View Full Version : Kittys Gorge Walktrail

15-08-2011, 11:24pm
This was fist put up by PhotomD and since then I have been looking at it and keeping an eye on things.
The trail goes from Serpentine Falls along the Serpentine river then the Gooralong brook to Jarrahdale.
It is 5.5km one way and some of it is steep.
A lot of photo opportunities.
I am offering it up for Mid September to Mid October. I am hoping that by then the rains will have stopped but there will still be water in the rivers and the wildflowers will be out.
Entry to Serpentine Falls National Park is $10.00 per car of four people. Tom and I both have passes to the park so that means 8 at no charge.
We would be best to organise that we get into Serpentine Falls then get collected at Jarrahdale and returned to Serpentine falls.

16-08-2011, 11:26pm
I am definitely interested! Can't do the weekend of 17-18 September but most dates after that are free for me at this stage. Sounds like a great location! Can't wait :)

17-08-2011, 10:31am
I'm very keen too, can't do 17-18th either. What time of day are we thinking?

18-08-2011, 9:49pm
Current thinking, in light of where and what it is, it is likely to be an all day event. Starting at 8am at Jarrahdale. The plan is to meet at Jarrahdale, jump into minimum cars then go to Serpentine falls and drop us off. The cars, with non photog drivers return to Jarrahdale to collect us when we finish.
I have just spoken to Tom and we are doing it on Sunday week. He agrees with me it is not something you can do in just one trip, so we are going to do it and pick out the best spots for a second and possibly third walk.

Just checked the calendar for school holidays and as it is the week before they start, any interest in Sunday 25th Sept?

18-08-2011, 10:14pm
I am interested, so if my camera is back from servicing by then - count me in.
I can also have one vehicle made exempt from entry fees.

18-08-2011, 10:19pm
Hi Pete
I'm home on R&R so should be able to make it.


18-08-2011, 10:36pm
I am interested, so if my camera is back from servicing by then - count me in.
I can also have one vehicle made exempt from entry fees.

Hi Michael, what happened to the camera??

18-08-2011, 10:49pm
Hi Michael, what happened to the camera??

I tested the weather resistant capabilities of my poor 7D with crashing waves a few times too often =P

No negative effects anywhere except for the tiny little flash presence sensor in the hotshoe - a tiny amount of salt has stuck it down. I don't mind a bit of DIY disassembly for repairs, but for this little bugger you have to move half the internal assembly... and I thought I might leave that to the professionals.
My baby is in the US at the moment for warranty repairs; It seems that Mack believe in weather resistant ratings the same as I do =)

20-08-2011, 8:31am
I am interested, so if my camera is back from servicing by then - count me in.
I can also have one vehicle made exempt from entry fees.

I'll take you up on the vehicle and if your body is not back in time I have a second that you are welcome to use.

20-08-2011, 1:23pm
I'll take you up on the vehicle and if your body is not back in time I have a second that you are welcome to use.

I am definitely in, then =)
You are a complete gentleman Peter.

21-08-2011, 10:57am
I'll be here (http://www.newzealand.com/au/article/franz-josef/) shame tho, would have love to made this one Peter, If I'm home in a week when you and Thomasss are looking at doing a recie, I may be able to make it. I'll keep looking.

22-08-2011, 11:56am
Hi Peter,
I'll be around on the 25th September.
Let me know when all is confirmed.

28-08-2011, 8:20pm
Am interested but will see how my (broken) foot is by then.

I've walked the Kitty trail several times and there are areas that I would just want to avoid - lot's of nasty weeds (dense growth of Black Flag, Gladioli) and dead Marri. It's also been extensively grazed. Sorry if this darkens the prospect, but it's an area worth exploring as even the most degraded areas have some surprises.

Jarrahdale and it's Wetlands Walktrail is a great site too.

30-08-2011, 12:15am
Went on a reconnoitre with PhotomD on Sunday and got a lot of images.
13 have been put on my website, that I am not going to post here, but this link (http://www.peterking.id.au/cpg1416/thumbnails.php?album=22) will take you to it. The purpose of these images is to give an idea of what is available.
This link (http://www.jarrahdale.com/maps/walk_kittys.pdf) will take you to the best map I can find of the walk. The map is not orientated correctly but it is useful.
I have the intention of one more trial before I set my mind on what we will do on the 25th.
The main reason for this thinking is that both Tom and I suffered from our 8.5 hour walk on Sunday and I want this to be a pleasure for all that attend.

30-08-2011, 8:19am
Hey Peter, those locations at Kitty's Gorge you shot (posted on your site) look excellent. Never seen so much water in the area and as you say, the area has a lot of potential, more than I had realised before when hiking around.

Went on a reconnoitre with PhotomD on Sunday and got a lot of images.
13 have been put on my website, that I am not going to post here, but this link (http://www.peterking.id.au/cpg1416/thumbnails.php?album=22) will take you to it. The purpose of these images is to give an idea of what is available.
This link (http://www.jarrahdale.com/maps/walk_kittys.pdf) will take you to the best map I can find of the walk. The map is not orientated correctly but it is useful.
I have the intention of one more trial before I set my mind on what we will do on the 25th.
The main reason for this thinking is that both Tom and I suffered from our 8.5 hour walk on Sunday and I want this to be a pleasure for all that attend.

31-08-2011, 10:26am
8.5 Hrs I'd be dead LOL :eek:

31-08-2011, 12:30pm
I'd be dead by about 4hrs!!!!!

31-08-2011, 2:24pm
8.5 hrs without the kids! I could do that!! :D

31-08-2011, 11:00pm
8.5 hrs without the kids! I could do that!! :D
This can be arranged. For a suitable fee??

31-08-2011, 11:02pm
8.5 Hrs I'd be dead LOL :eek:
Tom sms'd me on Monday and he was.
The real one is much easier and shorter.
If you want we can do in less than 3hours with 2 of that being photography.
It is not my intention that we do the whole walk but get to one of the best sites and click form there.

01-09-2011, 11:59am
This sounds good and I'm free on the 25th - please count me in. :)

04-09-2011, 9:35pm
Great pics Peter on your website really nice. Love to see such natural shots and nothing over done in PP. The water looks great and love the mud hut. I would love to come along but i would be dead in half an hour :eek::eek::eek::crike:

12-09-2011, 10:40pm
OK. Final recce. God but I'm sore.
I went from Jarrahdale to the first waterfallfall and it's not really worth it. The photo opportunities do not exist compared to going from Serpentine Falls.
So the idea now is to meet at Serpentine falls, early, then do the hard walk to what I believe offers the best photo opportunities.
Essentials for the day are,
Bug spray - mozzies abound.
Water - min 1 litre but recommend 2.
Wide angle lens - There are lots of pano's available if you want them.
Macro lens - if you have one. Lots of wild flowers.
Munchies - I'm planning on most of the day as there will be great afternoon light as well.
I will bring my camp stove and kettle but they are for the start and return to the vehicles. Bring your own mug.
I would appreciate it if everyone who is definitely coming would PM me. I would like to organise a Roll Call at the start to safeguard everyone.

12-09-2011, 10:55pm
PM sent; I'm in.
Cheers for doing the recon, Peter.

Also, thanks for the earlier offer of a loan body, however, I now have my camera back and am eager to get snapping again.
The only thing I am going to shoot before this walk is a set of corporate portraits - and they hardly scratch the creativity itch. So definitely looking forward to getting out and about =)

21-09-2011, 10:02pm
Anyone else interested?
We have a few starters for Sunday.
Meet at McDonalds at Cockburn Central @ 7am then go to Serpentine falls. I'm picking up to just before then.
PM me if you want to join in. It would be nice to have a few of the girls join us.

25-09-2011, 6:20pm
Well, that was a bit of an adventure.

After a meetup at McDonalds for caffeine, five of us set out for what was described as a ‘leisurely stroll’ through Kitty’s Gorge. Peter directed us to Falls Road for a nice start from Serpentine Falls NP.
Not too far from the gate, we met the jovial ranger who told us where to go - and off we set, with the local culicidae fauna playfully keeping us company. The falls were flowing well and quite beautifully; It wasn’t long before I went for an impromptu swim.

Despite my best efforts, we were quickly back on the trail again to get some photos of the grand old bridge near the Mud Hut. Tom loved getting in close and experiencing the unique sensation to the skin that some of the resident plants provided.

After a brief stop at another set of falls, we engaged in some photo composition with a praying mantis in such a way that Shirley would be proud of, and enjoyed a break with cookies, music and chocolate.
As the weather became more refreshing, we set off again down the ‘yellow brick road’. However, at the next set of falls, I split from the trail for a bit to try my luck at a higher altitude and encountered spiders and snakes and kangaroos (oh my!). A couple of other hikers thought they would follow me as I navigated to the other side of the water flow and up a small hill – but must have found something more interesting, as they quickly vanished in the dense scrub and were never seen again.

I soon rejoined the group and we experienced one more set of falls before making the return trip, back down the remarkable trail.
On the exhilarating return, Peter exclaimed that he hadn’t felt such a sensation in regard to his well-being in such a good while - much of the group concurred. I can see how Kitty* found the gorge an interesting place and I am sure it will not be long before Tom is back again for some more happy snaps.

I hope to have some photos up later tonight, but I just want to thank the group that turned up, and especially Peter for organising the whole trip.
Cheers =).

* Kitty was the lost cow the Gorge was named after. After being discovered missing, it wasn’t until few weeks later that she was found deep within the gorge – I could see how she quite possibly lost her way whilst prancing after some of the graceful butterflies that populate the area.

25-09-2011, 9:37pm
In my defence, It was not I but Steve, who described the day to his lovely wife as "A leisurely stroll." She's never going to believe him again. :lol:

Those of us observing were very amused by Grug's impromptu swim. I hope the camera did not get wet again? :eek:

Tom swears he will "Never Again!" do Kittys Gorge. :efelant:

I personally found it a fantastic day, with great people and a very spectacular environment. Thanks to those that attended and, to the girls that could not attend, whilst you missed a great day, you didn't miss the pain I am in now.

And it was not just Kitty who was chasing butterflies. Grug entertained us all with his antics. :lol:

25-09-2011, 10:40pm
Had some fun with the 105mm Macro.

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25-09-2011, 10:51pm
Some water shots.

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25-09-2011, 11:48pm
All Brilliant Steve. I'm not sure I want to show mine now.
I especially like the last one of the water. The clarity, points of colour and (I think it's called) the bokeh.
You should be very proud of these results.

My meagre offerings follow.

Donkey Orchid.


The first of two carnivorous plants.



26-09-2011, 12:30am
Thanks Pete.
Yep my fave was the last one as well.
I'm kicking myself now for not taking a few pics of the Carniverous plants. You did a great job with them.
Great day out Pete, thanks again for taking the time to show us around.


27-09-2011, 1:15pm
Some fantastic macro shots there! I especially like the 3rd water shot, it's very noice!! Thanks for the run down on how the day went, glad to hear it was a fun/eventful day :) Maybe I will get to the next one :rolleyes:

27-09-2011, 8:48pm
Oh, I'm jealous of your adventure, I'd have loved to have come.
I am not surprised that Grug was getting into some misadventures, he's strikes me as trouble :rolleyes:

Hopefully catch up with everyone soon, is anyone doing the Scott Kelby Photowalk in Kings Park on Saturday?

28-09-2011, 12:12am
Me, trouble? Never! I haven't a single redeeming vice!
And yep. I'll be at Sat's photo walk with another mate of mine - as much as an excuse to get out in the sun as anything else. Good to know there will be at least one other familiar face around =)

Now... glancing over my photos, I realise that it is always with the best of intentions that my worst work is done. However, I did manage to capture something quite unexpected that may explain how Kitty got all the way down the gorge: Clicky (http://gruggles.com/images/2011-09-25/2011-09-25_KittysGorge.jpg).

28-09-2011, 10:02pm
Me, trouble? Never! I haven't a single redeeming vice!
And yep. I'll be at Sat's photo walk with another mate of mine - as much as an excuse to get out in the sun as anything else. Good to know there will be at least one other familiar face around =)

Now... glancing over my photos, I realise that it is always with the best of intentions that my worst work is done. However, I did manage to capture something quite unexpected that may explain how Kitty got all the way down the gorge: Clicky (http://gruggles.com/images/2011-09-25/2011-09-25_KittysGorge.jpg).

Very good! That explains it all!.