View Full Version : looking to do a coruse

14-08-2011, 12:41am
hello to all i am looking at doing a cousre too help me under stane my canon and how to use it to it full capablity
i live in melb want to know where and how much any info would be a help :)
thank you simon

14-08-2011, 5:51am
Click Library on the AP menu, then click 'new to photography' and there is a free course right here on AP.

14-08-2011, 7:39am
that questiuon has been asked dozens of times
my self one of them
like rick said do the free ones
but the best course is practise and listen to some advice from people on here
that do not mind giving advice
you can and will learn more with practise than some of the courses can offer
cheers macca

14-08-2011, 7:59am
Doing a course is a good thing, but probably more a workshop style one, where it is short (a weekend) etc, and generally focused on maybe one or two aspects. Say Studio portraiture. But at the beginning of your photographic journey, the information about settings, f-stops, ISO, Shutter speeds etc is all readily available on AP, and elsewhere on the net. You just have to read and practice as macmich says. It's not rocket science and the basics are there for all, without paying a course fee to learn them.

14-08-2011, 1:47pm
thank you