View Full Version : Canon 1D Mark 2 N or Canon 50D? Mainly For Sports.

Old Skool
08-07-2011, 7:07pm
Has anyone used both the Canon 1D Mark 2 N and the Canon 50D. I have the 50D which I use for daylight sport pics, generally never more than ISO 800. I find it pretty good at 6 fps but the AF is not that exact getting sometimes 1 OOF shot in a burst series of 5 or 6 shots. Although the 50D is a newer camera with supposedly better lack of noise at high ISO and more Megapixels it has 9 AF points whereas reviews have the 1D Mark 2 N way better AF with 45 AF points and 8.5 fps. What are they like in real world usage? Is the 1D noisy at high ISO? Is the older 1D Mark 2 N 8Mp vs newer 50D 15 Mp too much of a down grade as I do tend to crop into my pics a bit? Will I find the smaller LCD and older menu system / controls an issue?
What do you reckon?

08-07-2011, 7:37pm
Whilst I haven't used either of the two you mentioned, I do have a 1D Mk II which is only different in buffer and some menu functions fron the Mk IIn. I also have a 40D which is not all that different to the 50D as they sold concurrently.

The images from the 1D Mk ii at high ISO are better than from the 40D and can be pushed further in post processing IMHO. The AF is chalk and cheese. At only 8 megapixels though, you don't want to be too far from the action. You'll still need to fill the frame to get large prints. The buttons on the MkIIn require you to hold down a combination to change things. This means no accidental changing of settings, which is a GOOD thing IMHO. Poxy dials on the consumer cameras get easily twisted around by accident when you're carrying more than one around on your shoulder.

I'd recommend the 1D.

09-07-2011, 8:43am
Oh, I forgot to mention that when converting RAW files from the 1D MkII that you'll need to push the sharpening up a bit. I often set the slider in ACR to 10o at 1.0 pixel radius. You'll know when you've gone too far by the black outline that appears. :eek:

09-07-2011, 12:00pm
Would a 7d be comparable to the MKII N

Old Skool
09-07-2011, 12:17pm
Was thinking about the 7D but wanting bang for my buck, the 7D is about twice the price of a 1D Mark2N at the moment. 7D is better at low light and more Mp, has similar fps as 1D but 19 AF points vs 45AF points on 1D. If I could stretch the money the 7D might be a better option?? Any thoughts on this?? Whos used a 1D Mark2 and a 7D for sports?

09-07-2011, 12:26pm
I used my 1DMkIIN extensively for shooting surfing and was very happy with it. Good file size, fast frame rate, and the buffer would hold between 16 & 19 shots. Use a nice fast card and you would be very happy with it. I don't think it is too noisy but that said I usually shoot at lower ISOs. I used to use the 100-400 lens (with monopod) and set the camera on Shutter priority @ 1/1600th and ISO 100 for sunlit surfing. I got good shots down to 1/800th though, if the light was a bit dimmer in the early morning. And it is a tough as a tank.

11-07-2011, 2:32pm
I would personally go for the 7d because of the AF and the fast frame rate and the other reason is that 50d is a discontinued model canon made tue decision last year. I own a 7d and a 5d mk2 I can tell you that the 7d is excellent for sports.