View Full Version : Ssshhhh......tell us a secret

06-08-2011, 7:03am
Tell you fellow AP members a secret about yourself that otherwise we would not know.....be honest now

Duane Pipe
06-08-2011, 7:09am
You start with yours first Darren:D

06-08-2011, 7:11am
Hmm, ok.....I only have 5 properly formed fingers due to a birth abnormality.

I love a good vindaloo

Your turn Duane

I @ M
06-08-2011, 7:20am
Forgive me for I have sinned ---

I own a Canon (http://www.canon.com.au/en-au/For-You/Printers/PIXMA-InkJet-Printers/MP240) and I like it. :eek:

--- I shall now spend the rest of the day torn between seeking therapy or opening a bottle to overcome my anguish at admitting such things.

06-08-2011, 7:24am
A secret, I don't really have any. There are probably some things that AP members don't know about me, but they aren't really secrets as such.

When I was younger I posed nude for a calender...is that good enough! I was Mr March 1990

Duane Pipe
06-08-2011, 7:34am
Where do I begin without incriminating myself:D
Ok I will admit that I am an Alcoholic and have a bad case of Haemorrhoids:(:beer_mug::beer_mug:

06-08-2011, 9:19am
Oh. I have one. This one is particularly hard to admit and may make people look at me funny (certainly gets me a few stares).

I stand a little tall. Ok...maybe more than a little tall. At last known height I was 198 cm, or just over 6'5" in the old scale.

And heres for an embarassing one:
I have worn a floral patterned dress.

06-08-2011, 10:47am
Geez, kiwi! This one could get UGLY really quickly!

My secret? I'm nearly as tall as John @ 192cm and at last check I weighed 170kg+ ... yes, I can still walk around on my own two feet without falling over! :D

Oh, and I was once a baseball umpire, with 2 Australian championship series under my expansive belt, including the "plate" in a championship final in Ballarat! :p

06-08-2011, 11:07am
lol, some good ones so far

old dog
06-08-2011, 12:58pm
I own a yellow shirt with guitars on it...got it in Borneo. Wear it on special occassions only :D
and I have a speech impodiment when generously affected by red wine :th3:
apart from that I`m perfect in every way..:lol:

06-08-2011, 3:26pm
Here is my secret.
I'm still very much in love with my very first girlfriend. I was only 9 - 10 but we had a lot of fun.
We use to play mothers and fathers in here shed. Her two little brothers were our children. And they had bunks in their shed, and the boys would lie on the bottom bunks, and me and Cheryl on the top.
Didn't know what it was for then, so we just did a lot of kissing and cuddling.
I use to have a pet wombat, and I would take it over to her place and it would sit between us, while we were holding hands.
Her father was in the airforce and when I was about 10 and a half she had to move away. I've been heart broken ever since.
I still think of her quite often, and wonder what ever happened to her.


P.S. I like the new layout for the quick reply, Kym and Rick.

06-08-2011, 3:34pm
i have a penchant for ladies heels and the smell of a burnt hair

Duane Pipe
06-08-2011, 6:58pm
i have a penchant for ladies heels and the smell of a burnt hair
I like the smell of a burnt hair too Rowdy, But not only that.. I like the smell of my Farts:D

06-08-2011, 7:05pm
Moving right along

Duane Pipe
06-08-2011, 7:18pm
Moving right along

I am being honest Darren, if I was sitting in a confined space with you I would rather small mine than yours:D:lol:

Mark L
06-08-2011, 8:12pm
If I post my secret, it's no longer a secret, therefore I can't post my secret and keep it a secret!:scrtch:
I've already done the census online (therefore I'm no longer a secret), and been honest with my answers. Like is it that hard to say no religion?

06-08-2011, 8:23pm
ok get this.... I am not a cow! :eek:

GTP 290
06-08-2011, 8:23pm
I quote nothing under $4k weddings, not because I think I'm worth it, because I hate them. Even then, some people consider my price.

06-08-2011, 8:28pm
....When I was younger I posed nude for a calender...is that good enough! I was Mr March 1990

Mongo doesn't believe you for a second ! so us the evidence.

06-08-2011, 8:43pm
Mongo doesn't believe you for a second ! so us the evidence.

hahaha, this was prior to digital, and I don't have a copy..and I wouldn't post it on AP anyway. :D

But it was done around the same time this was taken.

06-08-2011, 10:24pm
hahaha, this was prior to digital, and I don't have a copy..and I wouldn't post it on AP anyway. :D

Also don’t believe you did not keep a copy of that sort of photoshoot material of yourself – who are you trying to kid ??!! – this is Mongo you are talking to !
As far as posting it, you could always photshop a loincloth in the vital place(s) :D

PS – you make an impressive Venetian

07-08-2011, 3:53pm
Any more people willing to share something about themselves that we all don't know ??

07-08-2011, 5:58pm
I dont really have any secrets.... an open book i am.

I bet Mongo isnt human tho! ;)

Sent from my TR718D

07-08-2011, 7:46pm
My partner has been cutting up my food for me for the past three days so I can eat it... (I've just had all four wisdom teeth out)...I think he feels bad because people are staring at me and glaring at him when we're out together (he's a bit rough looking and all the bruising does look like I've been punched!)

I have started to get into reading up about zeitgeist theories, which (despite some crazy talk), is actually quite interesting...

And it's not really a secret, but I'm studying to be a primary school teacher...

07-08-2011, 8:37pm
hmmmm, I dont know i should post this but i get paid to sleep:eek:

07-08-2011, 9:08pm
ok get this.... I am not a cow! :eek:
i think you are all bull Ving. take that as you will:D

07-08-2011, 9:10pm
i have a secret, but if i say what is is it wouldn't bae a secret. so i won't

07-08-2011, 9:13pm
Neil, how do you get a job like that?

My secret is that I have managed a basketball team even though I have never played and am about 172cm tall.:D


07-08-2011, 9:19pm

Sent from my TR718D

Ms Monny
07-08-2011, 9:23pm
i collect tape measures. old, vintage types with adverts on them. only a handful of people know because it has never been brought up in any conversations.

i also dislike my brother - but I have 3, so it is up to you to guess which one! ;)

08-08-2011, 9:18am
thats an interetsing thing to collect ! Cool

08-08-2011, 10:00am
If you want to know what my secret is, you're going to have to work for it. From the following statements, pick the one you think is the most likely to be true:

I once shared a house with 3 transvestites, a pair of lesbians and a glue sniffer. I had to move out after 6 months because their partying almost killed me.

I lived in St.Kilda once and used to hang out with all the Punks in Fitzroy St. I remember taking part in bashing the crap out of a bunch of Nazi Skinheads who thought rubbing up against people so the razor blades sewn into their clothes would cut them was a fun idea in the Prince of Wales Hotel.

I played the part of "Owl" in Winnie The Pooh on stage at the Hobart Theatre Royal in 1996.

08-08-2011, 11:29am
hmm, i'll go with option 3, the only 2 are too obvious

Ms Monny
08-08-2011, 12:06pm
Yep - I would say no. 3 as well Apollo!! :D

08-08-2011, 12:09pm
You are right Kiwi but it was trick question. They're ALL true.

Ms Monny
08-08-2011, 12:13pm
WOW! You have led an interesting life!!

08-08-2011, 3:43pm
Here is something that is NO secret.

Mongo is comprised more of myth, legend and your fantasies than any truths could ever be stretched !

09-08-2011, 1:02pm
I lived in St.Kilda once and used to hang out with all the Punks in Fitzroy St. I remember taking part in bashing the crap out of a bunch of Nazi Skinheads who thought rubbing up against people so the razor blades sewn into their clothes would cut them was a fun idea in the Prince of Wales Hotel.

This is just to show how I looked at the time I was living in St.Kilda when the above took place. The pic was taken on the train to Broadmeadows.


09-08-2011, 1:43pm
billy idol !!

09-08-2011, 2:23pm
I used to cop that all the time :lol:.
Hard to believe that I look like this now :D


Duane Pipe
09-08-2011, 2:55pm
From Punk to Businessman man I like it, Dig the Leathers :D

09-08-2011, 3:23pm
I remember saying once, back in those "leather days", that you'd never get me to wear a suit . :lol:

09-08-2011, 3:30pm

Very amusing. I also thought your appearance in your earlier photo resembled Billy Idol just a little too much. :-)

As for a snippet of unknown information about me, I'll offer a few.

1. In the 1980s, I was a competitive rollerskater (not at any kind of high level). I stopped skating in 1986.

2. I met one of the astronauts (Al Warden) from the Apollo 15 mission when the crew was visiting Australia in 1985.

3. I didn't begin to talk until I was three or so, and I'm told that my first words were "There's a full moon out tonight". I guess "goo goo, gah gah" wasn't my thing.

Duane Pipe
09-08-2011, 4:14pm
Come on you lot, lets see some real secrets, I have a few from my teenage years, I don't want to share them yet due to the fact that you will think i am sick.
Its all in the past as far as i am concerned so lets SEE some good ones.
OK me first. I once cleaned my butt with my mates tooth brush :o:lol::lol:

Mark L
09-08-2011, 6:41pm
I saw a Billy Idol gig after consuming some strange substances, and still didn't enjoy it! (The gig that is)
And Apollo62, you should have kept the ear ring, reckon it would go with the suit.

10-08-2011, 6:54am
I saw a Billy Idol gig after consuming some strange substances, and still didn't enjoy it! (The gig that is)
And Apollo62, you should have kept the ear ring, reckon it would go with the suit.

Well I still have the holes in my ear where I pierced it with a safety pin and eased the pain with a piece of frozen fish.:lol:

10-08-2011, 7:38am
I participated in a rather unusual sport until my mid 40's and for ten years was consistantly ranked in the top 3 at the world championships including 2 wins. My teenage son also won 2 world championships following my retirement.

The sport demanded physical strength but more importantly, technique.

The world championships were held in both Australia and the USA but this sport was originally developed in Australia rather than the land of wacky world championships.

Don't even try to guess as you would be wrong. :lol:

10-08-2011, 8:18am
1. In the 1980s, I was a competitive rollerskater (not at any kind of high level). I stopped skating in 1986.

I may well have been on a rink against you. I competed in both speed and dance (a great way for a teenage boy to get his hands on teenage girls).

Other than that during the 80's, next to my album collection of cold chisel, midnight oil and hoodoo gurus was a Spandau Ballet album.

10-08-2011, 8:29am
I am looking for a new job - shhh; don't tell my boss, it is a secret.

10-08-2011, 8:37am
Mongo is comprised more of myth, legend and your fantasies than any truths could ever be stretched !
Mongo!!!! say it is not true. i always believed you were true.
Oh well, another ideal ruined.life sucks

10-08-2011, 8:58am
Here is something that is NO secret.

Mongo is comprised more of myth, legend and your fantasies than any truths could ever be stretched !

Yea right Mongo - next you will be telling me there is no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Good try mate :-)

10-08-2011, 9:01am
Well I still have the holes in my ear where I pierced it with a safety pin and eased the pain with a piece of frozen fish.:lol:

Sounding more and more like an episode of Young Ones

10-08-2011, 9:03am
I participated in a rather unusual sport until my mid 40's and for ten years was consistantly ranked in the top 3 at the world championships including 2 wins. My teenage son also won 2 world championships following my retirement.

The sport demanded physical strength but more importantly, technique.

The world championships were held in both Australia and the USA but this sport was originally developed in Australia rather than the land of wacky world championships.

Don't even try to guess as you would be wrong. :lol:

Horseshoe throwing ?

10-08-2011, 10:10am
Horseshoe throwing ?

Something a little more obscure than that :th3:

10-08-2011, 10:26am
I participated in a rather unusual sport until my mid 40's and for ten years was consistantly ranked in the top 3 at the world championships including 2 wins. My teenage son also won 2 world championships following my retirement.

The sport demanded physical strength but more importantly, technique.

The world championships were held in both Australia and the USA but this sport was originally developed in Australia rather than the land of wacky world championships.

Don't even try to guess as you would be wrong. :lol:I am going with caber tossing..

10-08-2011, 10:42am
How about Bull Chip Tossing???:D

10-08-2011, 12:20pm
Sounding more and more like an episode of Young Ones

I used to feel quite sorry for poor old Neil but that's what he got for being a filthy, lazy hippie bastard :lol:

10-08-2011, 1:34pm
Something a little more obscure than that :th3:

Roo wrestling?

occifer nick
10-08-2011, 2:24pm
I own every album/CD ever released by Cyndi Lauper and im not gay!
When I was 16yrs old I went to her True Colours concert with a group of over 10 girls and I was the only guy!
Cyndi Rocks ;p

10-08-2011, 3:02pm
Roo wrestling?

Midget throwing ?

10-08-2011, 3:57pm
Try something a little more technical like "Muffler Sliding"

We would get all the young and fit mechanics to enter and watch their faces droop when they rarely made 3-4 metres. To qualify for the finals you had to slide 12+ metres and around 15 metres to win.