and for once *I Agree* with him :D

16-09-2011, 12:46pm
Macro is very expensive :D ... :D

nooo. sports and birds are expensive @@ !! @@

Mary Anne
16-09-2011, 12:54pm
Plenty of Birds in our Garden Darren you can have them for free..

16-09-2011, 2:08pm
nooo. sports and birds are expensive @@ !! @@

i agree, you can get top notch macro euiptment for relatively cheap, or you can also get away with using cheap reversed lenses and get the same result as the mpe65mm. If you need 400mm f/2.8, there is no way you are going to get that by taping a pvc pipe to the end of your camera :D

16-09-2011, 4:40pm
i agree, you can get top notch macro euiptment for relatively cheap, or you can also get away with using cheap reversed lenses and get the same result as the mpe65mm. If you need 400mm f/2.8, there is no way you are going to get that by taping a pvc pipe to the end of your camera :D

I second that!

17-09-2011, 5:35am
Just last weekend I invested $4500 on a 60d and lenses, this was an upgrade to my $1200 400d and yucky kit lenses.
I'm wanting more lenses, so I can see this figure rise raipidly over the next year.

17-09-2011, 7:32am
'Investing' implies an expectation of appreciation of value and there fore an expectation of profit. I have never spent a cent expecting the equipment to appreciate in value.


17-09-2011, 7:44am
"Investing" isn't necessarily defined as capital ($) growth. I see it as getting any kind of return. IE great photos. I picked up my new camera yesterday afternoon, and the photos I've already captured of my son having fun is worth way more than the $1500 odd I spent yesterday.

17-09-2011, 12:15pm
It is rather a scary thought but I for one love photography with a passion but I am hopeless. I do not plan to stay that way and like you say you have to have good glass. :crike:
If I added up all the magazines, books, computer software I am keeping very quiet about the true amount because I have lost touch with it. I try to buy secondhand when I can and look for the best prices. Great poll.

20-09-2011, 10:16am
Well over $30K, closer to $40K, just need to find a few misplaced invoices for the total. On second thoughts, I will just leave it at what I have on my spreadsheet now...

20-09-2011, 4:32pm
'Investing' implies an expectation of appreciation of value and there fore an expectation of profit. I have never spent a cent expecting the equipment to appreciate in value.


i just 'rented' a 300L IS for a year and a half for positive $500 :D