View Full Version : Yee Bloody Haaa CADEL EVANS

24-07-2011, 12:11am
Hail our first Tour de France winner :th3:

24-07-2011, 12:20am
Evans is king!

24-07-2011, 12:44am
I was so emotional when I posted this message that I didn't say what I intended to.

Cadel Evans has just become an Australian sporting ICON. The Holy Grael of European Sport has been won by a kid from Katherine.

Up there with our win in the Americas Cup, Alan Border belting OZ over the line in the World Cup and other you beaut moments.

I am in awe of this achievement.

24-07-2011, 1:59am
Yep, this is special. Well done Cadel.

24-07-2011, 4:34am
Go Cadel!

24-07-2011, 5:36am
I'd say greatest individual sporting feat outside of the olympics ever possibly, definately in modern professional era, certainy best since cash won wimbledon.

24-07-2011, 6:27am
Amazing also in that Cadel was a mountain biker first, and only swapped to road racing after the 2000 olympics. Many of his competitors will have been road race specialists sine their teenage years.


24-07-2011, 6:52am
To pick up 57 seconds in the last competitive stage was awesome - it was the ride of his life - also his best discipline!!! :th3:


He won by 1:34 - so he gained 2:31 overall!

1. Cadel Evans (AUS/BMC) 83h45min 20sec
2. Andy Schleck (LUX/LEO) at 1:34.
3. Frank Schleck (LUX/LEO) 2:30.
4. Thomas Voeckler (FRA/EUC) 3:20.
5. Alberto Contador (ESP/SAX) 3:57.
6. Samuel Sanchez (ESP/EUS) 4:55.
7. Damiano Cunego (ITA/LAM) 6:06.
8. Ivan Basso (ITA/LIQ) 7:23.
9. Tom Danielson (USA/GRM) 8:15.
10. Jean Christophe Peraud (FRA/ALM) 10:11.

24-07-2011, 6:56am
Must say the new doping regime helped, its was a level playing field this year! Go Cadel!

cam bicknell
24-07-2011, 7:16am
It was great to see him not suffer all the bad luck that has dogged previous attempts.
I kept waiting for a fall or a mechanical or an an earthquake or aliens landing or something to go wrong.
Awesome to see someones lifes work come to fruition.

Dylan & Marianne
24-07-2011, 8:04am
is it definitely a win? could someone set a really dodgy precedent and backstab him in the last stage?
let's hope inglorious history isn't made - hooray for cadel!

24-07-2011, 8:22am
is it definitely a win? could someone set a really dodgy precedent and backstab him in the last stage?
let's hope inglorious history isn't made - hooray for cadel!

Even if someone did, 1:30 is a huge margin on such flat stage. Also, the entire peloton would be acting as policeman to stop any serious breakaway (that was my role when I was cycling :)). Even with a mechanical, he's got time. It would need a catastrophic crash etc to lose from here.

24-07-2011, 8:23am
I can't see how anyone can compare any Olympic event to this. Run a marathon every day for 3 weeks then, maybe :)

24-07-2011, 8:29am
1) All of the above. [√]

Dylan & Marianne
24-07-2011, 8:42am
call me a pessimist lol - I'll really cheer later today :P
this is kind of on par with 1983 America's Cup isn't it?

24-07-2011, 8:50am
Hmmm ... Cadel Evans' name joins an illustrious list (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-1199923/THE-LIST-Australias-greatest-sporting-icons-Nos-10-1.html) for such a tiny country; Andrew "Boy" Charlton, Lionel Rose, Rod Laver, Don Bradman, Dawn Fraser ... the list is growing not only in length but in the magnitude of the achievements. :th3:

24-07-2011, 9:40am
I think in perspective anything like this is not so much the actual event or comparing the skills or how hard it is

If you stand on top of the world in any major sporting event for that moment, until the next time you are the best

I think special credit also must go to those that are first, eg first up everest, first to win all majors, first to win a grand slam, etc

Also special credit to those that extend their dominance over a period of time, eg 5 wimbledons in a row, stuff like that

So in thus context cadels win is great in Australian terms, but decidedly ordinary in world terms

24-07-2011, 10:03am
I think in perspective anything like this is not so much the actual event or comparing the skills or how hard it is

If you stand on top of the world in any major sporting event for that moment, until the next time you are the best

I think special credit also must go to those that are first, eg first up everest, first to win all majors, first to win a grand slam, etc

Also special credit to those that extend their dominance over a period of time, eg 5 wimbledons in a row, stuff like that

So in thus context cadels win is great in Australian terms, but decidedly ordinary in world terms

True, he has a long way to go before he is a patch on Lance Armstrong (who is, after all, from another country where cycling is a relatively minor sport)

24-07-2011, 10:08am
call me a pessimist lol - I'll really cheer later today :P
this is kind of on par with 1983 America's Cup isn't it?

I doubt that in a years it will be as remembered as 83 is almost 30 years later That was a national phenomenon, do you think Julia will get drunk and say there should be a national holiday ?

Who remembers pat cash in 1983 winning wimbledon

What about the last Australian to win a golf major ?

24-07-2011, 10:13am
So in thus context cadels win is great in Australian terms, but decidedly ordinary in world terms

True, unless you factor in how difficult it was to get there. Andrew "Boy" Charlton won two events in world record time while suffering the effects of rheumatic fever. Ian Thorpe's consistency may overshadow the wins, but not the struggle IMHO.

In the case of Evans, he has been consistently high in the rankings and finished second in the TdF on one occasion, not that I know much about the sport, so in my view he's "paid his dues". He may be no Lance Armstrong, yet, but there is still some debate as to whether Armstrong's efforts were drug assisted. Evans is a kid from Katherine. He didn't even have the advantage of growing up in Sydney's much stronger cycling culture early in his endeavours, or the millions poured into the sport in Europe and America. He has picked himself up from a disappointing defeat to take his performance to a new level through sheer determination. You've got to admire that, surely, no matter who you are or where you come from!

24-07-2011, 10:15am
I doubt that in a years it will be as remembered as 83 is almost 30 years later That was a national phenomenon, do you think Julia will get drunk and say there should be a national holiday ?

Who remembers pat cash in 1983 winning wimbledon

What about the last Australian to win a golf major ?

True that!

But, Cash wasn't the first nor was the golfer to which you're refering.

I think a great deal will be made of Cadel - but, not as big as Australia II.

We are a strange lot... For a supposedly egalitarian soceity, why is our 'greatest sporting moment' a bunch of super-rich guys doing a sport very few of us will ever have enough money to ever do?

I mean, at least the vast majority can afford to own a bike, a tennis raquet or a set of clubs...:lol:

24-07-2011, 10:16am
In the case of Evans, he has been consistently high in the rankings and finished second in the TdF on one occasion,


and I think it is unfair to point fingers at Lance without pointing, too, at the substantial evidence.

Other than that, I see your point...

but, I agree with Kiwi. It is very big - but not that big.

24-07-2011, 10:22am
We are a strange lot... For a supposedly egalitarian soceity, why is our 'greatest sporting moment' a bunch of super-rich guys doing a sport very few of us will ever have enough money to ever do?
Easy! Because it was the Yanks, it was their (ever changing) rules and at their own game! The achievement still gives me a great sense of pride, despite the fact it was done with Bond's money and maybe even some suggestion of "borrowed" technology in the winged keel. The louder someone crows about how good they are, the better we like it when they're cut down to size! It's the tall poppy syndrome, only in a good way! :lol:

24-07-2011, 10:23am
No doubt about that at all, great story

24-07-2011, 10:26am
Easy! Because it was the Yanks, it was their (ever changing) rules and at their own game! The achievement still gives me a great sense of pride, despite the fact it was done with Bond's money and maybe even some suggestion of "borrowed" technology in the winged keel. The louder someone crows about how good they are, the better we like it when they're cut down to size! It's the tall poppy syndrome, only in a good way! :lol:

And the Melbourne Cup :Doh:

Another sport we characterise as our national obsession... but only the uber-rich can actively participate in.

Aussies just don't root for the little battler. Or maybe we are lazy, and only support sports where WE don't have to actually do anything... :lol:

24-07-2011, 11:03am
I'm just looking forward to Cadel Day... Yippee, another public holiday

Pentax Pete
24-07-2011, 11:38am
No matter what one tries to compare it to it has been a magnificent effort, the way Cadel hit those mountains and dragged the other would bes with him and chased down Andy will remain in the memory bank for the rest of my days.

Enjoy the attached images, not for critque, taken from the telecast so not real sharp but I will treasure them.

24-07-2011, 11:41am
And the Melbourne Cup :Doh:

Another sport we characterise as our national obsession... but only the uber-rich can actively participate in.

Aussies just don't root for the little battler. Or maybe we are lazy, and only support sports where WE don't have to actually do anything... :lol:
Nah! The Melbourne Cup is our chance to win something ... anything ... no matter how low we are on the totem pole. Even winning a $2 sweep is a big thing. There are plenty of horse races that most battlers don't pay any attention to. It's the thought that anything can happen, any roughie can win, that keeps the Cup at the top of the tree. Or don't you consider betting "actively participating" (sic)? :confused013

24-07-2011, 12:49pm
Pentax Pete, photos removed. Photos of a telecast are a copyright breach. The telecasters own the rights to all images they broadcast. Do not put photos like this on AP again

Pentax Pete
24-07-2011, 1:40pm

Please accept my apologies, after 3 weeks of very late nights/mornings following the great race I did not think very clearly regards the posting, will not happen again.

pentax Pete

24-07-2011, 3:31pm
No matter what one tries to compare it to it has been a magnificent effort, the way Cadel hit those mountains and dragged the other would bes with him and chased down Andy will remain in the memory bank for the rest of my days.

Enjoy the attached images, not for critque, taken from the telecast so not real sharp but I will treasure them.

Yes, I know from experience on much, much, much smaller mountain climbs the co-operation of the group is vital to get you up a climb - to lead the entire way (without even looking over his shoulder) was a very special act of pain defying sporting courage.

And to see names like Schlek, Basso, Sanchez and even Contador either cracking or fading on the Galibier makes Evans' effort to drag their backsides up with him that much more special.

Last Monday of July should be gazzetted 'Evans' Day.':lol:

24-07-2011, 9:50pm
95 kms to go

Paul G
24-07-2011, 11:06pm
Simply brilliant. Cadel is one of the gutsiest guys going around. Well done to him and so richly deserved.

Oh and Kiwi I think the answer to one of your questions might be Geoff Ogilvy ;).

25-07-2011, 12:30am
It's official! Cadel has won!!!!:party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6::party6:

Paul G
25-07-2011, 1:21am
Good onya Cadel :th3::th3::th3:

Nice rendition of the national anthem from Tina Arena too!

I'm with you Scotty. Time to get used to going to bed before 3am again.

25-07-2011, 3:28am
Cadel is now officially a legend. Superb effort from him and his team and supporters, for a very well deserved victory.

25-07-2011, 12:34pm
So glad he won, he wanted it more than anyone else there. after almost every stage he was crying in the interview afterwards, this is the last thing he wanted.
for an Australian to win it, it would be like someone from Europe winning the brownlow medal. well done Cadel :party6:

old dog
25-07-2011, 12:49pm
good on him I say. he`s done the hard yards....and he`s not in a team....even better for him.

25-07-2011, 1:16pm
for an Australian to win it, it would be like someone from Europe winning the brownlow medal. well done Cadel :party6:

Hmmm ... that would be the one and only Jim Stynes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Stynes) ? :D

Onya Cadel!!! Woo Hoo!!!

25-07-2011, 2:30pm
Armidale is really celebrating "Evans Day". It must be partly to do with our crisp Mountain air during his formative years in Armidale....

Congratulations to him on a truely gutsy performance.


Chris Michel
25-07-2011, 10:11pm
It was an amazing effort and hear the aussie anthem song in the tv coverage was great as well. I amazed at some of the pics that have come out of the race. Our local paper here (The Northern Star) has put together a terrific picture gallery from the tour using pics from several of the big agencies. (http://www.northernstar.com.au/photos/galleries/tour-de-france-winner-cadel-evans/#num=1&id=tour-de-france-winner-cadel-evans and http://www.northernstar.com.au/photos/galleries/tour-de-france-2011/#num=1&id=tour-de-france-2011) but the pic of Cadel holding his bike aloft underneath the Arc de Triomphe is gold. Who would have thought after the last few years of hardships and crashes he could trump the lot of them.... G O L D all the way.

P.S. the wife is happy now that its over as i will be able to goto bed and a normal hour..

PSS. so who is tempted to start up cycling and start the waxing as well... not me..

Viva Le Cadel