View Full Version : A question for the star shooters

08-08-2011, 8:09pm
I have just been asked a question by a freind, if i know anyone who does camera repairs/modifications in vic.
He wants to have the infered filter removed from his camera (a canon 400d).
Any advice would be grate as this is well out of my feild of sport shooting.


09-08-2011, 5:36am
Do you mean the standard filter than comes on a sensor (which if you remove, needs to have something replace it), or has he got a modified 400D with an IR filter on it now, and he wants that filter removed?

09-08-2011, 5:38am
http://khromagery.com.au/ir_conversions.html used to do the IR conversion (placing an IR filter onto a sensor), but don't any longer, they might be able to assist with advice on where to get it done.

09-08-2011, 8:13am
Rick i dont really know, he said that to get the hydrogen cloud in a shot through the telescope then he needs the filer removed or it wont show up.

09-08-2011, 8:46am
Sounds like IR-block filter, and he wants to record some IR.

18-10-2011, 5:13pm
Hi Neil, Just read your question,tho I'm not sure if you have found it soughted, but for what its worth, there is a Guy in Vic who does these filter Mods, I should be able to get his contact for you if you haven't already ? Myself being a member of an astro club, understand that a few members have had the daylight standard IR Blocking filter removed from their DSLr"s. Removing this does let more IR signal to be recorded, inhancing astro images ! In addition to the Modification, The IR Blocking filter is then replaced with an IR filter (non blocking )
There is also a side effect from this and that is : when taking normal land based photo's with the conversion, the White Balance is somewhat effected and one must take a photo of a grey card with certain settings and import it in-camera as a custom white balance to rectify the effects of the Mod !

A couple of members have also done this themselves but I would Not recommend it, they are experienced, In fact they have also replaced the blocking filter with just a clear 2mm thin optical grade glass made to size, for the IR filters were Not available at the time ? The glass replacement main purpose was so that the Auto focus mechanism could still funtion ? ?

Hope this helps ?