View Full Version : Upgrade to Canon or Stick with Pentax

12-07-2011, 4:45pm
HI All,

I currently operate a Pentax K200D and am considering upgrading to the Pentax K5. I currently have 3 good quality lenses, a 50mm 1.4 prime, 10-20mm wide angle and a 24-70mm 2.8 all sigma brand.

The question I have is do I upgrade to the K5 or should I sell up and switch to Canon. The model Canon I would buy is the 7D.

I am not a professional, just an enthusiast and would greatly appreciate any advice from both Canon and Pentax users.

Kind regards,

12-07-2011, 5:05pm
1: Are you a bird photographer? IF YES - Canon is easily the best choice, Nikon the only other really practical option. Goto 6.

2: Do you want to do extreme macro photography? IF YES - I think Canon is the only choice but someone may correct me if there is a suitable lens available in other mounts. Goto 6.

3: Do you plan to do serious sport photography beyond the "just a hobby" level? IF YES - Canon and Nikon are the only games in town. Goto 6.

4: Do you want to get into architecture, food, or product photography in a way that will require a tilt-shft lens? IF YES - Canon or Nikon. Goto 6.

5: Did you say "no" to questions 1, 2, 3, and 4? IF YES - you can switch brands if you want to, but Pentax will do you very well, so what would be the point?

6 Now that your decision is clear, stop worrying and take some pictures! :)

Lance B
12-07-2011, 5:16pm
I agree with, Tony (Tannin).

If you do stick with Pentax, the K-5 is a superb camera and Pentax has some of the best lenses available. The K-5 is compact, and beautifully built and the IQ is amongst the best for APS C cameras. I used to shoot Pentax but now shoot Nikon and the only reason I switched was due to the fact that I said yes to some of the questions outlined in Tony's little questionnaire and I wanted a FF camera.

12-07-2011, 5:54pm
Welcome to the site.

Do you also have a external flash?

Tony is biased :rolleyes:

I @ M
12-07-2011, 6:05pm
Stick with Pentax, then if you really need a sideways transition, invest HEAVILY in Nikon. If however you want to migrate backwards, then buy a Canon. :D

Confused yet?


Stick around a bit longer then and buy hair dye to survive the constant "seemingly correct" advice. :rolleyes:

12-07-2011, 6:53pm
K-5 vs 7D

12-07-2011, 6:55pm
Stick with the K-5, unless you have a specific reason for wanting a Canikon like MASSIVE fast glass (even then, Sigma are releasing more options now) or tilt shift etc, then there's no reason to give up the good thing you've got going.

12-07-2011, 7:02pm
K-5 vs 7D

Err ... Kym ... no-one takes DXO seriously, you know. These are the same turkeys who said the D200 has less high-ISO noise than a 5D! But hey - Why do things by halves? If you are going to be wrong, why not be wildly wrong?

(DXO, I mean, not you.)

I agree with Tony.

And when Lance and I agree on something, the best thing you can do is take your life savings and bet the whole lot.

12-07-2011, 8:18pm
Thanks for all your replies, you've all confirmed what I was thinking anyway...stick with the Pentax, I love my lenses and am familiar with the brand, no real reason to change. Thanks also for the funny comments!:D

Time to go shopping and then more photographing, yay!

12-07-2011, 8:29pm
Hey - off topic a bit, I know, but sort of relevant to this thread - what is the story with Pentax flash? People used to say that Pentax flash was the poor relation and that Canon was a lot better and Nikon better still. But that was quite a while ago. I don't often hear people suggesting that there is much difference between the current Nikon and Canon flash systems nowadays, and I think I vaguely heard somewhere that the Pentax ones are good too now. Anyone have a view?

12-07-2011, 9:06pm
A couple of flash options... Pentax AF540FGZ which is quite good, and the new Sigma EF-610 DG Super (P-TTL) which has better specs, newer and cheaper.

They both have lots of options, power levels, high speed and wireless.

JM Tran
12-07-2011, 9:15pm
I don't often hear people suggesting that there is much difference between the current Nikon and Canon flash systems nowadays, and I think I vaguely heard somewhere that the Pentax ones are good too now. Anyone have a view?

Nikon flash system rocks for both TTL accuracy and wireless control, Canon is ok but Im still not as happy with it as it should be, Pentax flashes - both the AF540 and AF360 - esp the latter - sucks for TTL accuracy sometimes and nowhere near on par with the 2 bigger brands. If I were to use flashes for Pentax I'd buy the Metz 58, or the latest Sigma.

13-07-2011, 4:51pm
I use some old Nikon sb28's on camera and off in manual.........on my Pentax.......love em all....

26-07-2011, 8:15pm
Good on you Jane I use the Pentax K200D and have no problems.
I have been around the world more than once and often get comments about how easy the pentax brand is to use.
Love those Signa lens:th3: