View Full Version : Three unrelated questions.

25-07-2011, 4:16pm
Hi all,

Does anyone know if it's possible to download a whole thread here? I'd like to distill all the comments in the "I remember" thread - they're classics and reminded me of so much. Otherwise I'd just have to cut and paste which would be laborious.

Secondly, what would be the best on-line site to make a member's only area for my "real world" club members to share photos and chat (not real chat - just posting messages). Would that be Flkr or something like that? We don't really get a lot of time to just share our photos and talk non-competition stuff.

Thirdly .... I seem to remember a little while back there was a "competition" for members to win something or other based on their participation in forums. I don't remember seeing the results - was there a thread somewhere? Did we have a winner?

25-07-2011, 5:56pm
In the thread. click thread tools and view printable version, then copy it and paste into Word etc.

Photobucket lets you create password accessible albums, so you could do that and only provide the password(s) to those that you wanted to access them

The competition was related to "best critique" and the winner was announced. The comp was in May, and the winners announced about 3rd June or so, Check Site Matters for the winners threads

Mark L
25-07-2011, 6:44pm
Q 1-:confused013
Q 2-:confused013:confused013
Q 3- http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?85313-MAY-MADNESS-Best-Critique-WINNER

26-07-2011, 9:47am
Have copied and pasted the following from the flickr site:

There are 3 types of groups on Flickr: Public, Public (invitation only), and Private. You should take a look at our Group Guidelines or the Group FAQ to find out how to run a successful group, because you will be the group's first administrator. Good luck, and have fun!

Hope that helps.

26-07-2011, 10:06am
Thanks Guys, I'll follow those leads up! :)

Must have missed all those special awards, so that's another piece of the jigsaw completed. (I'd never have noticed the bird thread - I hate shooting birds or flowers! :D )

If you missed the "I remember" thread and you're around my vintage, you'll love some of the memories.