View Full Version : About Impending Fatherhood

Dylan & Marianne
18-08-2011, 1:32pm
Well, the due date is upon us.
Any time now, I might take a sudden absence all things internet !
Sometimes, I dabble in poetry when there is something driving the muse.
From week 5, we dubbed our little one 'Pistachio' for the size she was when we first saw her little heart beating

Anticipating Pistachios

This road before me lies bare,
Footstep free without an end.
The road behind you lies worn,
Tree lined memories marshall each bend.
Some forgotten, worn and faded,
Some stand proud, adorned, paraded.
Yet as I peer over your shoulder
Their backs stay faithfully turned
Directing past dreams,
Urging them to the fore.
Some abandoned, fallen and burnt
Scattered ash, forgotten lore.
Others fly before me
A wind of seeds in a wistful sea
Searching roots for new memories
Waiting only for passers by
To stop, to smile or cry
No matter in sadness or in joy
No matter girl nor boy
Our tears a spring for dreams anew
The road before us no longer bare.

The plan was to be well rested before the actual birth, but it has been the opposite! Nervous energy keeping me awake and being generally unproductive lol
Hope that wasn't too corny if you spent the time reading it :P

18-08-2011, 1:35pm
Good Luck Dylan, your life is about to change! Thanks for sharing that, I am sure all will be fine and you will have a new photographic muse! :th3:

18-08-2011, 2:01pm

A poet as well as an excellent photographer.

As Roo said your life is about to change forever. It will be very different from now on, but you wont regret it.

Dylan & Marianne
18-08-2011, 7:25pm
thanks guys - I'm getting ready for the genre switch :P

18-08-2011, 8:27pm
I'm just visualizing the image.. Cute little baby with an Icelandic long exposure background, with a direwolf lying beside the baby for protection.
I almost forgot... Also in the background is Marianne with a big heavy backpack, looking over a ice covered crevice, in a tradgic treeless landscape. Flying above are three coloured dragons. :D

Dylan & Marianne
19-08-2011, 7:30am
now that would be some kind of baby shoot lol
with that kind of vision in mind, we have been choosing chinese names as well - there is a word for 'evening cloud' !

19-08-2011, 7:33am
Looking forward to hearing reading the impending announcement!

19-08-2011, 7:58am
All the best to you and Marianne, Dylan. The pair of you are about to develop your most valuable image ever! Don't leave it too long in the bath and definitely NO CROPPING, ok? :D

Dylan & Marianne
19-08-2011, 9:38am
omg leaving it in the bath! lol
thanks guys - will definitely let you know when it happens (with a necessarry delay of course :P )

19-08-2011, 1:35pm
omg leaving it in the bath! lol
thanks guys - will definitely let you know when it happens (with a necessarry delay of course :P )

No excuse for a delay. AP is available through tapatalk on both iphones & android

(and I think Geoff has been reading way too much game of thrones - direwolves!)

Dylan & Marianne
19-08-2011, 2:01pm
I still have a 1990s nokia :D

Mary Anne
19-08-2011, 7:05pm
What a wonderful time in both your lives oh yes things will change. :D
And Dylan all the best to you and Marianne and I will look forward to reading all about the little one.
Love your Poem, Sleep Well or Rest Easy..

19-08-2011, 7:47pm
Bon chance

Children are the ultimate antidote to selfishness....in a good way,

19-08-2011, 8:06pm
Wish you and Marianne all the best. And may parenthood be a relatively easy one for you.
Can't wait to see her, and the style of photography you choose to present her to all her AusPhotography Uncles and Aunts. :th3:

19-08-2011, 10:55pm
It is such an exciting time Dylan, and soon you will totally forget what it feels like to be a couple....you'll be a family :)

Do they make photography backpack/child slings???

20-08-2011, 7:06am
Exciting times Dylan and some wonderful treasured memories coming your way for you and Marianne. That poem belongs somewhere in the baby album. Children are such a blessing and bring such joy. All the best :)

20-08-2011, 7:13am
Good luck you guys, having a baby is one of the most amazing things you will ever do :th3: Loved the poem, I can't wait to see photos of your new baby!! :) I just loooooove babies ;) lol

Ms Monny
20-08-2011, 10:38am
What a beautiful poem - something your little Pistachio will cherish when he or she is older.

All the best for the upcoming birth. As you will soon know, becoming a father (or mother) is the most amazing experience. Looking forward to all the bubby pics.

Dylan & Marianne
20-08-2011, 5:44pm
Thank you everyone! yes, I am sure we won't be able to resist taking baby pics though who knows - maybe we might be overwhelmed with emotion :)

20-08-2011, 5:45pm
Thank you everyone! yes, I am sure we won't be able to resist taking baby pics though who knows - maybe we might be overwhelmed with emotion :)
Just be careful with the PP, Dylan. Baby skin doesn't respond well to stacked ND's! :lol:

Dylan & Marianne
20-08-2011, 7:30pm
a magenta hued skin might look a little scary :P never seen a long exposure baby before hehe

21-08-2011, 9:58pm
Macros lens primed and ready!!!

From one Father to another: I wish Marrianne a fast and healthy delivery.

Duane Pipe
22-08-2011, 7:13am
Gday Dylan All the best to you and Marianne.

Paragraph removed as not fitting in the context of the thread.

22-08-2011, 7:49am
Hope it all goes well for you both. From what little I know of you from this forum I think you are going to make a great father. It will be a :party5:

22-08-2011, 9:10am
looking forward to seeing many child-scapes ":)

22-08-2011, 12:39pm
Good luck to both you and Marianne. What a gorgeous poem too! We are all looking forward to the 'child-scapes' (love that term Ving!)

22-08-2011, 2:43pm
Congratulations and good luck with your new little millstone


Dylan & Marianne
22-08-2011, 5:08pm

23-08-2011, 5:39pm
Goodluck to you both Dylan. Say goodbye to the concept of a peaceful landscape though :P.