View Full Version : Elements 9

29-08-2011, 8:38pm
I took pics on sunday from 11am to about 3pm and when I loaded them onto the computer all the images where dated the 28 - 8, but when I went to organise them in Elements 9 the am pics where the 28th and the pm pics where the 29th.
The camera dates are OK and the computer dates are also OK but elements seems to have a problem.
Any ideas on a solution?

29-08-2011, 10:10pm
Simplest explanation is that one of your clocks is wrong.
My guess is that either the clock on your computer or the clock on your camera is out by 12 hours.
You show your camera as a Nikon D7000 but what make and model is your computer?

30-08-2011, 5:35pm
The computer is a custom box running intel and widoz 7 64 bit home premium - does that help?

30-08-2011, 5:39pm
Something's staring me in the face, but what?
You say all the "dates" are right. Does that include the exact time as well? Could something be set to GMT or something? What about Elements - doesa it have its own date facility? (Odd to think it would.)

30-08-2011, 7:55pm
The computer is a custom box running intel and widoz 7 64 bit home premium - does that help?
Look at your time settings. Especially Daylight Savings. Also look at the region. If this is not set to the correct region then it works on a USA region and that will change the time when you import anything.

30-08-2011, 9:23pm
All the settings I can find in the computer and camera are set to Brisbane - non Daylight saving. Time formats cant be changed, and are correct. Elements hasn't got a date function that I can find.

31-08-2011, 5:54am
How long since you did an update to elements (checked for updates) or had a Windows update. Something could need to be done, or has been done, that has affected this.

With a photo open in Elements, have a look at : <File - Print - More Options - Photo details - Show date>

What does it say? My guess is it will say : '31/08/2011 8:28:14 GMT' or similar, If it does then GMT is the issue, and you have to go searching for how to restore that to Brisbane time. Note I am just guessing here, and trying to find the cause of your issue, which is the start of finding the solution.

31-08-2011, 9:53pm
I tried this Rick but couldn't see the date - too small to read, but I have taken two snips

This one is from Bridge and the dates in the EXIF are correct.


This one is from Elements 9 - note the EXIF data is different but the file properties and IPTC are correct.


31-08-2011, 10:44pm
John, the "Date Time Original" is showing in Elements as 12:36am on 1/9/2011 which looks to be 10 hours after the actual shot was taken. This sounds like it might relate to the timezone setting in your camera (UTC + 10). I wonder if when setting up the camera you set the time first then set the timezone, effectively pushing the time 10hrs forward in camera?


31-08-2011, 10:51pm
What fillum said.

01-09-2011, 6:15am
It is an elements bug. It applies a timezone correction when it shouldn't. I have the same issue after I downloaded their last patch (.3 or .4 frome memory). It does not affect jpegs (which leads to some pretty odd arrangements if you have shot raw+jpeg!)

Last time i looked on the adobe forums (7-8 weeks back) they were not acknowledging it exists, in spite of people complaining about it. There was some suggestion that it was only a lightroom bug - but it is an elements bug too. It really pisses me off.

01-09-2011, 1:13pm
The camera is correct, so is the computer.
The elements bug is a sure thing as farmer-bob sugests as elements shows two different times for the same picture.
This is a problem in that all I use elements for is a catalogue.

02-09-2011, 6:45am
You can do a mass time zone adjustment after import and take 10 hours (or whatever) off, so that everthing is ok, but it is a PITA and an extra annoyance in the workflow.

02-09-2011, 8:30am
[deleted - bad idea :)]


02-09-2011, 10:34pm
Seems the problem lies with ACR's latest release, Adobe knows of the problem and is doing nothing to resolve the issue apart from going back to an earlier version of ACR.
Not good customer support.