View Full Version : Anything similar to the Nikon D3?

12-07-2011, 12:48pm
Having just been to the Medieval Tournament and being struck with a serious case of camera-envy, the last thing I needed was for someone to come to my work today sporting a Nikon D3. :love0: I saw a couple of people with cameras that were this kind of shape (square'ish rather than rectangular) at the Tournament and I really like the way they look.

After googling the D3, I've accepted that there is no way I can justify spending 4k+ on something that I just don't have the talent / expertise to use. I have a perfectly fine Canon 350D, but it's getting on now and as I said before, I'm suffering terribly with camera-envy. I definitely need to learn and practice more before I get something new, but I'd like to have something to think about.

So, what would you recommend in the way of this more square body shape? Can you get something like that for less money? Preferably Canon, since what I save using the lenses I already have, I can spend on different ones.

I don't have dreams of becoming pro, but I'd definitely like to "grow up" photographically.

I @ M
12-07-2011, 12:56pm
Bolt a battery grip onto your 350D, instant squareness. :D

Is this (http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xi0DUf0W2nM/Tc15I2WVmuI/AAAAAAAAA8A/Agj9PEH5hUk/s1600/bazka-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://cameradigitalsony9.blogspot.com/2011/05/camera-digital.html&h=768&w=1024&sz=85&tbnid=A-Z1ROkkpng4_M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=120&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcanon%2B350d%2Bbattery%2Bgrip%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=canon+350d+battery+grip&usg=__weM5til-ce0Mcf-wxWiRgON-jz4=&sa=X&ei=D8YbTv3sE4PCsAPw4qG0BQ&ved=0CG8Q9QEwCQ&dur=2825) square enough for you?

12-07-2011, 1:03pm
Is this (http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xi0DUf0W2nM/Tc15I2WVmuI/AAAAAAAAA8A/Agj9PEH5hUk/s1600/bazka-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://cameradigitalsony9.blogspot.com/2011/05/camera-digital.html&h=768&w=1024&sz=85&tbnid=A-Z1ROkkpng4_M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=120&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcanon%2B350d%2Bbattery%2Bgrip%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=canon+350d+battery+grip&usg=__weM5til-ce0Mcf-wxWiRgON-jz4=&sa=X&ei=D8YbTv3sE4PCsAPw4qG0BQ&ved=0CG8Q9QEwCQ&dur=2825) square enough for you?

Haha yes that looks awesome! Do you think a Canon 350D is a decent enough camera? I feel deep down that I'm just reaching for excuses for my not-so-great work, when really it's probably just lack of practice. However, I want to be sure that I'm not trying to learn on something that isn't that great.

I @ M
12-07-2011, 1:10pm
The 350D is one model Canon body that always impressed me with a very good balance of controls, price and image quality. Combine it with a lens a bit better than the standard kit offerings and you have a very competent camera that has the potential to provide you with excellent images whilst in the learning stages.
I think I can confidently say that it isn't the camera at fault with any images that you are getting. :)

12-07-2011, 1:31pm
The 350D is one model Canon body that always impressed me with a very good balance of controls, price and image quality. Combine it with a lens a bit better than the standard kit offerings and you have a very competent camera that has the potential to provide you with excellent images whilst in the learning stages.
I think I can confidently say that it isn't the camera at fault with any images that you are getting. :)

Thanks so much! Could you please give me a few suggestions for better lenses? :banana:

12-07-2011, 2:12pm
I dont think better lenses will help you necessarily either :)

12-07-2011, 6:16pm
I dont think better lenses will help you necessarily either :)


12-07-2011, 6:31pm
I think all the gear you have can deliver very good results, perhaps not "pro" image quality but easily outweighed by knowledge if composition, exposure and light when youre still really new

12-07-2011, 7:03pm
I think all the gear you have can deliver very good results, perhaps not "pro" image quality but easily outweighed by knowledge if composition, exposure and light when youre still really new

Where can I buy some of those?


Seriously though, do you think one can "learn" composition? I sometimes wonder if I'm just not imaginative or artistic enough to be a good photographer.

12-07-2011, 7:12pm
Yes, you can learn by imitation, but then learn to break the rules too, experience will help, and. Mean lots of practice.

12-07-2011, 7:36pm
I worry that by just going out and snapping around, doing my thing, I'm just practicing and reinforcing bad photography. I don't really know how to improve since I think I could be over critical of my work and other people don't want to hurt my feelings. I appreciate that I can post things here for CC, but there are only so many threads I can start before people are going to start getting annoyed.

12-07-2011, 7:39pm
Post here, learn from it, go and try again, post here, learn from it

It will take 6 months and then the light will stay on.


14-07-2011, 6:42am
Thanks a bunch everyone! This is a quote from another of my threads, but it's very true here...

...photographers with less experience always think that more equipment they have will make them a better photographer....my cameras and lenses have never left at dawn to shoot a sunrise while I stay in bed.....it's you the photography that will make the images. An experienced or should I say a talented photographer can make great images from any camera/lens. Use what you have and enjoy the day photographing as best you can and when you have mastered what you already own then think of upgrading, Not the other way round!

I've long had a strong suspicion that this might be my problem. Instead of accepting that I don't just have "it" and that I need to actually learn and practice, I reach for excuses. I've only been a member of this forum for a very short time, but the ability to ask questions that have plagued me and receive really honest answers is absolutely invaluable. I don't know any other "real" photographers in my area and those people close to me are "ear ticklers" ie they say what they think you want to hear, rather than telling you the truth. I'm a harsh critic of my own work and I have sometimes wondered if that lack of middle ground keeps me from progressing.

At any rate, this forum is fantastic and I thank the google god for revealing it. Like anything, especially photography, tools are only as good as what you can make out of them and I intend to try very hard to find a place here.

Thank you so much to everyone who has offered me advice, and an extra thank you for your honesty. Coddling never got anyone anywhere. ;) :th3: