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07-07-2011, 9:19am
This Sunday will be 1st Anniversery joining AP, Funny I've just realised that we have an AP Meet at Fingal Headland on the 10th this Sunday, Guess where 1yr ago I met some guys and they told me about AP , At Fingal :th3:, Why is it that My birthday is on the 12th day , And so is my son and daughter on the 12th , The last three Houses I've lived at all have 13 in the Address, 13th Ave, Number13, Unit 13 , Just pondering , Weird Eh !!:eek: - Bill

Anybody else got some strange Coincidence's :)

07-07-2011, 9:27am
sounds to me that you joined AP as a belated birthday present to yourself :p

07-07-2011, 9:32am
:lol: Quite possibly David ;)

07-07-2011, 9:34am
oh carp! i mean early b/day present!:rolleyes:

07-07-2011, 9:35am
Just keep an eye on things Bill, if green slime starting coming out of anything call Ghost busters :) or maybe myth busters :lol:

07-07-2011, 9:40am
oh carp! i mean early b/day present!:rolleyes:

:D No worries David, I got what you meant :th3:

@ Mike, Quote : Just keep an eye on things Bill, if green slime starting coming out of anything call Ghost busters

I will :eek:

07-07-2011, 9:45am
:party6::party6:Birthday to you and yours:party6::party6:

07-07-2011, 9:59am
:o Thanks for the early birthday wishes, But what I meant was , The 12th day of the month, Mine 12th august, 12th Feb, 12th July ;)

07-07-2011, 10:04am
Weird! :D

Lance B
07-07-2011, 11:17am
Here's a coincidence.

Back in 2004, we went on a group holiday to Fiji, all 23 of us, 13 kids and 10 adults. Whilst being served at the foreign exchange counter at Sydney airport, I noticed a glamourpuss (I knew it was a celebrity but could't quite place whom it was and she was dolled up to the hilt) waiting to get served for foreign exchange. I said to her that the teller next to us was free and she said thank you and proceeded to that teller. We walked back to our group and I started to say that "I saw a glamourpuss over at the exchange counter but I coudn't remember whom it was" and before I finished what I was going to say, one of the younger members of our group said it was Catriona Rowntree and I said, "yes that's who it was!". Anyway, I didn't think any more of it until later on in the plane we saw a couple of the film crew on the plane seated near us as they had the Channel Nine Getaway shirts on, so we thought they must be doing a show in Fiji. We didn't think any more of it.

A few days later at the Hideaway resort on the Coral Coast of Fiji where we were staying, I noticed a couple of the film crew walking to their "bures" and mentioned it to the group that maybe some of them were staying there and so maybe Catriona was as well.

Later that day, we were all at the pool and at about 4pm everyone excpet me went back to their "bure" to get changed for happy hour and dinner as I had started to collect a few belongings that some had accidently left behind. Sitting on a pool chair there was an American woman and next to her what looked to be about 20 year old daughter sitting by the pool and the woman said, "I see that you've been left to clean up" I said, "yes" and we got to talking. The young woman said she was studying at Sydney Uni (why Sydney Uni I can't remember why) and also did some part time work for Getaway whilst studying, but as she had finished her studies her mother had come over to Australia to accompany her home and they were just in Fiji for a few days stopover. I said, "you've got to be kidding!!" I told her about us seeing Catriona Rowntree at the airport and also the crew on the plane and also here at the resort. She said she didn't know they were here as she had finished up with Getaway a few months back but we would both keep an eye put for them as she knows many of the crew and also Catriona.

Next day at the souvenir shop as we were buying the obligatory souvenirs for family, Catriona walks in to buy something and as we went to the cashier, so did she. I asked her if she was filming a show and she said yes, but I didn't want to annoy her too much and left it at that. Later, I saw the American girl and told her that I saw Catriona and she said, "Oh that's fantastic" and she would try to to seek her out.

Anyway, at about 3pm when 3 of my mates and I usually have a few beers and play "500" at the bar, we went to the bar and low and behold there was Catriona Rowntree and this American girl having a few drinks in the bar together at a table! The American girl saw us and beckoned us over and introduced us to Catriona and we sat down at the table next to them and played our game of 500. The cirl told me later that if I hadn't told her about the film crew and seeing Catriona, she more than likely would have missed them as she was leaving for the States the next morning.

The number of co-incidences here are quite extraordinary. Firstly, seeing the film crew on our plane (and therefore Catriona probably up in first class), then out of all the resorts in Fiji they actually came to Hideaway. Secondly, the fact that there was this American girl had worked at Getaway, knew the crew and Catriona and they just happended to be there at the same time that the girl was on her way home and she didn't even know that Catriona and the film crew were there doing a show!!! Also the fact that the American woman made a point of talking to me, of all people, which started the ball rolling so to speak, as if she hadn't, then this whole bizarre co-incidence may have not quite eventuated to the amount that it did as I wouldn't have had the opportunity to mention to them that I had seen the Getaway crew and Catriona. I still shake my head at the whole event and how it unravelled.

Duane Pipe
07-07-2011, 11:42am
13 Might just be your lucky number Bill:)
coincidences are a weird thing.
How many times have you gone to ring someone, you pick up the phone to dial and they are already on the line:eek:
That's happened to me a few times, I must have Telepathic powers:D

10-07-2011, 8:40pm