View Full Version : Anyone stripped down a Manfrotto Tripod ?

31-07-2011, 7:14pm
I'm in the process of going the 'el cheapo' route for some tripod leg warmers, actually not so much leg warmers, more a softer feel on the shoulder when toting the 'pod' through the scrub.

Been to Bummings and got some appropriately sized black foam sleeves and some wrap tape on fleabay.

All good 'till I had a close look at the 055CXPRO3 tripod and the bits I needed to unscrew to slide the foam onto. I was presented with a series of tamper resistant screws and I guess I equate them with a Microsoft box that asks " Are you sure you want to perform this action". Generally the answer is a resounding "NO".

OK, back to Bummings for a Torx T25 driver (sheesh, maybe I should have just bought the 'frotto wraps).

Yes, I do have a question. Does anyone have any experience with these tamper proof screws, and is there anything I should be aware of before I put driver to screw?

31-07-2011, 11:43pm
Torx, yes. On a Manfrotto Tripod, no.
Only thing you have to be careful of with Torx is make sure the driver is properly located in the screw head. I find a little downward pressure on the driver as you unscrew makes it more secure.

01-08-2011, 9:22am
Thanks Peter, useful reminder.

I guess my concern was that the tamper proof screw was really a warning not to go there. It's actually on the brackets that the lower leg sections slide into.

And unfortunately nothing helpful on the Manfrotto website either.



01-08-2011, 2:37pm
All done but Murphy was lurking. Undid the first screw and the assembly dropped off, the nut never to be seen again.

Just as well I had a replacement.