View Full Version : Printing Photo Books

23-08-2011, 1:16pm
Anybody know good sites to get these printed up?

A mate of mine got one done through iPhoto on his Mac computer. Came out really nice! Glossy pages, and the cover was a soft fully printed magazine style cover. Not a hard one like a book.

I think I prefer that!

I've found a few websites that do it, but just wondering if anyone here has used any that they'd recommend? I like having my options and peoples opinions on things before committing to buying :)

I'll have 40 photos to print.





Pentax Pete
23-08-2011, 1:24pm

I have had 2 books done by Blurb and would recommended them to anyone, excellent job and price wise I was very pleased.
All friends and family who have seen these made very favourable comments.

Pentax Pete

23-08-2011, 2:14pm
I've had a recipe book done by Blurb & we are very happy with it. Lots of photos in the book & they came out well.

One advantage with Blurb is you can get 1 copy done, or even 1 book with, say, only 10 pages so a small outlay to check the quality.

Having said that, it was the ease of formatting that attracted me to Blurb as there was a lot lot of text in my book.

A couple of friends have had photobooks done at Officeworks and another had their's done by the newspaper in Deniliquin and was also happy.

I have previously used snapfish & was very very very .... disappointed

23-08-2011, 2:19pm
Awesome, thanks for the feedback on those :)

Will look in to Blurb more after work! :D

23-08-2011, 8:14pm
Thanks for the links,

I've had good results with Snapfish before.

Tried the Fujifilm service (branded as various other names) which was below average, colours were nonrepresentative and quality was low.

Will give blurb ago now and see.

Ms Monny
23-08-2011, 8:38pm
No-one mentioned Momento. Has anyone tried these? I am about to use them but wonder if I should use Blurb instead. Momento have a download that you can put on your computer and edit your book from that instead of logging onto the internet all the time.

23-08-2011, 8:42pm
www.momento.com.au are very very good!

Ms Monny
23-08-2011, 8:48pm
ah, good. Thanks Rick. I will stick with them, since I have already started to edit the layout.

Pentax Pete
23-08-2011, 8:58pm
One thing I should have mentioned, from past experiance, DOUBLE PROOF READ your copy before finely submitting your book to who ever you choose.

23-08-2011, 9:14pm
For your next one, if you're feeling rich, try asukabook. Pure brilliance, but extremely expensive.

JM Tran
23-08-2011, 9:16pm
For your next one, if you're feeling rich, try asukabook. Pure brilliance, but extremely expensive.

I find asuka to be a rip off, even if its good

for mid range products which I think is better than asuka is www.picpress.com.au for their high end albums

for high end products I sometimes use www.blackriverimaging.com

23-08-2011, 11:44pm
Wonderful, thank you for all the input everybody :) I need to get another 5 days worth of photos before continuing. So time to really look in to it and fine tune it all :D

Old Skool
24-08-2011, 6:51am
Also look at Albumworks, Melbourne based I think. I have had a few done with them and cheaper than Momento but still good quality and turn around is usually about a week.

24-08-2011, 9:30am
I use Momento and have had no problems whatsoever. Quality is really top class, and if you sign up for their 'Pro" section (requires business registration from memory) there are many more options available in terms of size, paper stock, covers etc.

The other one I would recommend is Vision Art from the states. Defintely pricy but outstanding quality for fine art type books. They also have a free shipping deal on at the moment until 15th Sept. And if you again have a business then studio samples are 50% off making them very attractively priced especially with the strong A$

24-08-2011, 1:03pm
No-one mentioned Momento. Has anyone tried these? I am about to use them but wonder if I should use Blurb instead. Momento have a download that you can put on your computer and edit your book from that instead of logging onto the internet all the time.

I've heard good things about momento's quality but at the time we were looking to publish (April this year) there software was clunky when it came to editing for text, of which we had a lot.

Also, for the quantity we wanted, about 20 books, the blurb price was only about 1/3rd the price of momento.

For a purely photography based book, like a coffee table book of landscapes, etc; and a small quantity, I would probably go with momento for that bit of extra quality

25-08-2011, 8:30am
At the moment I think Blurb and AlbumWorks are winnarrr

Blurb because of the soft cover thing. I much prefer that, don't know why, I just do. lol :)

25-08-2011, 10:55am
I got a 66 page book all A4 from these guys , The Quality is excellent http://clickonprint.com.au/ - Bill , Worth a try

27-08-2011, 5:47pm
If your not too worried about perfection, keep an eye on some of those daily deals like scoopon, living social and deals.com..au. They often have deals like 50page book for $25

28-08-2011, 8:39am
I love the book I got through Momento, bit pricey but well worth it :)

generic monkey
28-08-2011, 6:47pm
I used Momento a few years back. Put out a good book but had an issue with the formatting, i'd spoken to someone before printing as I was unsure how a few parts would come out, I went off the info they gave me and it was actually incorrect.
Other than that if the formatting had of been done correctly then it would have been brilliant

31-08-2011, 9:13am
Would I need to convert my photos to CMYK and brighten them or anything like that?

Or just use the JPGs as they come out of Lightroom?

01-09-2011, 4:39pm
I designed my last night using their downloadable software. Cost $40 per book including postage. I ordered 7 copies! Yay! Some of my friends wanted books and were willing to pay :)

Take a look :) :

JM Tran
01-09-2011, 4:42pm
I designed my last night using their downloadable software. Cost $40 per book including postage. I ordered 7 copies! Yay! Some of my friends wanted books and were willing to pay :)

Take a look :) :

Blurb has a lot of coupon codes available on the net for various things and I use them a lot to save money on shipping, or 20% or 15% off the book sometimes, to even 50% off your 2nd book of the same order. Coupon codes change every few months so it pays to google for them before clicking buy. :)

02-09-2011, 10:32am
Haha I always do that before buying things online! I did google them, the only one I found had expired! :(

02-09-2011, 11:40am
Err, their latest one has been extended until today & is AUGUST

02-09-2011, 12:46pm
DAMN IT .. Google search fail for me :)

Aw man I just found another, and could've saved 20% lol FAIL. Ah well, next time I'll search harder. Can't really say I went to much effort to search lol