View Full Version : I have taken the plunge

08-08-2011, 12:31pm
Hi as some of you know I am not very good photographer I have been trying and I have learnt a fair bit from you wonderful people but its been on my mind to do a course as I might find getting to TAFE hard at times due to my health Ive decided to do an online course may not be the best way but you still do assignments home work and send in your work you still get graded and at the end if I pass I get a nice piece of paper that say's photographer. I am very happy about finally making this decision I made for myself. I don't want to be a professional or do photography for a living right now its not my goal but to learn to take much better photos maybe enter the odd competition or if I can get good enough sell the odd photo at times anyway If I seem to be away from you guys its a good thing that means I am studying and learning this won't be easy for me to do as a slow learner but I am determent to do it and give it 110% I will drop in now and again to say hi and look at your photos I am not leaving the forum I will be more busy then usual.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rick , Kym and the mods and everybody behind the scenes that I don't know for starting AP I would also like to give a big warm thank you to Darren Tony and Phil for extra support and help and advice. And to all the wonderful members of AP for taking the time to look at my photos and giving me the CC and for your honesty about what you see or feel the advice and tips you have given to me has helped in some way I feel there has been a little improvement and its all thanks to AP and members here. Take care and talk soon. xxoo

Russell K
08-08-2011, 1:19pm
Well done Sandy, good on you for taking this step. You should get a lot of help out of a course and at the end will have improved immensely. Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing some of your images after your course. Go girl !. :th3:

08-08-2011, 1:42pm
Have you completed the NTP tutorial here though Nikkie ? I would wonder if its really that much diffferent.

All training and learning is good though

08-08-2011, 2:13pm
Sandy, you have made this good decision to learn & it will help.
Just don't forget the library & new to photography sections & dictionaries too.
Often something explained in a slightly different way can open the door for you.
Good luck, you can submit your work here too :th3:

Mark L
08-08-2011, 7:08pm
So we can look forward to you posting something like;"Today I learnt how to do this and it really works and this photo shows that it works. So all you have to remember is to ......" and thereby helping to educate some others like me.
I love how enthusiastic you are Sandy, and I hope you achieve what you want from the course you'll do.

08-08-2011, 8:27pm
You go girl :)

09-08-2011, 5:40am
Well done and as said above, show us your progress.

09-08-2011, 6:09am
Don't forget, Sandy, while the classes will be of great benefit, the practical, hands-on, experience with someone knowledgeable will be indispensable :th3:

09-08-2011, 6:36am
Way to go! Good luck with the course and can't wait to see how you progress!! :th3:

09-08-2011, 9:47am
Don't forget, Sandy, while the classes will be of great benefit, the practical, hands-on, experience with someone knowledgeable will be indispensable
Col is that an offer I'm hearing Col :lol: thank you all for your support and encouragement I am going to need it for sure. yes I will be still looking and reading the library here I as one will help the other for me to learn

09-08-2011, 4:51pm
is that an offer I'm hearing Col :lol:
Yes, it is an offer for you to teach me Please ;)

10-08-2011, 3:54pm
Yes, it is an offer for you to teach me Please
Col :lol: Col :action: :)

I just thought I would pop my head in to let you know what I learnt yesterday these are in my own words so may not be put right but I have more of an understanding now. If photos are underexposed slow down the shutter speed or change the aperture slow film rating 100 or less fast film 400 or more
faster film more sensitive to light more grain. slow less grain. More light for better for slow less light use faster speed Higher ISO more gain use ISO 100 for good light while bad light higher ISO. A digital sensor is called CCD Or CMOS. Good resolution for print around 300 PPI but don't go down below 200 ppi (pixels per inch) Any way these are from my notes this is how I understand it and I got 100% in my in my assignment yesterday :)

11-08-2011, 5:30pm
well I got my first results back from my first assessment back these photos are more for the teacher to see where his students are at so he can help more they don't go towards score so it does not boost up my level in anyway but he wanted photos from before I started the course this is what he said. I am quiet happy about that :)

Greg Howell
Thursday, 11 August 2011, 02:08 AM

Thank you Sandra for your first set of photos!

They certainly show how passionate you are about photography. I hope you don't mind a couple of comments. This submission's purpose is certainly not to criticize your work before you get started on our course. Its goal is to assess individual student photography skills right from the start so that we can address the issues directly if needed. This will help both you and I get to know what areas we should concentrate on more.

Photo 1 - landscape
Very nice work on this landscape shot with the valley and the sun streaming down through the scene. I like the angle, and the way you captured the strong details.

You'll find an excellent landscape and travel photography section in our course that will show you how to take breathtaking landscapes, the specific settings to use, special filters to use, and what to look for in composing landscapes. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Photo2 - portrait
Great portrait shot of the guy chopping the wood, and I like the expression you captured. The tones are a bit muddy, though, which looks kind of weird with the color tones.

Our portrait section has been designed to teach you what makes great portraits - candid and posed, why built-in flash is not recommended by pros as the main source of light, how to get rid of distracting backgrounds and much more.

Photo 3
The last landscape shot with the church and the water was great, and your colors really pop out of the scene. The overall detail and strong tones really help to pull the viewer in.

Sandra, you're well on the way to becoming a better photographer. I look forward to assisting you in your further studies. If you need any help, just drop me a message. Good luck!
~ Greg