View Full Version : HELP......sharing photo's

27-07-2011, 11:39am

I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but here goes.........

I have been doing photo's for friends and family and have been posting them on my personal facebook page for them to view. Now i have friends of friends wanting photo's taking. I would like them to see my work before I do their photo's Just so they know what the are in for, but i dont want them to look at my personal FB page.
What can i do so these people can view my photo's?????? Do I make another facebook page just for my photo's??? or is there other free sites i can use???

also because i now have friends of friends wanting photo's done and are willing to pay me for it do i have to start a business???? i'm just happy doing it as a hobby at the mo.

27-07-2011, 12:22pm
Open a photobucket account and you can set passwords to albums etc, so then only the people with the password can access them

27-07-2011, 12:41pm
Yes, what Rick says. Also, I use pbase.com - you can password protect albums there too, although it's not free (cheap though).