View Full Version : New Canon Fisheye Lens

16-08-2011, 11:00am
Hi Everyone...I have a 7D and would like to get a Fisheye Lens.

I see that the new Canon EF8-15L EF 8-15mm f/4L has finally arrived in Australia...stepping up from Canon's EF 15mm f/2.8 ...but with my limited knowledge about all things fisheye...I'm not sure whether this new very expensive glass is actually better suited to a full frame camera like the 5D & 1D...and perhaps I would be wasting my money if one of the much cheaper (half the price) fisheyes already on the market would be just as good for my 7D. :scrtch:

I'd love to hear from any fisheye enthusiasts about the pros of this new lens on a cropped camera like mine...and perhaps the limitations of those fisheyes already on the market.

Many thanks,

Amanda :th3:

16-08-2011, 5:46pm
Tokina 11-17mm fisheye is excellent on a cropped body... when I moved to full frame, this was one of the lenses I was geniunely sad to sell... It goes from mildly fishy at 17mm to wildly fishy at 11mm, which gives you excellent creative options. Its build quality is also excellent, not quite L class but not far off... And well below half the price of the 8-15mm L...

16-08-2011, 5:57pm
Thanks very much Tricky...yes the Tokina is the one that seems to keep popping up in the small amount of research I've done so far...sounds like a good choice price-wise too for the amount of times I would use it compared to my other lenses.

I know a lot of togs can't stand fisheye...but for some beach and surf stuff I think they can be a blast. :D

16-08-2011, 6:03pm
What do you use them for though....bit gimmicky aren they ? Fun though.

16-08-2011, 6:12pm
I'm writing a travel book Kiwi...and YES repeated use of fisheye would look awful...but for the odd glossy glamour beach/surf shot I think they can look awesome.

Not that I think you can convert a non-fisheye believer...I've learnt that's impossible...but when I get my new lens...and then get the courage to post the proof...I'll show you I promise!

16-08-2011, 6:15pm
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd love one for the odd football stadium shot, or for skateboarding but I keep thinking I'd only ever use a few times a year

16-08-2011, 6:23pm
You're 100% right Kiwi...but they'd be cracker photos!

It's not really a lens where I can justify the price either...that's why I really like the sound of the $500 Tonkina over the new $2k Canon...if I drop the hint enough...I might get it for my birthday/Xmas present...fingers crossed ;)

16-08-2011, 6:27pm
That's my point, plenty of other photo goodies I'd rather have for $500 even.

William W
17-08-2011, 3:01pm
What do you use them for though....bit gimmicky aren they ? Fun though.

No. The lens is not at all gimmicky.
A fisheye lens can be used (and overused) as a gimmick though – there is a difference between the two statements.

I'm writing a travel book Kiwi...and YES repeated use of fisheye would look awful... but for the odd glossy glamour beach/surf shot I think they can look awesome.

I am not so sure: “odd ” . . .

I think: you need to think outside the nine dots.

For your purpose, there are a range of creative uses of the Fisheye Lens for Photojournalism and Reportage (frames 3, 6 & 6):
“[U]Five Training Daze”

And for Corporate, Magazine and Advertising applications we can still shoot the stadium shot, if we want to:
AIS - Competition Pool


17-08-2011, 3:22pm
Consider the "Ebay special" 8mm fisheye. Goes under the brand of rokinon, samyang and some others. About $350 delivered. No AF but hey.. who needs AF? :P

1.5k is a lot of coin for something that you may use a few times each year. Unless you're filthy rich that is.

17-08-2011, 3:39pm
Great shots William - thanks very much...yes I think it's learning to know in what situations the fisheye can actually improve a shot...I'm hoping to find them out.

I saw that multi-branded lens today Keefy...I'm certainly going to look into that one too...thanks!

17-08-2011, 3:50pm
No. The lens is not at all gimmicky...

...there are a range of creative uses of the Fisheye Lens for Photojournalism and Reportage...


What lens would you recommend William to use on a 7D for this type of photography?

William W
17-08-2011, 4:13pm
I am at a loss to recommend as I have not used a Rectilinear Fisheye suited for an APS-C Camera: sorry - that is why I did not make any initial suggestion apropos a lens –but rather kept my comments to the use thereof.

My pictures above used the EF15F/2.8 Fisheye on a 5D or 5DMkII.


Thanks for the kind comment.

18-08-2011, 7:09am
William, good examples

I'd like one, but still think it wouldnt be used a lot.:)

William W
18-08-2011, 8:02am

Thank you for the kind comment.

In response to your initial thoughts, you might be interested that I actually did "need" a fisheye for all four shots, in which the fisheye was used.

The three shots in the composite story, (frames 3 5 and 6): the Story Plan called for that particular exceptionally close perspective - and we tried a 24 and also a 14 - neither of which suited.

In the Swimming Pool, the brief was for a fisheye view. - The 7:3 aspect ratio was my idea, later in PP.

I agree that the Fisheye is a specialist or odd lens - the point I was making was that it can be used as a gimmick - or used creatively - and yes the use of the Fisheye is less often than the use of a 24 or 35, of course.
But buying a Fisheeye Lens, is one of those lens purchases that if made -there are more opportunities seen for it to be used -if we think outside the stringent (boring) application of the “footy stadium” or the “low shot of the snowboarder's jump”.


18-08-2011, 8:25am
Yes, I concur with the thought pattern there

Ive narrrowed down my next purchase to either a 14-24 or a fisheye.

I cant decide, but leaning towards the UWA for the sort of shots youve shown but without the fish distortion

William W
18-08-2011, 8:36am

I’ll take a wild stab and guess that you drive Nikon and are looking at the Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED.

Neither knowing your style; nor subject matter; nor what lenses you presently tote: I’ll go out on a limb to suggest you’ll get many more miles out of the 14 -24 than any Fisheye.

If I am correct with my guess at the UWA lens under consideration - it is a very nice chunk of glass: you should buy one today.


18-08-2011, 8:45am
lol, yes, youre right and I should :lol:

William W
18-08-2011, 9:03am
Nice conversation.
CU later.

18-08-2011, 11:23am
Hi Amanda,
the main thing to note with the new 8-15L is that it is an "EF" i.e. Full Frame lens. As such it is a bit "wasted" on anything other than a FF camera body. It obviously still operates well on APS-C & APS-H (I was considering it for my 1D) bodies but you lose the real "fishy" effect - as you appear to be a fan, I think you'd be dissapointed.

There's a couple of good reviews here that might help you decide if this is really what you're after.


18-08-2011, 3:59pm
Thanks very much John...that was just the advice I was looking for! :efelant:

I really appreciate you taking the time to find those links...which in turn then sent me to other websites...I've learnt so much...and saved money. :D

23-08-2011, 9:57am
ATP, I use the canon 15mm and the Tokina 10-17mm fisheyes on my 7D. All for shooting from the water.
The Tokina gives a greater field of view, and returns great results when stopped down (> f5.6).
The 15mm is a good lens as well, but I have it predominately for FF. On the 7D, its really a semi-fish.

If your going to stay with the 7D then I highly recommend the Tokina 10-17, you can't go wrong.

23-08-2011, 3:39pm
The Tokina is ordered and on its way Butts !! :th3:

Thanks for your advice...you of all people should certainly know about fisheyes!

BTW - absolutely love your surf shots...something I aspire to.