View Full Version : My daughter has written a book about Epilepsy.

18-07-2011, 12:55pm
I'm very proud of our daughter she has written and illustrated a children’s story about epilepsy inspired by our grandson Aiden who was diagnosed with the condition at 9 months of age.
The story is about Aiden who is the lion, his brother and their friends play the part of other animals.
The story tells how young children are treated by other kids that don't understand when they see another kid that has a defect. (for want of a better word)
If you are interested in purchasing the book or learning more check out the website "http://thelionssecret.wordpress.com/" $2 from each book sold will be donated to Epilepsy Queensland to help raise awareness and education for people living with epilepsy.
She has orders from all over the world.

18-07-2011, 1:03pm
cool! :cool:
you must be proud. :th3:

I'll pass the link on to the collection development librarian here at work to see if we can get it in our collection. :D

18-07-2011, 3:36pm
Many thanks David much appreciated

19-07-2011, 1:10pm
Made the front page of our local paper.


19-07-2011, 2:13pm
When I was growing up, my best friend was epliptic, it's a scarry thing to see. Fantastic that your daughter is spreading understanding.

19-07-2011, 2:22pm
As an epileptic, I say thank you!! :) I've grown up with it, my mum has it, as does my Aunt, and 3 of my cousins. It runs in our family ( even though they say it's not at all hereditary) Your daughter has done a wonderful thing, it's hard growing up with epilepsy, people aren't weren't so understanding when I was growing up. I think there's more acceptance of it now, which is great, and people like you're daughter are doing a great job of lessening the stigma that goes along with it. I think she's earned a BIG pat on the back, I'll be buying a copy! I'll be sure to pass the link along too xo

19-07-2011, 4:01pm
My son now 24 was diagnosed with Myoclonic, drop attacks and petit mal epilepsy's when he was about 9 mths old. I can fully understand you been so proud of your daughter and I am sure the sales will go well. thanks for sharing with us

20-07-2011, 11:26am
Sent the link to the wife (she has epilespy) 2 mins later she sends me an invoice to pay for it.
it will be for our little one to read and understand for the future (he is only 2 1/2 ATM)

Every little bit helps in creating understanding.

20-07-2011, 12:08pm
well done
hows things going up there
i would not hop in a chopper down here today
it is very windy
i had epilepsy as a kid caused through menninggitis
but i have noy had a fit since i was twelve
a few do grow out of it
all the best paul and michelle

20-07-2011, 2:39pm
well done
hows things going up there
i would not hop in a chopper down here today
it is very windy
i had epilepsy as a kid caused through menninggitis
but i have noy had a fit since i was twelve
a few do grow out of it
all the best paul and michelle

Hey mate yip all is good, i bet Michelle would go up today you sook, she has nerves of steel, i mean jelly:D

20-07-2011, 2:53pm
A very well done to your daughter. Our Granddaughter has RETS (a form of autism) so I understand the needs for more awareness and this is a wonderful thing your daughter has done. You should be very proud as so should your daughter.