View Full Version : What have you learnt from AP?

03-08-2011, 7:29pm
There are a few threads about what beginners have learnt in their time to date on AP. I have felt I'd like to say something there too, so I will. And then I'm wondering, what have we all learnt here? It would be interesting to see what is revealed. So here goes for me...

1) That I have been taking pictures for a long time and can now see where I can make lots of improvements in technique, composition, even in subject matter. I also know where I will not be able to take good pics, such as birds in flight, great portraiture, and others I can't think of right now.

2) How to critique. Both to give and to receive. And to appreciate what it means.

3) How to appreciate the efforts that any user makes, whether beginner or advanced, specialised or more general.

4) TBA when I can ever think of anything, but I'm sure there's something else...
(Suggestions appreciated.)

Well, thanks, and over to you.

03-08-2011, 8:31pm
Its funny, but looking back since I joined AP, I think that I ...

1) learned to shoot

2) looked at my images again and realised I could do better after cc on this forum.

4) access to some great resources that were shared so generously by others here

5) spent too much money :D

6) always room for improvement

7) had a good laugh, especially the lame jokes at times

Yeah and thanks fellow Apers.... :)

03-08-2011, 9:28pm
All the above.
But what I have learnt most & what was most needed to me was the lingo.
Before AP for me photography was most foreign language, like sailing is a foreign language to many others, but not to me.
So learning the lingo & what it means & relates to the operation of the camera & PP has been a big help to me. Being around & seeing the language of photography has enabled me to understand better what I read to improve my work.

04-08-2011, 5:34am
I have learnt running a forum can be rewarding and a downright pain the arse at times too. :D

I've learnt that entering what I think is a great photo into a competition can result in only one or two votes, but it's still a great photo, just not what others vote for:)

I have learnt about a lot of different bird species that I had no idea even existed :rolleyes:

I have learnt some valuable processing techniques that allowed me to adjust my workflow and streamline my post processing.:th3:

I have made some great friends:party7:

I @ M
04-08-2011, 5:42am
I have learned that there is a little island to the South of Australia called Tasmania.

I have learned that there are two smallish islands to the East of Australia called New Zealand but it appears that all the natives from them live either in Bondi or Brisbane.

I have learned that some a lot of people actually care about the choice of camera brand of others. :(

04-08-2011, 9:34am
That's why they call us the 'Big" island. We can walk around not worrying. They have to look over their shoulders before stepping backwards :eek:

04-08-2011, 9:48am
I have learnt loads since joining AP and a lot of talk has helped implant things in my brain so I actually remember them when out taking photos......

I have learnt that almost anything goes.

I have learnt that it is not about the equipment but the situation, but good equipment makes it easier!

I have learnt that to take great pictures you just need to get out there.....and that it is possible to take interesting images in what I thought were boring locations!


04-08-2011, 9:56am
1. life is too short to be serious all the time.

2. the world is full of interesting people with interesting opinions.

3. in some cases my photo are better than i think they are... I seriously dont (and probably never will) give my ability enough credit.

4. I have friends all over the country, kind, caring and giving types.

5. some of these friends dont have faces :p


6. PP is not a bad thing

04-08-2011, 10:10am
That photographers make great communities.

That sport photographers are the most talented

That Nikon users are the most intelligent

04-08-2011, 10:32am
1. That asking a Paradox is a really funny way to make Photographers jump.

2. That political discussions don't belong on a photography forum.

3. That Dylan keeps inspiring me to want to try more and more remote locations. Damnit Dylan!

4. That most Candid Photographers seem to be stalkers with a tag. (Hah, there I said it :P).

5. That Lance has an unhealthy gear collecting habit, which has only precipitated mine further.

6. That at least one of Rick's heads is a good bloke.

7. That I@M will struggle to ever take a boring portrait.

8. That Kiwi likes perving on sportswomen. *Cough* I mean taking sport photographs.

9. That there is plenty to aspire to in wedding photography (Jackie, PaulMac, Dtoh and a few others not seen so often).

10. That Scotty STILL doesn't know.

11. Photographers make a close knit community, can offer helpful advice and support to help you develop, even without C&C

12. That the site has helped in developing my photographic analysis skills, and helped me avoid many technical pitfalls that would have otherwise required trial and error

13. That very few people actually know what a thunderstorm/storm is, as if I see one more fluffy Cumulus called a storm I'll scream!

13. That there are a bunch of people who are friendly, helpful and want to learn or share knowledge in photography, and given the bad things that have happened to me in the past year I am very grateful to be a member of this site.


old dog
04-08-2011, 11:05am
besides agreeing with what`s been said by most......

being able to have fun and displaying ones sick sense of humour....and some even having a laugh over it.

spending valuable time in a very valuable area....photography in general and being on here.

So thanks from me to all who have helped me along the path.

04-08-2011, 12:52pm
A few that I forgot:
14. That Kym one day will get confused enough he will moderate his moderation such that he has no idea what he was saying.

15. That Arthurking will one day enter a discussion where even he doesn't have to explain how the camera gear works.

16. That one day, inadvertedly Ving will give himself credit. And he will be mighty displeased.

17. That one day, I might actually remember to enter a competition.

18. That two heads is an advantage when running a forum.

19. That I don't have the only username starting with X , and that unfortunately John has been here longer than I have :P.

20. That making lists like this really really really

Annoys People :P. :th3: