View Full Version : looking for advice, tips or a possible smack around the ear......a 'glamor' shoot

09-07-2011, 9:39am
Yeah I put my hand up....:eek:......I actually volunteered to take some photos for the ladies league tag team. They are doing a footballers can be sexy and feminine thing.......vote for MIss Magpie....:rolleyes: Good idea to take some photos while they have their lippy on :) They will be in evening dress as well :)
I have 3 takers so far.

The good......is they are young, gorgeous and confident....
the bad.... is I am not :)
the ugly..... is incorporate a football theme....:crike:

So the theory is......next saturday arvo after they play.....( please dont anybody break anything )......hair and make up at 4pm...so ready to shoot about 4.30. They need to be done about 6pm.

I would like to shoot at the oval.....the oval will be in use :( They dont care :):)

I would also like to use the change room.....it will be full of footballers .....male :) I can see young blonde and beautiful, pensive.....sitting in middle of change room with OOF male legs behind her....I may be daydreaming tho :) Tho I do see this as sort of dark and grungy :)

I also see long shot of model walking up oval, long gown, trailing her footy boots over her shoulder ( I must be loony ) with goal posts OOF in front of her.

Could we use a goal post like a tasteful strippers pole? in public? Wait till the kids leave.....

So I have my old lights ( 3 ) that I could use in the change room....I have no idea what the lighting is like in there though I can imagine the smell.
I have 2 off camera flash I can use outside....and can dig up some stuff to use as reflectors.
So if anyone can offer advice, tips ..... anything at all I would be eternally grateful.


09-07-2011, 10:09am
The key to a happy and fulfilling experience is to manage their expectations. Have they seen your portfolio?

09-07-2011, 10:15am
Jan, setup a practice session with anyone as your model, i.e. get the lighting right.
Then think poses.
Last wedding I did (which I normally don't) Nel did all the posing and all I did was shoot. That worked well.

09-07-2011, 10:52am
ummmmm portflio? not unless they want to buy a house...lol I shoot lots of houses :) Think of this as portfolio building. At least it would be if I took it seriously :) I seriously want to make nice pictures for them........they are nice kids and are trying hard for the local community. I don't think they have any expectations other than " nice ".....but that doesn't mean I have no expectations of myself.
Good idea Kym! I have shot there before ( at the games ) so have a fair idea of whats around and the light direction. I haven't been into the changing rooms.....never really needed to before ! There is a nice old grandstand........and a dark dingy one that could be cool. Posing sort of worries me a bit but I have some ideas.....
I will go to training with them this week and see what ideas they may have....I hope we will have enough time.....
I have a couple of decent lenses but nothing super long. The longest being 50-150 2.8.....so that should be ok on the k5?

09-07-2011, 11:28am
Well Jan Good Luck.
The only advice I can give from my limited knowledge is; Find an interesting wall that would look reasonable when OOF.
Get the subjects to stand 8 -10 feet away from the wall, so with DOF the wall will be OOF.
Use your 2 off camera flashes either side of the subject at about 45 degree, and the hieght of their shoulders.
If you don't want the wall in the shot, use one of your other lights behind them (And out of picture) so there is light from behind.
Make up a practice setup at home, and use your other half as a test model. Just so that you may have some confidence on the day.
Also do some practice shots on the day to make sure all is good.

I could be all up the creek with this advice. So disregard if it is. :confused013


10-07-2011, 6:37am
Your advice sounds perfect Geoff thankyou............yep back to the confidence thing :(

10-07-2011, 6:43am
Thanks Jan.
I find the walls in footy sheds, specially the older ones have a lot of character with the wooden bench seats that have been oiled with sweat and blood.
I wish you all the best. And above all have a great time.

10-07-2011, 9:40am
Hey Jan - I was going to Eugowra next Sunday morning (parents) - but if you want i could lend a hand saturday afternoon and hang at the rents saturday night... if you wanted some help....

10-07-2011, 10:08am
Watch out for hands and knees and things that are too dominating in the composition. I see some glamour shots which (IMHO) are ruined by a hand or elbow or knee too much to the fore and dominating the frame. Just be aware of it when shooting and have a quick chimp at your results if in doubt.

Have fun!

10-07-2011, 12:52pm
You are half there i reckon, you have jotted down several concepts that you want to execute, this is very important I think, you also have a rough idea of the layout and what can be used (ie posts, change rooms etc). I think its very important to have the concepts laid out in your mind and when the time comes d not be afraid to mould and mix them on the day depending on the personailites and conditions.

Make sure you read up (if you have not already done so or know) on posing people, the best composed/lit picture can and will go out the window if teh pose sucks. remember the simple basics and expand from there.

with regard to your lighting - if it is just you, keep it simple since without an assistant to move stands around and hold reflectors its gonna be hard work - I personally would not rely on a specatator to hold light/refector/softbox.

The time of day is getting late and ligth will be falling away, however with a nice sunset this could work to your advantage - I guess get the outside images done first then go to sheds when its darker..

good luck

11-07-2011, 8:38am
In terms of posing, maybe look at sitting on the bench in evening dress with hem up to the knees to reveal footy socks and boots with a couple of there playing guernseys hanging on either side. Maybe another of them taking a mark using the composite image similar to what Mick did for his march calendar shot Mr March (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?79385-Mr-March-tales-a-Screamer!).

Keep coming up with your concepts before you get in there and then practice what you want to achieve so that you are confident when you go in.

11-07-2011, 3:55pm
Thanks guys! I have a list of what I want to do but think I will be pushing it time wise.......so best to keep it fairly simple I spose :) The weather man says 15 deg and chances of showers so I hope the sky looks good ..... Will meet the ladies at training and find out what they are wearing and what times they are available. They also might have ideas of what they want....I guess the strippers pole wont work if you want a photo for mum and dad :) Thanks for the offer Jeff but I may be making a mountain out of a molehill and it doesn't even come off lol........now that would be embarrassing!