View Full Version : Anyone Using a Canon G 12 ?

fairy bombs
27-07-2011, 6:25pm

I have just won a major Photography award,and was very pleased-its a honour to win a 'Dr David Malin Award',I was unaware there was a prize attachment to this award,but have just found out-I have won a Canon G 12 camera.

I do not know anything about this model,I have a Canon Power Shot 530,will I notice much difference in the images? I see the G 12 can take external flashes-would my EX 430 I use on my DSLR work on it.

Also-would the video quality be like and sound.Thank for any feed back on what this camera is like.

27-07-2011, 6:34pm
Which was your image ??

The G12 - you will notice a huge difference in image quality compared to a PS530.
The video is just a gimick, in my opinion, it is not a video camera, it is a still camera with video function, no external mike.
Yes your 430 will work with the G12, a bit top heavy though, the 270 EX makes a perfect partner for the G12

fairy bombs
27-07-2011, 7:02pm
"Time is of the Essence" (plane passing the moon)-Solar system winner.

Thanks for info,not sure weather to keep it,or sell it,I really do not use PS much at all.

Might sell it and put funds towards a Canon 600D.


27-07-2011, 7:49pm
Congratulation on your win. Must be a nice feeling to win a major photography award.
Info on the G12 here. http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/digital_cameras/powershot_g12