View Full Version : A better way to organise picture has taken - to achieve better speed on Post Process

29-07-2011, 8:24am
*disclaimer: I am (and my another friend) doing this for a friend for free - the couples has already done their formal wedding photo session thru a professional. So they just need 2 x clowns to help them "documentary" their reception.

It's been my dream to be an assistance of some REAL photographer and do a full day wedding session - right from the bride make up -> the end of receiption....

Except the couple decided to put me behind the view finder instead!!!

I have expressed my concern about I might not meet their expectation. But they told me they have done their formal photo session thru a professional studio, so we (me and my another friend - who happen to have a style of his photos pretty much have everything .6 stop over exp.) can screw up all we want, they just need someone to photo document the day.

So I said "Ok then".

I am confident enough to say I am able to produce some usable works for them - finger cross on "more than some" :) But I have the following problem.

It's a full day event! From 7:30am all the wait till to the moon shine and more! It's going to be A LOTS of photos taken! I take pride of my work and I don't want to just do a shoot and burn, hand over the CD with all the pics in there and forget about it. I want to be able to do some degree of post process. But I am not going to spend the entire Sunday in front of the computer to do pp - want to spend sometime with my family too!

So my question: with the In-Camera setting (or anything I am not aware of), how can I organise my files better, so it will help me to batch PP my files better?

I am hoping someone with experience or "in the know" can give me some advise. And ANY opinion and suggestion provided would be highly regard and apperciated.

(The following a just some supplementary info. - don't think it is related to my question much, but I just throw it out there)

I will be using the following:

Canon 1DMkIII (which I know it has in-camera setting to help organise file but I need to look up!)
70-200 IS MkII would be my main lens
24-70 I will bring it along with me for group shot or whenever it need the wide side
50 f/1.4 - for that occasional low light moment.

I also have a ST-2E, 580EXII, 430EXII and a 320EX for my disposal. I got a new softbox now (yay!) And I also have a L358 light meter. Oh, and also a tripod (just in case)

Going to sell my 500D tonight so no second body.

The photo editing software I am going to use is Light Room 3. Which is something I am confident to use and I can do batch process with this software quite well.

29-07-2011, 8:55am
Lightroom allows batch processing easily, even on import. Your last line is that you are confident using it and doing batch processing with this software. So I am not sure exactly what you are asking here. I am not convinced in-camera settings for organising files is going to offer you anything that Lightroom cannot, and Lightroom can generally do it better.

So take the photos, import to lightroom (customising your import settings) and then use the batch facility, and if you want to even easier, look on the net for some free Lightroom presets, to install and use in the batch process.

29-07-2011, 9:20am
Thanks Rick.

I don't know there are Lightroom presets. Google it now :)